By this question, I kind of mean "who are the biggest dicks?" Obviously a good number of the daedric lords are evil, Mehrunes Dagon and Molag Bal come to mind pretty quickly. And Alduin seems to be not that nice a fellow. But I mean of the playable races and their factions amongst them, who has the worst behavior?
Typically, and for you Zero Punctuation viewers, you may recall Yahtzee pointed out in his "Dragon Age: Origins" review that in a "Tolkien-esque" fantasy, it's usually the humans. However, I wouldn't say the Elder Scrolls falls right in line with the standard fantasy setting, especially as there is no one race named "human", although some races are clearly closer than others. The Imperials seem to be the most basic human and they do somewhat fall into line with being the bullies in Oblivion, in my opinion. But it seems like the game is moving away from that, and in fact in Skyrim, I personally feel, it is easily the High Elves and Wood Elves (at least the Thalmor, specifically). I find that, not surprising, but refreshing at least.
So what do you think? What race has become, to a certain extent, "the antagonist"? And try not to say the daedra lords or dragons.
EDIT: Please note, this is more of a debate. Obviously there is no black and white answer. It is all different shades of grey. Just give your opinion.
Typically, and for you Zero Punctuation viewers, you may recall Yahtzee pointed out in his "Dragon Age: Origins" review that in a "Tolkien-esque" fantasy, it's usually the humans. However, I wouldn't say the Elder Scrolls falls right in line with the standard fantasy setting, especially as there is no one race named "human", although some races are clearly closer than others. The Imperials seem to be the most basic human and they do somewhat fall into line with being the bullies in Oblivion, in my opinion. But it seems like the game is moving away from that, and in fact in Skyrim, I personally feel, it is easily the High Elves and Wood Elves (at least the Thalmor, specifically). I find that, not surprising, but refreshing at least.
So what do you think? What race has become, to a certain extent, "the antagonist"? And try not to say the daedra lords or dragons.
EDIT: Please note, this is more of a debate. Obviously there is no black and white answer. It is all different shades of grey. Just give your opinion.