What MMO have you had the most fun in?


New member
Feb 27, 2010
City of Heroes. I'm currently taking a break due to being not happy at all with the implementation of the 'Incarnate' endgame, but I've had a lot of fun with that game. No doubt I'll go back, since I'm just now starting to miss the Rogue Isles, and my 100+ alts...


New member
Nov 16, 2010
WOW. Though not for the gameplay. WOW is one of those game where you can meet really cool people that you stay friends with even after you stop playing the game, and this is what happened to me. Though me being a loot whore helped me like the game some what too.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
I loved City of Heroes/Villains. That game was just pure love to me.

Or perhaps Warhammer online. It did a lot of ground breaking things in it that i really liked. Designated PVP areas, open area raids, great class balancing. ((i mean, lets just get it in the open, a rouge should never be able to fight a warrior in a head to head fight and win))


New member
Feb 6, 2009
From what I've played, Atlantica Online and Dragon Raja are my picks, with Ragnarok Online as an honorable mention.


Atlantica only pisses me off with their equipment system, that requires you to be lucky to get the equipment you need and by that I mean you need luck to get a regular item. Not "+2497 something of something sword", you need luck to get the sword. By the way, you need luck also when you buy stuff from their online store, too. When you buy something, WITH CASH, you're actually buying A CHANCE to get what you want, not the item itself.



New member
Dec 29, 2009
stormcrow5 said:
just a simple question what MMO did you have the most fun with?
Personaly for me it would be Guild Wars, I still have yet to find something better for me
i tend to burn out with mmos. i remember having a lot of fun with vanilla wow, a long time ago. i have a question for you though. ive heard a lot of hype around guild wars 2. what exactly makes it different? i know there was no fee and im sure that was a part of it, but what else about guild wars set it apart from other mmos?


Professional Amateur
Jul 20, 2010
Cpu46 said:
Sigh, so many people say Vindictus, completely ignoring the other shining gem developed by DevCat and published by Nexon. Mabinogi!

Seriously: No set classes, tons of varied and awesome skills, completely impossible to hit a level cap, and balanced gameplay. It is overlooked way to often.
Mabinogi was a fun diversion for me while I was waiting for another game to come out, and I agree that it gets overlooked and deserves more praise.

For me, it's more about the people, so normally the games I can convince my friends are worth playing turn out to have the most staying power. But there are moments that I'll always look back upon fondly.

Sneaking into Guk as a level 10 rogue for my mask. Decorating my houses in SWG, spending countless hours getting everything just right. Playing WoW with a couple friends on an open PvP server. Finally being able to purchase and fly my battleship in Eve. Defending bases in Tabula Rasa. RPing in City of Heroes, as well as joining an amazing SG. Soloing my first rift.

The time we spend is never wasted if we make something of it, and I can look back at all my time in MMOs and say that I wouldn't have spent in any other way.


We are a rattlesnake
Dec 22, 2010
Everquest, absolutely Everquest. I remember my first couple years in Norrath, a decade ago now, better than I remember whatever I was playing last week.

The games since have mostly just taught me there are some things you never get twice.

Red Albatross

New member
Jun 11, 2009
A text-based game called Harper's Tale, based on the Dragonriders of Pern novels by Anne McCaffery. No combat, no dungeons, the entire point of it was just interacting and roleplaying with other people. It was AWESOME. I played another one based on the Dune universe, too, that was mostly the same. No flashy graphics, no loot, no monsters, just a whole lot of imagination.

In the modern era, I'm an EVE Online guy. Spaceships and spreadsheets, #$%^ yeah!


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
I loved Runescape when i was young, then i went into WoW, and my life and experience with other MMOs changed forever. Basically, i've never had as much fun in an MMO as i have with WoW, my only complaint in WoW is the lack of Battleground balancing and the Outlands, lvling 60-68 is probably the least fun you'd have in WoW just because the Outlands is the most ignored area by Blizzard in WoW.

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
The most fun I've ever had would be in Runescape for a few reasons
1. It's the only MMO I have ever played or really wanted to.
2. I was free so I never felt obligated to stay for my money's worth.
3. I managed to escape it and then look back on it as fun times and never wanted to go back for fear of ruining the fond memories of murder and pillaging with my friends.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
World of Warcraft is one of the MMO's I had most fun in,but it is one that I wasted a lot of years on along with nerves from doing arena(pvp)or raiding so it all balances out.

I haven't seen so much "drama" over little things in real life or any other game than in WoW.


New member
May 18, 2011
Fiesta. It's Quite fun even though there might not be much original stuff in it..I think I keep playing it for the art though.. Its has a TON of grind no matter what you're playing as. And that keeps putting me off of it for a while. The kingdom of loathing Is really good, if it counts.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I had the most fun in Eve Online. Five of us flying frigates in low sec destroying three battleships and a cruiser before the remaining two battleships managed to escape was just so much damn fun.


A Writer With Many Faces
Dec 25, 2008
I've only ever played two MMOs. One was RuneScape back when I was, like, twelve or something. Looking back on it - at least, my perceptions of it - I thought it got kinda boring after finishing all the F2P quests. Never applied for P2P.

The one I'm currently playing - I can't believe no-one's said this yet (EDIT: Ninja'd above) - is Kingdom of Loathing. It's a nice little browser-based game, drawn almost entirely in stick-figure art, second-person narrative and animated '.gif's. I joined in 2008 and been enjoying it ever since. Alternative content is given to players on a regular basis - some is in a cycle according to the in-game calendar year, and others coincide with real-world events like Independence Day - and believe me when I say there's a laugh for everyone. Pop-culture references by the truckload, entertaining quests... and meat is the currency instead of gold. Because hey, why does a giant spider carry around a few hundred dollars?

I'd recommend KoL to anyone who's looking for a change from the time-sinks that are other MMOs. You don't usually spend too much time on KoL at any one point, since you have limited time available per day. Other than that, awesome game.


New member
Nov 24, 2007
EVE online. Takes a lot of getting into at first, but the end game is just epic. In fact it's kinda spoiled other MMO's for me, without something on the line (your ship, your alliance, your territory), there's just no thrill.


New member
May 19, 2010
Everquest up to and including planes of power. After that it really started to become a really massive grind and the game was bleh.

Wushu Panda

New member
Jul 4, 2011
DarkShadow144 said:
WOW. Though not for the gameplay. WOW is one of those game where you can meet really cool people that you stay friends with even after you stop playing the game, and this is what happened to me. Though me being a loot whore helped me like the game some what too.
I have to agree here. WoW was fun to play, but my guild on Dark Iron is what kept me there for a long time. (now over a year clean, suck it Blizzard) I had a guild that liked to jump into content but kept a laid back approach so we weren't stressing out all the time and had fun.

However, game play wise, I'll have to go with Rift. WoW pretty much set the standard on what makes an MMO (over tne million subscriptions worldwide, you can't argue). But there was always something missing, that's why Blizz would be changing how the classes worked and raid battles played out. If you look closely, Blizz gradually degraded the game from a fun exploration of a fictional world into MMO for dummies.

Rift has a great combination of the best aspects you could want in an MMO. If i ever decided to get back into MMOs, Rift would probably be my choice.


Oct 6, 2009
Would have to say rift, the area events make it a whole lot more interesting, but, FFXI just had a very satisfying feel when you had a good party, it just worked so well when everyone did their jobs, it just isn't very user friendly.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Dark Age of Camelot was spectacular. I wish they'd do a graphically upgraded version and add a few things but leave it mostly alone. I'd play that game again in a heartbeat if my friends returned to it.

[edit] I should say that DragonRealms was really my favorite, but it's a MUD, so I didn't figure most people would be into that kind of thing.