Who are the bad guys in The Elder Scrolls?


New member
Feb 5, 2009
By this question, I kind of mean "who are the biggest dicks?" Obviously a good number of the daedric lords are evil, Mehrunes Dagon and Molag Bal come to mind pretty quickly. And Alduin seems to be not that nice a fellow. But I mean of the playable races and their factions amongst them, who has the worst behavior?

Typically, and for you Zero Punctuation viewers, you may recall Yahtzee pointed out in his "Dragon Age: Origins" review that in a "Tolkien-esque" fantasy, it's usually the humans. However, I wouldn't say the Elder Scrolls falls right in line with the standard fantasy setting, especially as there is no one race named "human", although some races are clearly closer than others. The Imperials seem to be the most basic human and they do somewhat fall into line with being the bullies in Oblivion, in my opinion. But it seems like the game is moving away from that, and in fact in Skyrim, I personally feel, it is easily the High Elves and Wood Elves (at least the Thalmor, specifically). I find that, not surprising, but refreshing at least.

So what do you think? What race has become, to a certain extent, "the antagonist"? And try not to say the daedra lords or dragons.

EDIT: Please note, this is more of a debate. Obviously there is no black and white answer. It is all different shades of grey. Just give your opinion.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Thalmor win the biggest dick competition, followed closley by Ulfric.


Don't worry. Be happy!
Mar 21, 2011
zenoaugustus said:
By this question, I kind of mean "who are the biggest dicks?" Obviously a good number of the daedric lords are evil, Mehrunes Dagon and Molag Bal come to mind pretty quickly. And Alduin seems to be not that nice a fellow. But I mean of the playable races and their factions amongst them, who has the worst behavior?

Typically, and for you Zero Punctuation viewers, you may recall Yahtzee pointed out in his "Dragon Age: Origins" review that in a "Tolkien-esque" fantasy, it's usually the humans. However, I wouldn't say the Elder Scrolls falls right in line with the standard fantasy setting, especially as there is no one race named "human", although some races are clearly closer than others. The Imperials seem to be the most basic human and they do somewhat fall into line with being the bullies in Oblivion, in my opinion. But it seems like the game is moving away from that, and in fact in Skyrim, I personally feel, it is easily the High Elves and Wood Elves (at least the Thalmor, specifically). I find that, not surprising, but refreshing at least.

So what do you think? What race has become, to a certain extent, "the antagonist"?
As a High Elf I take offense to that message! Your just another racist ignorant Nord! I know you hate magic, but hating all High elves, well that's just mean!

OT: I havent really got far in the story yet, but I would say dragons are. Since they are the thing the whole bloody story you spend trying to kill


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Hmm the Altmer dominion are pretty bad but the Redguards are also not a nice bunch but for the absolute bad guys I'll have to go with the Akaviri and of them the Ka Po'tun and the Tsaesci are especially nasty.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
All races have their different "dark sides", for instance Dunmer (at least in Morrowind) are mostly racist and for slavery against "non-sentient beings" as Argonians and Khajit. So the empire might look like abaetter alternative with their anti-slavery opinion. But then when you look at the empire in for instance Skyrim, you get a different view of their values. It's hard for me to decide on one specific "evil" race, especially since you can play as all of them.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
I sort of agree with the high elves, they can be elitist bastards. Wood elves not so much, the Dunmer are way bigger jerks. Not so much in Skyrim, but that's 'cause they're the discriminated against there, while in their own country, they're the most racist bastards who like holding Khajiit slaves. Orcs are aggressive, but not necessarily jerks. Khajiit range from mischievous to traitorous schemers.

But actually, I really don't think there is one "antagonist" race though, all of them have good and bad guys, good and bad traits. Hey, it's just like real life! I guess Elder Scrolls is one of the least racist fantasy game series out there. Kudos to Bethesda for that.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
To tell the truth.... me... i'm am the major antagonist and destroyer of Skyrim!!!

Dragons? Pfffft... wait till they get a load of me...

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
You see, the thing about TES is that almost everyone is potentially a bad guy. It all depends on the point of view most of the time. Even you can be a bad guy if you desire so.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Blargh McBlargh said:
Depends per game, really.

But so far the Aldmeri Dominion seem to be the biggest bunch of dicks in the series. Some of the Houses in Morrowind could also be pretty shady, but at least they didn't threaten to crush an entire nation.
Telvani are definitely bad. Slavery and all that. But from their point of view it's normal. So they aren't actually bad, just primitive and overly traditional. Morrowind is a fucked up place. Especially if you're a Khajiit or Argorian.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
To me the Dwemer are the worst that I've thus far seen, but pretty much every race seems to have been asshats at some point or another. Imperials (always), Thalmar (now), Nords (The Forsworn?) and Dark Elves... well, they're dark elves, they MUST have been evil at some point.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Its definitely the high elves from the Aldmeri Dominion. God they make me want to put my axe upside their head every time I talk to them. I tried once to kill a group of aldmeri representatives in the keep in Markarth. Not such a good idea. Even the Jarl joined in to kill me.

So nice to find them escorting prisoners along the roads though. Then they get shouted to pieces.

So yeah, the high elves...I hate them.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
imnotparanoid said:
Thalmor win the biggest dick competition...
Very true. I hate those guys so much. I kill them whenever I see them. I can't stand their attitude.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Craorach said:
To me the Dwemer are the worst that I've thus far seen, but pretty much every race seems to have been asshats at some point or another. Imperials (always), Thalmar (now), Nords (The Forsworn?) and Dark Elves... well, they're dark elves, they MUST have been evil at some point.
The Imperials, really? Okay, they did conquer everything, but in all likelyhood, everyone profited from central, yet really mostly quite lenient and fair, rule. Otherwise the dark elves would just start enslaving all the Khajiit and Argonians and stuff like that. I wouldn't be surprised if the Empire falls to pieces by the next Elder Scrolls game, which could make for some interesting situations, like a full-scale war.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Fat_Hippo said:
The Imperials, really? Okay, they did conquer everything, but in all likelyhood, everyone profited from central, yet really mostly quite lenient and fair, rule. Otherwise the dark elves would just start enslaving all the Khajiit and Argonians and stuff like that. I wouldn't be surprised if the Empire falls to pieces by the next Elder Scrolls game, which could make for some interesting situations, like a full-scale war.
Like any Empire, they are only as good as their leader and the people who work for him.. in some of the in game books, they seem to have done some pretty bad things in the name of their Imperium.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Craorach said:
To me the Dwemer are the worst that I've thus far seen, but pretty much every race seems to have been asshats at some point or another. Imperials (always), Thalmar (now), Nords (The Forsworn?) and Dark Elves... well, they're dark elves, they MUST have been evil at some point.
Wait what evil have you actually seen the Dwemer perform? We know next to nothing about them other then that they made sweet robots and then disappeared when trying to do something with the heart of lorkhan.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
pffh said:
Wait what evil have you actually seen the Dwemer perform? We know next to nothing about them other then that they made sweet robots and then disappeared when trying to do something with the heart of lorkhan.
Putting down some of what I saw doing some quests in Skyrim might be spoilers.. I don't know who to put things in that little box with a button?