As a switch fanboy (I love it more than my Gaming Laptop and my PS4 Pro because I feel like I
own the games), I'd say go for any model that allows you to do the actual namesake. If you can't 'switch' with the lite, then the purpose of the console is lost for me.
However, I will talk about an accidental accessory that now always finds it way to travel with me. Meet the Leadstar Portable 14.1 inch tv [].
I'm going to run down some of the cons first. The internal antenna it boast doesn't seem the work in the states. The screen is more akin to late 2000's screens. The UI is clunky.
Ok. Now to the great things. I got this after a power outage last March. I was originally looking up a small tv that could last a longer period of time with my Anker Powerhouse. It took some searching, but I got to this thing. What sold me the most is the radio function, the micro sd slot reader (so I can play my movies and shows on it), and oh yeah...
it has an internal battery that is rated up to 3 hours of power time.
I have an issue with batteries, so I tested it up to two hours. And yeah. It actually works.
Around that time, I noticed the Hdmi port. I thought to myself... do I dare? So dare I did. I got my travel dock (it's just a spare Nintendo Switch Dock), plugged everything in... And it works. It just works.
When I went to Orlando with my family, we played overcooked on a big screen while our flight was delayed. If the kids want to watch Paw Patrol on the main tv in the AirBNB, I can break this out and we can have Street Fighter 3rd strike tournaments like back in the day without straining our eyes.
And if you're as bougie as I am and you have a Samsung S8 or later phone? You get a hdmi switcher along with a good bluetooth keyboard and you plug everything into the leadstar. And boom. You have a portable Tv to play Switch, and then you also have a portable computer, as Samsung Dex [] is an amazing, amazing thing. A Personal and Portable entertainment center that has everything you can want. Local shows, personal movies, console video game play, and personal computing function that can into your bookbag.
It was the only stuff I carried with me for my personal entertainment, and I was engaged any time I wanted.
Chimpzy said:
Dreiko said:
They're making a super switch which will be more powerful so that's what I'd recommend. The portable-only version won't run every game from what I heard which is a huge issue. It's fine for a kid or if you're short on cash but otherwise the super version is all you should bother with.
Got a source on that?
Tho if you're referring to that old Wall Street Journal article about 2 new Switch models, those ended up being the Lite and the hardware revision of the standard Switch wth the better battery life. If you're talking about the Tegra X1 Mariko, that's the more energy-efficient chipset Nintendo is using for the new models.
Afaik, there is currently no indication Nintendo has any plans for an upgraded Switch "Pro".
What we have are rumors, even though Doug Bowser said that the only hardware this year is the upgraded Battery Switch [].
I mean, that makes the most sense. They need at least to sell the Upgraded Switch well this holiday season before doing anything else. It would be like the Xbox One S and Xbox One X situation. Who wants a sideways progression when you can have better performance?
Given that the rumors were right for the Lite, and given Nintendo's track record with iterations I'd say a more powerful Switch like the New 3DS is on the way. How soon, is the question.