What's the Quickest You've Ever Given Up on a Game?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Battleborn. Bought the collectors edition for 5 bucks at Gamestop, brought it right back when I found out it has always online DRM.
Just wanted to play local co-op. Can't support stupid DRM schemes like that.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
DeadProxy said:
Heard there was fusing in the Bersaria game and immediately stopped caring. Jrpg's are getting so fucking convoluted.
Time to quit: like 8-12 hours? Not redownloading the game just to double check.
You fuse items, but not characters. The leveling is far more straight forward as is the item fusing. They listened and made it more simple. You crush items to make simple parts and use to upgrade weapons of the same type. So break an amber sword, fuse parts to an amber sword. Other minor parts are used to further the weapon upgrades.
I quit Zesteria but have been really enjoying Berseria.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Dornedas said:
For me it probably would be Risen 2.
The reason were the animations. The characters arms were just aimlessly flailing around.
It looks as if Piranha Bytes had an octopus do the mo-cap for them.

Scarim Coral said:
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.

While it doesn't help that I didn't like the transition from the FE 2D game to a 3d screen (it wasn't the graphic issue, the battle animation is so slow in 3D). It is made worse that I had to played a character I found to be unlikeable (Micah) in the first part of the campaign. I just hate her attitude toward Ike, the hero from the last game. Yes I get her nation was in ruin after the first game but it was like a Nazi telling us they did no wrong during WW2. Seriously, since I hated the main character, why should I help her in the fist place?

Ok sure I did finish her campaign but it pretty much put me in a bad mood that stop me from playing anymore of it!
I had something similar with Golden Sun 2 but I didn't count it since I didn't really gave it a chance.
In that game you start as the characters that you have been hunting in Golden Sun 1, I think. It's been a few years since I played it.
And since I don't play the bad guy in games I decided to not play it.
The problem here was that I played it during a very interesting university lecture. And my seatmate didn't agree with my assessment that they are the bad guys. This might or might not have devolved into a loud argument with plenty of shouting.
To be honest: I absolutely believe that the guys in Golden Sun 2 might turn out to be the good guys in the end. I seem to remember that it was a beholder that told you they are evil and beholders are not exactly trust-worthy.
Since I loved and played that Game
Technically they were anti heroes I think? Don't forget the only people that were bad was mainly the red gal, blue guy and Alex. Felix didn't really hurt anyone I don't think.
Anyway later in the plot, it was reveal the whole lighting the lighthouse was saving their world! The whole eyeball that send Issac to their quest was literally sending them to their doom. Basically the eyeball didn't want them to have power coming from the lighthouse in fear of being corrupted. Also it was reveal their world is pretty much a flat Earth with the edged breaking off slowly!


New member
Sep 29, 2011
Only games I've 100% quit on (that I remember) were Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Dark Souls I think it was the Capra Demon that did me in. Bloodborne I think I got as far as Father Gascoigne.

I can see why other people like them but I just can't be arsed with beating my head against a boss while dealing with unintuitive controls, and a bare bones story (lore and story are two VERY different things). I've since watched let's plays of the whole series and found them to be a rare example of a game that's waaaaay more fun to watch than play.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Yoshilord said:
System Shock 2- I don't think it's aged well at all, and throws way too many gameplay mechanics at you at once in the tutorial.
Yeah, its more of a historical curiosity at best nowadays. Its got way too much stuff trying to be hodge=podged together and either the tech wasn't good enough or the devs weren't good enough to really make it work. It has obvious influences on later stuff (Mostly Deus Ex recently), but the game itself is largely stuck in awkward transition phase.


Sanity Challenged
Nov 15, 2009
FFXI on the PC. At the time just getting it installed, updated, and making an account so you could play was a nightmare and a half. I've never played an MMO, including FFXIV (which, granted came out eons later) that was anywhere close to as bad. Took most of a day to get it to actually work, and then I get dropped into a game that was worst PC ports of a console game I'd ever seen. The graphics were atrocious, the controls nightmarish, there was just nothing about it that appealed. Didn't even care that I had a month to play, uninstalled almost immediately.

I've played most of the major MMOs that have come out, FFXI is one of only two (GW2 being the other) that I regret buying.


Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
MetalDooley said:
The Simpsons: Road Rage

Got it as part of a bundle when I bought my Gamecube. Played for about 40 mins. Brought it back to the store the next day and traded it in. If you haven't played it (and I don't recommend you do) it's a Crazy Taxi rip off that they somehow managed to remove all the fun from
I thought it was pretty fun when I was a kid. I remember liking it more than Crazy Taxi, but I only rented that one and can't remember much about it.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Mushroom 11, I played it for 3 hours.
The game itself is actually quite interesting. You control a mushroom and you move by destroying parts of it, which then regrow somewhere else on the body. The problem is, you have no way to control the direction of the growth and there are several puzzles where you need make precise movements to continue. Since the regrowing happens randomly you need some luck to make those movements. I stopped when I had to ride a rocket through a narrow passage with additional obstacles. The problem is you had to tip the rocket to the side to make the movements. To tip it, you had to regrow the mushroom on the side of the rocket to change the weight distribution. Controlling the rocket, not falling from the rocket, getting though the passage and avoiding obstacles requires in my opinion a lot of luck to have the mushroom regrow right.
I don't mind some randomness or a challenge, but a challenge that is statistically close to impossible isn't fun, it's padding poorly disguised as high difficulty and it's unnecessary frustrating.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Vendor-Lazarus said:
An original(?) rpg game praised to the heavens? Without DRM? Everything sounded amazing. Never heard a single complaint really. Odd.
I did not enjoy choosing between a clunky isometric view or a skewed third person (over-the-shoulder) view. New, exciting, original is not always good. Tried and true is so for a reason. I've always wondered if they changed it in the sequels..I don't dare try it and no review or gamer ever really touch upon such "trivial" things such as viewpoint and game-play/mechanics when describing a game. The combat wasn't all that either..
I put up with those horrendous controls right up until the first "sex scene", after which I just laughed a little, shook my head and uninstalled the game. I want to reward innovation in games, but it has to be innovation I enjoy.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I have a couple games that I actually bought fully expecting to like them but quit after a few hours because I absolutely hated them.

Oddly enough they both begin with B: Baroque and Bayonetta.

For the record I think I quit playing Karnov on the NES as a kid a few minutes after I turned it on because I had no idea wtf to do when I rented it.


Lord Inquisitor
Aug 25, 2014
I played Elite: Dangerous for about 15 minutes before I quit and got a refund for it.

I'm desperate for a good space sim, but the controls for Dangerous just felt strange in my hands. I flew around in the combat tutorial for a while before giving up.

Oh, well.


Feb 9, 2010
Drathnoxis said:
I thought it was pretty fun when I was a kid. I remember liking it more than Crazy Taxi, but I only rented that one and can't remember much about it.
I could see a kid enjoying it but the problem was I was in my 20's when I played it. From what I remember the vehicles were slower than Crazy Taxi, it didn't have the licenced soundtrack and all the characters spouted annoying catchphrases non stop. Not the worst game I've ever played but after 30-40 mins you'd pretty much seen everything the game had to offer. Traded it in for Rogue Leader the next day


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
TheVampwizimp said:
Demons' Souls (is that how you spell it?). My brother loves the game and after watching him play a ton of it, I gave it a shot, and after about two hours of fumbling around, absolutely whiffing on parries and getting skewered by every enemy above basic skeletons, I gave it up.

Weird part is, a year later I decided to try Dark Souls, I'm not even sure why, and it didn't take long for me to catch up to it and it became one of my favorite games.

I've often wondered if I could go back and translate my Souls skills to the original, but that first attempt just makes me feel really sour about it.
If it makes you feel any better, I played Dark Souls, got into it quickly and then decided to try demons souls. I beat the first boss(the phalax) and haven't been able to get past the long bridge yet. On one hand, it does feel very much like Dark Souls, but it doesn't guite have the same "gotta play this" hook DS had.

Someday I'll get back to it but since my next game is Bloodborne(and DS3 sometime after that), it's gonna be awhile.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
SlumlordThanatos said:
I played Elite: Dangerous for about 15 minutes before I quit and got a refund for it.

I'm desperate for a good space sim, but the controls for Dangerous just felt strange in my hands. I flew around in the combat tutorial for a while before giving up.

Oh, well.
Yeah, I played E:D for like 2 hours. I like the idea and the gameplay seems fine. It's a good game I can't seem to get into. The problem is there doesn't seem to be enough to hook me into going on.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Fallout: New Vegas.

I like Bethesda games, and I heard that this one had an amazing story and that it was gonna knock my socks right off.

I played for about 3 hours before I just stopped. I mainly faffed about, like any normal game from them, but I got bored. It was the environment that did absolutely nothing for me. Mainly because I live in the desert and I don't find the desert all that interesting.

Kinda defeats the purpose in exploring a game's setting and seeing what goes on in the story when I don't care about it enough to wander around, really.
This. People just LOVE New Vegas. I was instantly bored with the setting though. Honestly, for some reason, Fallout's universe just does NOT appeal to me even though that doesn't make sense to even me.

Also Dark Souls. And this is coming from a NG2 fan. For the first two hours, no new spells. No new weapons. Not even a way to repair my equipment. Was barely told how to do anything. How anything works. I finally just got PO'd in the end and threw the game in the bin. This is not good game design. I think Dark Souls is a great game DESPITE these things. Not because of them.
Feb 7, 2016
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that gave up with Elite: Dangerous within the first hour, at best.

But other than that, Mafia 3, for obvious reasons. I bought it at launch (which is my fault I guess?) after marathoning Mafia 2.

It ran like dog shit on a 980ti, looked rather hideous at the time, had numerous bugs, and the gameplay I did experience left me in a state of ZZZZzzzzZZZZZZZZZzz......

Shame too. I was excited. I guess that's shame on me.


New member
May 13, 2009
Witcher 2 - in about 1-2 hours, mostly due to fighting system feeling clunky.
Bloodborne - I love Dark Souls, but healing items in BB do not refill upon death - you need to grind them, which makes bashing your head against bosses unbearable. I gave up after 4 hours.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
Dishonored: It sold itself as an rpg, but forced me to play it stealth.
I got it for free and I still wanted my money back.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
It has to be those hardcore strategy PC games. Crusader Kings and Hearts of Iron and all that. You're playing Microsoft Excel: The game with a brown coat of paint.