With Demon's Souls releasing on PS5 in just two months it's safe to say Elden Ring won't look nearly as good since it started development as a current gen title. We haven't seen anything of the game so far other than a short CG trailer more than a year ago. In my opinion they only have two options now which is either to release it early next year similarly like Dark Souls 2 or revise the entire project as a next-gen title. But since Elden Ring is From's 'biggest game to date' I don't see how a stark difference in graphic quality between Demon's Souls and Elden Ring would work. But on the other hand including current gen would mean much more sales and the game doesn't need to sell a system like Demon's Souls. But it also seems the longer they wait the weaker that argument becomes and the 15 months complete radio silence doesn't inspire much confidence. I can already see the Demons Souls/Elden Ring comparison videos. At this point I wouldn't even be that surprised if the project was silently cancelled.