What type of drunk are you?

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
I'm usually pretty happy, giddy and definitely more outspoken and talkative.

I've been told I'm very honest when I'm drunk too, sometimes a bit too honest.

If something upsets me when I'm drunk though, I tend to get REALLY upset.

My drink of choice is usually white wine, maybe with a bit of lemonade if it's cheap wine. That or Captain Morgan's and orange.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
I dont drink anymore and i never drank much.
When i drank i would become utterly chatty and given that there was noone to caht to (or noone liked me, ba-dzing) i woudl get very sleeping. Alcohol is a downer drug so that makes sense too.
Then again, im very chatty without being drunk.

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
I become more cheerful and ideological. Often I'll be getting close to saying things I wouldn't otherwise but I generally am composed enough to postpone it for when I'm of more sound mind. If I have dark rum (drink of choice) then I mostly get more awake. I can't sleep properly, it's great if I wanna wake up early. If I have beer then I get tired. I also can't really get buzzed off beer, my tolerance is ridiculously high.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Mostly I tend to get very happy and giggly and forget about silly little things such as fear (I have no problem hugging random strangers when I'm drunk, something which would normally scare the crap out of me) and consequence (broke my elbow on the dance floor last year due to a disregard of consequence...).

If I keep the amount I drink controlled, and drunk me is very good at hiding money from myself, then I pretty much turn into everyone's weirdly happy friend. If not then I go to obnoxiously happy, then obnoxious, then upset, then floor. That's not the kind of thing I like doing, and to be honest, I have no wish to get 'drunk drunk' just for the kicks. I like to be consciously enjoying my night.

Drink of choice: Bacardi or cider. Or whatever people happen to buy me.


Dec 3, 2010
Generally happy and social, but sometimes it gets fucked up due to some pills I have to take. Then my mood goes to depressive, extremely agressive and a bit suicidal. Most often I get stuck in the agressive mode and really feel like brutally murdering the first person I see.

I've quit taking that pill at least one day before I know I'll be out drinking, which helps, but you never know when there might be a party!

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Accidentally destroy my friend's bed and then profess love to girl I have no chance with drunk. Which is why I only get drunk on new years.


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I don't know what the technical term for it is, but when I'm at least tipsy, the distance between my brain and my mouth shortens significantly. My brother once described it as demolishing the entirety of Manhattan and replacing it with an autobahn.

I remember one time, during a study-abroad in France, I got drunk with some of my classmates (my roommate and two girls). One of the girls asked my roommate to take a picture of her sitting on the couch. He did, and then we all looked at it. I noticed and noted that given the lighting and how her jeans were sitting on her legs, one could Photoshop the picture to make it look like she had a massive erection.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
I'm a nonexistent drunk, because I don't get drunk. Alcoholism is pretty damn bad in my family, and I'd rather not be yet another member that has fallen down that rather deep rabbit hole. If I did get drunk though, I'm pretty sure I'd follow the family tradition of dispositions: friendly when tipsy, but very mean and belligerent when seriously drunk.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I drink anything and everything although preference runs towards beers and whiskeys (scotch and bourbon mainly) - generally my behavior doesn't change much - Many times I have been told "You were a bit quiet last night" to which my reply was "That was because I couldn't see...."... Yeah, I might have a problem :-D


Nov 11, 2011
Any alcohol makes me overly active and friendly.
i aslo tend to want to dance, sing and climb things.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Type of drunk I am now... Former. Enjoy the occasional Bombay Sapphire and Jones Berry Lemonade (backlit right it looks like a Nuka Quantum.) But never enough to get even tipsy anymore. College I was a falldown drunk, just post college I graduated to blackout drunk. I could only do that to myself for 6 months or so. Then I just quit one day. Didn't drink at all for months. Then got a job where I couldn't drink (I was almost always "on call.") Now, I got a much better handle on it. Plus being sober and messing with/pranking drunks is fun and gives me a nice warm feeling of superiority, AND they don't remember it the next day and hold a grudge.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
I don't often get the chance to drink to the point of getting drunk, but when I do, I'm one of those that becomes much louder than I usually am. So I make stupid jokes, have a laugh and tend to talk even more rubbish than I do when I'm sober. I also get much more talkative.
Favourite drinks: well, I'm not really that fussy to be honest, though I do enjoy a good ale, the darker the better (yeah, I can't think of any types off-hand). I'll drink some lagers if there's no ale around.
I try and steer clear of spirits though. It never ends well when I drink that stuff...

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
I'm the happy & slightly more horny drunk, so I tend to make a few bad decisions. I've only ever been the sad drunk once & I blame that one the people i was with at the time, bunch of fucking downers.
I'll drink just about anything, but I'm not a fan of beer or tequila straight. Tequila in mixed drinks is fine, but it still doesn't like me much. Whiskey & rum are the two I usually go for & the drink I go for the most is a Manhattan. My favorite stuff to drink straight is Wild Turkey American Honey & Captain Morgan Tattoo, love that stuff.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
I'm a sleepy drunk, seeing as I can barely hold my liquor. One brewski and I feel like crawling under the covers for the next five hundred years. Then I snore like nobody's business.

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
I initially get a fair bit more talkative, but anything much more than that, and I just get really sleepy. I don't weigh much and have a rather low tolerance for alcohol, so the sleepiness can kick in after only 3-4 pints or so.

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
Happy, chill and just generally good to be around, I've been told. Well until I start throwing up, then not so much. I'm basically just myself when sober only amplified and with terrible balance.


New member
May 16, 2013
I get flirty and more touchy-feely, and loud. Or so I'm told. I never think I act differently when I'm drunk, but my sister always gets embarrassed by me. I always just feel sleepy.

Not that I drink much anyways. Too expensive. And I don't like not being in control. I'm one of those.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
If in company, I get quiet and just sit in a corner.

I don't really like growds, and I'm generally a bit nervous around people, but when I'm a bit drunk that goes away and I'm just happy not to stress out and try to talk to people. (So I guess I get more confidence? It's just that in my case it manifests as being happy not to even try to connect with people)

I don't go to a lot of parties.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I've never really gotten drunk drunk (I have a very high alcohol tolerance, so when I am drinking, other people around me get drunk first and when other people get drunk I stop drinking)

But I DID learn how I am when I'm tipsy...and truth be told, I'm not very fond of it.

I'm not happy or sleepy or slurry. I'm not the "I love you, man."

I'm the guy who stares into his drink, thinks about everything I've done wrong and fights back the tears that I no longer have any control over.

I'm a very depressed drunk, which is really why I don't drink much. I'm not exactly considered fun to be around when I'm sober, its way worse when I drink.

It also means I can never turn to alcohol when I am depressed, so I guess that's actually a good thing.