What is TF2 like?

Feb 13, 2008
TheYellowCellPhone said:
I think it lasts until you leave, and they possibly go to different maps. I haven't had the patience to figure it out.
You get a choice of 3 maps, upto 20(?) bots, different levels of AI and achievements disabled.

They haven't worked out how to respond to the Polycount weapons yet, but they're still not too bad.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Have you ever gotten so drunk one night that you had sex with a goat, and then one day found out that you're now the parent of half-man half-goat kids? You look back with horror on that fateful night you got drunk, but you still love those little freaks of nature with all your heart.
That's what playing TF2 is like.


New member
May 19, 2010
yundex said:
I'm bored of wow and have done some reading. I hear that you get drops and stuff, that sounds pretty cool. Is there a place I can go or a guide I should read to get the basics down before playing? Is there a newbie mode or something? I don't want to be "that guy". Also, what do you DO in the game?
Don't know what you mean by drops, but really playing tf2 is simple. As with most games, the first hour or so consists of you figuring out what you are supposed to be doing. Here is my advice, to start off go with these few classes: Sniper, Pyro, Heavy, and Soldier
-The sniper is just like in every other FPS game, only it takes more than one shot to kill someone
-The pyro is easy to understand because all you do is run up to people and flame them up
-The heavy consists of unloading you minigun into everything that moves
-Finally the soldier gets a rocket launcher, its self-explanatory what you do with it
Good luck if you get the game
PS: dont worry about the community, almost all of them are not dicks and those who are you can just mute.

Forgot to add this, the real stuff you do is explained before each round. You are either moving a bomb, capturing bases, or capturing flags. Remember, it is team based. If you go loner, you will lose and die a lot.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Is steam down or something? I can't connect to it but I can't find a status page of any sort.


Dec 15, 2008
Legendsmith said:
AdmiralMemo said:
Heavy: Get a Medic buddy, period. Protect your Medic buddy, period. Failing that, try to get a Sandvich. Otherwise, just shoot anything the other color, and soak up damage like a sponge. Target Medics if you see them.
I disagree with this. A heavy does not need a medic. If you have the Gloves of Running and the Sandvich especially, you don't have to have a medic to survive. The trick is to know when to break off, retreat and find a healthpack or eat Sandvich.
Well, I mainly said that because, first, n00bs don't have Gloves of Running, and neither do I, so I have no clue what to tell about that. Second, I said to get a Sandvich if you can't get a Medic, and n00bs don't have Sandviches. It takes a while to get drops. I'll play for hours and get 1 drop. I don't have time to play 8 hours a day to get a bunch of drops per day. I've got better stuff to do with my time.
Legendsmith said:
AdmiralMemo said:
Medic: Be a Medic buddy. Find a Heavy and follow him, healing him always. Change targets occasionally when other players need healing and your buddy can breathe for a few seconds. Be careful, though. If the other team sees you healing your buddy, you become the prime target to take out first. Remember that you can heal your buddy from around corners, so you're not in the direct line of fire. If you can't find a Heavy, try finding a Soldier, Demoman, or maybe a Pyro. If you want to be an offensive Medic (not usually a good idea, but it can work), try being part of a Double-Medic team with Ubersaws.
This I disagree with greatly. Medics can heal things other than heavies. Soldiers make great medic patients, since they're the jack-of-all-trades class.
Pyros are great to uber, especially if they're carrying the normal Flamethrower and Axetinguisher. One of my highest scores as a medic was from having a Pyro patient for a round.

Demomen are good to use the kritzkreig on, as are Soldiers since their rockets or pipebombs become insta-kills to anything other than a Heavy. (Nothing like killing everyone on the payload cart on payload with 2 pipebombs).

As a Medic, since you're not shooting stuff, learn to look around. Be observant. Turn around often so you don't get back-stabbed by spies.
I didn't SAY you had to ONLY heal Heavies. I'm trying to give BEGINNER advice to a n00b. The Heavy-Medic combo is the most basic, which is why I'm giving it out to a beginner, but I also did give other options, if you noticed. There are plenty of other ways to do it, and you could even make Medic-Spy work if you tried hard enough.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
start off as a medic or engineer, so that you get a good feel for how people play.

dont worry about being that guy, if you dont talk you will be hailed as a saint (or at least the only one with some sort of verbal constraint)


New member
Mar 9, 2010
AdmiralMemo said:
Anyway, I don't have the GRU either, I just thought it would come in handy. And anyway, many strategies work fine with the default loadouts. I rarely use any soldier unlocks.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
I only started playing tf2 recently, and I would recommend just trying out various classes more or less at random until you find oune you like, and even though someone has probably already answered this, ther is a rather useful offline practice mode


Dec 15, 2008
Legendsmith said:
AdmiralMemo said:
Must I point this out?
Well, I use "newb" and "n00b" nearly interchangeably, and not typically in a derogatory sense. As for the second person, I wouldn't use "n00b" for that person. The terms "idiot," "moron," and "loser" come to mind, though.

On another point, I don't read CAD, so, I'm guessing you did have to point it out.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
archvile93 said:
Your personal attacks don't help your case.
My point stands. If you had played the game for six hours, as you claim to have, you would know what you were talking about.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
archvile93 said:
Your personal attacks don't help your case.
My point stands. If you had played the game for six hours, as you claim to have, you would know what you were talking about.
No it doesn't, as you have yet to provide a base for it to stand on. At any rate, I apoligize for not liking the game you so clearly idolize.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
archvile93 said:
Flying-Emu said:
archvile93 said:
Your personal attacks don't help your case.
My point stands. If you had played the game for six hours, as you claim to have, you would know what you were talking about.
No it doesn't, as you have yet to provide a base for it to stand on. At any rate, I apoligize for not liking the game you so clearly idolize.
1) You claim that the game is an overcomplicated game of rock paper scissors, as evidenced by your comment that the classes are all hard-countered by another class.

Rebuttal: Every class can beat any other class, as I said earlier. Some classes are more adept at defeating other classes, obviously, but there is no class that is absolutely 100% shut down by another class. For evidence, you can look to the hundreds upon thousands of reviews that state the exact same thing, as well as the tournaments that showcase this fact. Or you could play the game. Or talk to the people who have played the game for hundreds of hours.

2) You claim that, to be successful in the game, you must spend hours unlocking, or spend real money to obtain, special items.

Rebuttal: This is blatantly false. I have played Team Fortress 2 for 1500 hours, as I have mentioned before. Most of my weapons of choice are the default weapons that you start out with. But since I get the distinct feeling that you won't take anecdotal evidence, I'll once again point you to the professional circuit. For example, ETFL's Highlander challenge, which took place last month, had well over 70% of the players using, at most, one unlockable weapon. Soldiers tended to use the Equalizer, Medics tended to use the Ubersaw over the Bonesaw, and Heavies tended to use the Killing Gloves of Boxing.

3) I don't care if you like TF2 or not. I do, however, dislike it when people spread falsehoods about it. Everything that you have told the OP is false, and anyone who had played the game and actually gotten past the initial "wtf do i do" moments would know this.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
yundex said:
I couldn't resist and went into one of the tf2newb servers as a medic. I was ranked second on the scoreboard, but not sure if that's cause I was the only medic or I am just a quick learner. Can't wait to play more tomorrow :eek:
All that means is you did your job. Since you are a newb, you should be pretty damn proud.

Scoring for medics and engies is very kind. A good medic will earn points for healing certain amounts of HP and being connected to another player while they get a kill. An engie will get points just for teleporting teammates to the front line. Everyone else pretty much needs to get kills to rank up on the server. Don't worry too much about your score anyway, because it's only a loose gauge and not a direct correlation to your skill. Hell, you could play a spy that never gets any points, but if you manage to get the whole enemy team paranoid and looking for you, you still did your job because you kept the enemy team from doing theirs.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Flying-Emu said:
archvile93 said:
Flying-Emu said:
archvile93 said:
Your personal attacks don't help your case.
My point stands. If you had played the game for six hours, as you claim to have, you would know what you were talking about.
No it doesn't, as you have yet to provide a base for it to stand on. At any rate, I apoligize for not liking the game you so clearly idolize.
1) You claim that the game is an overcomplicated game of rock paper scissors, as evidenced by your comment that the classes are all hard-countered by another class.

Rebuttal: Every class can beat any other class, as I said earlier. Some classes are more adept at defeating other classes, obviously, but there is no class that is absolutely 100% shut down by another class. For evidence, you can look to the hundreds upon thousands of reviews that state the exact same thing, as well as the tournaments that showcase this fact. Or you could play the game. Or talk to the people who have played the game for hundreds of hours.

2) You claim that, to be successful in the game, you must spend hours unlocking, or spend real money to obtain, special items.

Rebuttal: This is blatantly false. I have played Team Fortress 2 for 1500 hours, as I have mentioned before. Most of my weapons of choice are the default weapons that you start out with. But since I get the distinct feeling that you won't take anecdotal evidence, I'll once again point you to the professional circuit. For example, ETFL's Highlander challenge, which took place last month, had well over 70% of the players using, at most, one unlockable weapon. Soldiers tended to use the Equalizer, Medics tended to use the Ubersaw over the Bonesaw, and Heavies tended to use the Killing Gloves of Boxing.

3) I don't care if you like TF2 or not. I do, however, dislike it when people spread falsehoods about it. Everything that you have told the OP is false, and anyone who had played the game and actually gotten past the initial "wtf do i do" moments would know this.
Finally you stop licking the game's balls long enough to make a valid, thought out argument. Regardless, I'll stop saying such things about the game when my experiences with it stop being like what I said. I doubt that will happen however since just as people stop punching themselves when they realize it hurts I will no longer spend any more time with the game.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
archvile93 said:
Finally you stop licking the game's balls long enough to make a valid, thought out argument. Regardless, I'll stop saying such things about the game when my experiences with it stop being like what I said. I doubt that will happen however since just as people stop punching themselves when they realize it hurts I will no longer spend any more time with the game.
At least you have the decency to make it clear you've lost the argument.


New member
Jan 5, 2010
FeralCentaur said:
It's like a cartoon mixed with FPS with a few RPG elements scrambled in. You should only play if you like comedy and First Person Shooters.
Also the community is pretty friendly and funny.

wammnebu said:
start off as a medic or engineer, so that you get a good feel for how people play.

dont worry about being that guy, if you dont talk you will be hailed as a saint (or at least the only one with some sort of verbal constraint)
Engineer is actually a bit complicated for a newbie because it requires you to know the maps inside and out for good sentry placement and ammo.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Lolikyon said:
archvile93 said:
Finally you stop licking the game's balls long enough to make a valid, thought out argument. Regardless, I'll stop saying such things about the game when my experiences with it stop being like what I said. I doubt that will happen however since just as people stop punching themselves when they realize it hurts I will no longer spend any more time with the game.
At least you have the decency to make it clear you've lost the argument.
No I'm not actually, I don't recall saying that. I still feel the game is shit, and until it shows me otherwise I will continue to think poorly of it based on the experiences I had with it.