What is the WORST, most dislikable personality trait a person can have?


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Not admitting that they are actually are wrong, and will try to explain why they are right... EVEN THOUGH they are 100% wrong... i got a friend like that... its so.. freaking anoying.


New member
Mar 4, 2013
People who lack humility are awful. Leads to almost every other problem I can think of because these people think they're better than everyone else so they're an exception and can do whatever they want, which usually translates to shitting all over everyone else.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Let's see...

People who are shitty to cyclists. Yea, it's because I can't AFFORD a car. You want to buy me one so I can commute by that rather than a complicated network of bike trails (Currently having to bike 23 miles to get to class due to my current living situation), then be my goddamn guest. Just pass me. You're not making any point by yelling at me, staying 2 feet behind me, and throwing your garbage at me, other than that you're an ass. Usually, the hostility of the jerk in question increases with how fat they are and how much gas their model of car uses. Wonder why.

Okay, that's just my soapbox rant for the day because I encountered one of those morons during my commute today.

Really, I think the worst people are pessimists. The ones who wallow in self-pity and want to drag everyone down with them, and they live in a constant state of anger at things they don't like. They're annoying and probably not healthy to be around.


New member
Jan 4, 2012
You know I finally found a name for what i hate it is called Belief perseverance. The tendency to cling to concepts or belief despite proof to the contrary. So yeah it is kind of willful ignorance + arrogance. I just recalled the perfect example my father screams at me for missing the recycling truck at 10 AM a time he is never home at I say i did not miss it it as it tend to come from 1-2 PM he state you missed it I know it and goes to work soon after. When he gets there are 3 empty recycling bins as there always is and this makes him angry yes the fact I did my job makes him angry. Why because he "knew" I missed that recycling truck for a "fact"and I just covered it up. It took my mom, brother and 6 neighbors (which is to say three households) until he would stop believing he was right. Even then his attitude was not I am sorry it was "Forget it fuck you I was wrong! fuck you fuck you fuck you!" yeah that is some bullshit.