What is truly wrong with gaming


New member
Oct 13, 2011
JohnnyDelRay said:
Since you asked what is truly wrong with gaming, well I'll go ahead and say some of the recent trends in what developers think they can make the consumers do. Having to be connected to a server to play a single player game, paying for content that is already on the disc (I miss the days of expansion packs), and the lack of LAN functionality are things that really get on my case.
You're completely right. Developers are so determined to stamp out piracy that they're taking these un-necessary routes to ensure their games don't get redistributed. I know that it's a big problem, but if I buy a game with outlandish DRM like Driver:San Fransisco that means i have to always be online... No, scratch that. I WOULDN'T buy it. the DRM alone would put me off. If I can't play the game I bought whenever I want, online or offline, I don't want it. Even in this day and age, not all of us have stable internet connections.

Also.. paying for pre-installed content. *sigh* unless it's a major mechanics add-on to the game, DLC should really be free, don't you think? It gives gamers a little more incentive to buy and keep playing a game if they know it'll get regular updates (Minecraft, TF2 Pre-f2p, Portal 2, and many more I'm sure).


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
thelonewolf266 said:
When you are trying to argue a point successfully it might be an idea to read over your post to make sure it makes sense and doesn't have lots of technical errors it means people are more likely to pay attention.
OT:Unlike what seems to be the majority of users of this site I don't believe gaming is dying or has massive problems I think its stronger than its ever been and I'm loving the stuff that's coming out.
I like what this guy said - it coincides with how I feel. Games today are awesome; who cares if a rather small (albeit vocal) minority of people feel it necessary to ***** or moan or whine about whatever. As far as I can tell, game publishers tend to do the intelligent thing and ignore these people, hence all the awesome games we have today.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
I says Permanent Death, We need it.

More games should have a more permanent form of dying for characters so players will actually fear Danger in any shape or form, instead of laughing at it.

Imagine all those times your data got wiped because of a bug, Weren't you afraid of that bug more so then any enemy in the game.

Gamers need this fear in their lives.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Scow2 said:
My biggest beef with the "Gaming Community" is that it considers itself anything similar to a community at all, with a worse case of Drama Llamas than the Furry Fandom. (Note how often these forums flip out over anything that they feel could be used as an attack on gamers or gaming in general)

I like Yahtzee's opinion on Gaming:

i think that only the title, of the link of the article, sums it all up !


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2009
itchcrotch said:
mass effect 1 was better...
THIS, OP I don't get your point of why people thinking ME1 is better

Orks da best said:
Fans is more thorny, but i shall say this, fans, stop being entitled brats who think because a game has changed its worse.
I don't think because it changed it's worse, I think it's worse because in my opinion it is worse. Just like in yours you think it is better, your opinion is not more valid.

If the squeal to a game couldn't be criticised as worse (because that's what's wrong with the industry, people saying that) then devs and publishers would totally phone it in. *remembers DA2* Oh wait, I mean phone it in more.

Grant Hobba

New member
Aug 30, 2010
easy, non gamers believe gaming is a waste of time because of
A: The aforementioned morons and so forth.
B: They do not understand it so they dislike it.
C: The majority being violent video games, and sometimes we are not the most sophisticated bunch when it comes to arguing innocence or harmlessness. ( In case some people don't know what arguing is, it is presenting an opinion backed with factual evidence... not screaming insults like a 3 year old )
And D: Most people just flat out can't get along. People fear what they don't understand, and if they don't like something, they will argue the point, or poorly structured insult paragraphs until they pass out from lack of oxygen.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Not really the most nuanced description of the "gaming community" or the real problems concerning the industry, but okay.


New member
Apr 30, 2010
Well, no offense but I couldn't read that whole post, it was too long and I'm no grammar nazi but, it was kind of bad, I've seen much, much worse though. I understand the point you're trying to make though.

I don't look at those who play games as a label like a gamer, we're all just people, some have issues, some don't, just because they act like a troll in CoD doesn't mean they're like that in real life. Me, I play games because they're something to waste my time since I gave up on tv, I play games between drawing and messing about in mspaint. I don't have any money myself to buy things I really enjoy like doing arts and crafts or origami, so gaming is just a separate thing in my life I don't take seriously. I often do gaming livestreams so I can hang out and chat with my friends, possibly play online with them during it, which is always fun too, but still, its not what I'm all about.

My mentality on the whole "gamer" thing is, you're not better than anyone because you call yourself a gamer, we're all equal, so just sit down, play your games and shut up about labels.


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Ok, you need to realize something pretty major here. It's not gamer thing. It's a people thing. Sports, Gaming, Religion, Business....etc, etc. It covers so many groups but the point is, go into any of those "factions" and you'll see there are respectable people and complete assholes. You will never be rid of all of them. It's just how things are.
Nov 27, 2010
Drikanyx said:
JohnnyDelRay said:
Since you asked what is truly wrong with gaming, well I'll go ahead and say some of the recent trends in what developers think they can make the consumers do. Having to be connected to a server to play a single player game, paying for content that is already on the disc (I miss the days of expansion packs), and the lack of LAN functionality are things that really get on my case.
You're completely right. Developers are so determined to stamp out piracy that they're taking these un-necessary routes to ensure their games don't get redistributed. I know that it's a big problem, but if I buy a game with outlandish DRM like Driver:San Fransisco that means i have to always be online... No, scratch that. I WOULDN'T buy it. the DRM alone would put me off. If I can't play the game I bought whenever I want, online or offline, I don't want it. Even in this day and age, not all of us have stable internet connections.

Also.. paying for pre-installed content. *sigh* unless it's a major mechanics add-on to the game, DLC should really be free, don't you think? It gives gamers a little more incentive to buy and keep playing a game if they know it'll get regular updates (Minecraft, TF2 Pre-f2p, Portal 2, and many more I'm sure).
Personally, I think it would be awesome if you could buy dlc with your gamer points or gamer score or whatever it is on whatever you play. I've never EVER cared about 100% completion, but if you could get dlc as a reward for earning trophies, awards and points I think it would be pretty cool. It won't happen, because the giant corporations hear the word 'dlc' and get giant dollar signs in their eyes and stop listening to anything you say, but it'd be cool.

p.s. I know that's not strictly true, and (imo) the expansion-pack style of dlc release as employed by oblivion is a pretty decent method (so they aren't abusing it solely for profit) but they aren't going to GIVE UP anything that's earning them money now are they?


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I can definitely agree with this. It just feels like a lot my fellow gamers seem to be causing more problems then solving them with the way they are acting.

Thankfully not every gamer is like this. And I'm happy about that.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Battlefield 3's section of ea uk has led me to think that they are the worst, most obnoxious, childish, and self entitled group of people I have ever seen.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Orks da best said:
So, I don't have the time currently to read your whole post, but you need to see this... when I saw your thread, my first reaction was this:

Me- "Oh, another one of these theads. Hey (I say to my friend I'm with), it's another person claiming they know what's wrong with gaming."

Friend- "You know what's wrong with gaming? The gamers!'

Me- "I know, ri... oh, shit, that's exactly what he said!"

True story.

So kudos to you, man.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Gamers need to complain so that devs dont fall asleep cause they thought they made a perfect game. Gamers need to hate and love beyond reason, so that the devs see that there are different tastes in gaming just like in food.

Even if i think that the world would be a much better place WITHOUT whiney assholes, they are essentially needed in order to put pressure on the devs to make better games...and more diverse games.

Devs in turn create too expensive games. This means that they have to cater to too many groups of gamers. Which in turn make the games bland.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I'm not saying your writing is bad, I'm just saying your post was an English teacher's nightmare. :)