Which video game franchise do you think has the least pleasant fanbase?


New member
Oct 26, 2011
sc2's community is pretty terrible. a good majority of it is 1v1 games tho so u can mostly avoid team ragers


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Breaker deGodot said:
Anyone who doesn't say Sonic the Hedgehog probably wasn't around back in 2006.
Back in 2006? Where have you been the last twenty years.

OT: I don't mind any fanbase. Some need to chill a little bit, because I don't personally care for their games and don't need to hear about em all the time. But then again, I'm a fairly active Bethesda fan, so I won't criticize others.

It's the people that hate on other games hard that is kind of a problem. Again, people just need to chill. Modern Warfare 3 isn't the worst thing in the world. It's not really progressing the industry, and has been released a few times already with different names. I mean, most people see that. But it can still be fun. I won't get it, but that doesn't mean I need to hate on it. Same thing with pretty much most games. If a game isn't good, just don't play it. People will figure out for themselves what is no good.

Breaker deGodot

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Apr 14, 2009
zenoaugustus said:
Breaker deGodot said:
Anyone who doesn't say Sonic the Hedgehog probably wasn't around back in 2006.
Back in 2006? Where have you been the last twenty years.
You're right, but it was particularly bad when Sonic 2006 came out. That was pretty unbearable.


New member
Jun 22, 2010
A few years ago I would say Halo fans but now it is definatly COD fans if you want to play online. Other then that pretty much any fanboy is annoying especially the really vocal ones eg Sonic and Final Fantasy and Portal fans, whenever I hear "The Cake Is A Lie" i just want to punch out whoever says it.

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
Meanest probably Halo/Cod but generally people are pretty nice or keep to themselves. Nicest would be Minecraft with the exception of griefers who are really nice until they destroy all your stuff.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Jeebz said:
Halo... a million times over, halo
This a million times, the CoD, Battlefield, WoW, Starcraft... None them compare to the dicks of the Halo/XBox Live community.

Hell even the glorious PC master race is more pleasant.


New member
Aug 23, 2010
Definitely dota/hon/lol those types games. I play them and wow every game all it is is name calling and bashing. Gets a little tiring sometimes.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Congratulations you just created a "name the first FPS that comes into your head" thread. =D


New member
Nov 16, 2011
I wanted to post a reply in my own thread, but have been strapped for time?.
Ok hear me out. Fandoms, ESPECIALLY online fandoms, by their nature can be and are pretty horrible. For every even-headed, content fan of any game or franchise out there, there exists a fan who takes their fixation to an obnoxious and unhealthy new level.

Ok... so these particular fanbases I wanted to talk about are:

Halo. I would say the Xbox Live userbase in general, but Call of Duty and Halo is where the worst of the userbase is concentrated at. I am aware that there are gamers playing online that are out to just have fun and meet good players and all, but that hope is almost always dashed the moment I log into a game and hear some 20 or 30 something manchild screaming obscenities, swears, and taunts over the microphone in order to assert some perceived alpha-male status. Nevermind about the players who insist that the "best" way to play the games and scoff at you for not playing like a "professional". Despite my personal gripes with Halo and CoD players that suck the fun out of playing the games, they're not as obnoxious as the below fanbases and at least tend to be more silent and agree more often with the single-player modes.

The Legend of Zelda. I would say Nintendo fans of MANY of the franchises they've produced can be dickish in general, but these strike me as what may possibly be the worst. Why? Because the worst fans seemingly make demands to Nintendo like spoiled, bratty children and demand that the next Zelda game would be exactly as they ask for, only to accentuate the negative and go back and complain that it either isn't like their beloved Ocarina of Time, or too much like Ocarina of Time, or just too samish as the other Zelda games. Nevermind that there's never been a truly bad Zelda game (No! The CDi games DO NOT COUNT!) or that the franchise has stood tall for 25 years as of now with memorable experiences and innovations. These fans exist to complain...
On the flipside of this coin; three words: "Eight point Eight". Woe betide any game reviewer that DARES to give a hyped Zelda game a "low" review score. *COUGH* Gamespot twice *COUGH*. Any reviewer that does opens an insane backlash of hyper-defensive Zelda fans that feel they should defend their game. Hell, anyone who says anything negative about a Zelda game, (Especially Ocarine of Time) would be meet with derision and wrath from Zelda fanboys.

Final Fantasy. Once again... I would say the entire company has a rather obnoxious fanbase but this one in particular is what takes the cake. I've never seen games that get people this passionate and this vocal about their displeasure. I'm still just flabbergasted as to how it is hard to find individuals who want to talk about any of the older games without being taken by weepy-eyed nostalgia or the recent games without exaggerating the negative and declaring that they're not "true" Final Fantasy games. Deciding what a "true" Final Fantasy game is actually harder than it sounds because each installment (Minus the spin-offs and sequels to pre-existing installments, but even then...) is very different from their predecessors, starring a different cast, a different setting, a normally self-contained story, and usually a different combat system. It's hard to find a fan that has played them all and liked them all...
But once again... why so much emotion? To my knowledge, there haven't beeen that many truly bad Final Fantasy games, and even the ones that a person will dislike has something good in them... (Though ALL Final Fantasy games have GREAT music!... You should never argue with that)

Sonic the Hedgehog. Yes. EVERYONE saw this coming. It's common knowledge right now that Sonic's fanbase is absolutely wretched. This article sums up everything you guys need to know about Sonic?s ?fanbase? and their tendencies towards incessant and histrionic whining over EVERY. GODDAMN. INDIVIDUAL. CHANGE! (AHEM Green Eyes)
I do realize that it is a vocal minority?but it is the loudest goddamn vocal minority I?ve ever seen! Webcomics, blogs, YouTube videos, and even gaming reviewers and journalists are not safe from this minority. It?s like it?s not cool at all to say you?re a Sonic fan?

There is a fandom that I think is worse than Sonic?s? I?ll get to that soon enough.

M-E-D The Poet

New member
Sep 12, 2011
League of Legends...
CTRL+ALT+DELETE has made some funny ones about it
But nothing could ever grant you the reality of the rudeangry mob that is league of legend players but yet experiencing it at first hand

1 game might be enough if you're on the losing end of the pointy stick

M-E-D The Poet

New member
Sep 12, 2011
Trippy Turtle said:
Meanest probably Halo/Cod but generally people are pretty nice or keep to themselves. Nicest would be Minecraft with the exception of griefers who are really nice until they destroy all your stuff.
try going past lvl 10 in LoL I dare you


New member
Nov 18, 2009
The Fallout community. Just pop onto No Mutants Allowed and read some of the garbage they like to spout. That said, any community where the members are firmly convcinced they are superior to the 'unwashed masses', or over-uses the term 'frat-boy' would get my pick.

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Either CoD or League of Legends.
The community is absolutely terrible in LoL, if I didn't have a team to play with I would never win a game, since the only people that don't have a team are the elitist assholes who noone wants to be around.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
League of Legends has the worst fanbase ever, I can't remember the last time I played a game where the teammates were actually nice to each other, on the other hand, I think CoD has the worst haters ever


It's not that I LIKE you b-baka!
Oct 12, 2011
Yawn hate hate on whichever fanbases you just don't like...

I'm just going to ***** about the CoD fanbase, because of the obnoxious chavs:

There are too many of them IRL, and there are too many of them to mute ingame. "Your (sic) a fuckin geek" says it all really. Why play with morons who have that kind of attitude towards anyone who appears to be better at the damn game?


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Kieran Villoth said:
Stubee said:

You have to be pretty fanboyish to be still playing a game that old and the fans come off a bit creepy as well.
I just got into TF2 about a month ago, and it's better than any other competitive FPS I've ever played. It gets updated regularly, so what's the problem with playing it?
Same here, though snipers and spies are my top two most annoying enemies in the game. :p


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I play Call of Duty on the Xbox, I played WoW from release up until October this year and I've played Halo on the 360.

These communities are freaking utopia's compared to DotA/League of Legends/Heroes of Newerth. I love the games, have more hours racked up on them than any other game apart from WoW (I've been playing them since before Allstars) but I swear the amount of shit the community does to itself is just disgraceful.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
EVE Online, particularly Goonswarm, the dickheads. Great game if you can find some good people though (the goons aren't)

John Farrell

New member
Oct 26, 2011
Xbox owners. As in, Halo-Humping, Sony Sucks, 'Merica Power, morons who jump down your throat for owning a ps3.