DnD5 seems pretty decent so far playing up to level 5. Player characters seem quite powerful even at low levels. There are some balance issues like how OP the spell Faerie Fire is. Another group of friends has a DnD5 campaign as well and they seem to be liking it overall.
DnD4 is horrible, pretend it doesn't exist. I don't think really anyone plays anything earlier than 3.5. I never played DnD 2 or earlier but I think DnD2 is the one where negative armor is better and it's kinda number backwards.
If you wanna play DnD3.5, Patherfinder is basically DnD3.75 as Paizo bought the rule-set and added to it. Also, Pathfinder 2nd Edition just came out and we played our first session of it yesterday and I'm liking it a lot, quite a bit of streamlining. Character creation is pretty simple and there's a proficiency system that determines like 90% of all your stats and it's pretty intuitive. The only thing I don't like about it is the ability scores towards mid-to-higher levels where characters will end up rather similar with regards to ability scores because (like Starfinder, Paizo's space RPG) your ability scores increase by 2 when you increase them until you get to 18, then they only go up by one, and you get to boost 4 ability scores every 5th level. Thus, whatever you start high in like 18 strength for a Fighter or 18 intelligence for a Wizard (you can get one ability score to 18 for a level 1 character), it's then hard to up those scores so your lower scores will catch up when they go up 2 at a time and your main score is only going up 1 at a time. And, that strength-based fighter and intelligence-based wizard ability scores at level 20 won't be all that dissimilar.
TLDR: If you want maximum customization go with Pathfinder 1st edition. If you want a more streamlined game, go with DnD5 or Pathfinder 2, though I think new Pathfinder is more newbie friendly and easier to understand, but it's literally brand new and only has base classes and 6 races right now.
Also, PCGen is free character creator software, the interface takes a bit of figuring out (it's not as user friendly as the paid Hero Lab) but it supports Pathfinder 1 (with support for 2 coming) and DnD5 support along with a few other systems.