Who died for you in mass effect 2?


New member
Aug 12, 2010
So, i just finished my second play through of mass effect 2, i know it's not nearly as much as most people but i work and go to school, so it's astounding i had the time for this given the length of the game.

Anyways, i was playing a chaotic good character, (For some reason my morality's always align with old D&D morality.) So he was a badass, but for the ultimate good type. The effective anti-hero. Infiltrator, and wrecking the entire galaxy with the m-92 widow (i think that's what it's called, the amazing sniper you get in collector base). So i did every loyalty mission, only person i lost it with was jack, i at the time didn't have the reputation to dissuade both sides and went with Miranda, in my first play through i went with jack. So, jack lost her loyalty to me, which basically spelt out right off the bat, "your losing her in the final mission". I accepted that.

But when i got to the mission. I had this setup through the choices. First specialist (the pipe crawler one) was Kasumi, she's a thief and master infiltrator, seemed perfect to get it done, and live. Then having Garrus lead the fire team ,again, good leader, strong guy, good choice. Everyone lived that. No problems, kept going, right on.

Second instance, my specialist (the force field against the swarm one) was Samara, because she's just awesome but i never used her, so i decided to give her a chance. Then having zaeed lead the second fire team, it said diversion this time, figured why not let the deadly and efficient battle type mate go on with leading that, so i gave it to em. Then since i saved the crew, let grunt take them all back. Because under his big scaly aggression, laid a sweet caring shit, kinda like a crass grandpa that was in the war, he loves you, just won't show it.

So, how did that work out? Samara lived, still awesome. Grunt lived as did all the crew. But for some random reason, zaeed caught a bullet when he came storming in through the door. I was confused...i did his loyalty, gave him a position he could handle. Seemed weird, so he was my first casualty. Acceptable, never really liked the prick anyways.

Onto the final boss battle, alright. Mordin (my personal favorite no matter what) and Garrus, because he's cool. (No, i don't even pick my team for tactical reasons, i just pick who i like. I'm more of a single player even in a single player game type. Hate team members, so i do everything myself. preferably. But i still can get attached to characters.

So We went off, beat the tits off the human reaper, right on. whoo hoo, battle was amazingly easy with the assassins cloak and heavy sniper rifle. plus all upgrades. few shots with collector laser after a clip of the sniper and he was done. Then, as the camera flashed through the battle of those holding the door back before us, Jack and Tali are dead. Again, Game? what did i do to you, tali was cute. Why kill her? that's just...mean man. Jack, yea alright your death was expected. But Tali? doesn't even make sense.

Either way, that's the tale of my causality's in my recent mass effect 2 play through, preparing for mass effect 3. What about you folks?


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I didn't lose anyone.

a) Obtain the 3 anti-collector ship upgrades.
b) Keep everyone loyal.
c) Choose ideal candidates for leading roles in the suicide mission.

Failing to do any of those will ensure someone will die.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Everyone survived in my playthroughs.

People died in your game because of the following reasons:

You sent Grunt back to escort. The guy has a lot of firepower, he's someone you want to have with you when shit hits the fan i.e. defend the spot while you take care of the human reaper. Send Tali back. (I sent Jack, but since she isn't loyal to you I wouldn't take that risk)

You sent Zaeed to lead the diversion squad. It should work out fine, but it didn't. I usually send Garrus, and he always survives so that should be fine.

Last, your squads survival rate during the human reaper fight depends on who you take with you or not. Powerhouses like Garrus and Grunt should be left behind to defend, and less combat oriented team members should come with you. Mordin was a good choice, but Garrus wasn't. I'd say take Kasumi instead.

That should do it I guess.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
Everybody survived for me! GO ME!

Oh... erm... half of my ship crew died on the first playthrough. But on the 2nd playthrough everyone survived unscathed, including the crew.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Zaeed and Michael Jac-Miranda and Grunt.

Zaeed 'cause he was a docuehbag who'd let innocent people die and Miranda 'cause when I had to choose between her and a powerful sociopath, it wasn't a contest.

Grunt died because I was an idiot and made a mistake. And he's the only one whom I didn't want to lose out of the three.


New member
Apr 29, 2008
No one cos my Shepard is awesome and didn't lose anyone either game except Ashley but you have to let one die.

Ok by my renegade Shepard of all shut and and get things done killed Wrex and then I kinda didn't kill anyone at the end of two except Samara replaced with Monorith, really must go back and increase my body count there.


New member
Jan 10, 2012
Mordin, because I left him to "Hold the Line" at the end instead of taking him with me to blow the base. The main problem was that I took Grunt and Legion with me. I didn't have any DLC characters, so those two are kind of important in their line-holding skills. Reloaded, swapped Grunt out for Mordin, everything went fine. Mordin's incinerate plus my vanguard biotic skills combined with Legion's Widow anti-material rifle ensured a quick end to all of Harbinger's appearances. Then we all made it out of there (minus Kelly, but she doesn't really count and I was indifferent to her) and went to get ice cream.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
ZehMadScientist said:
Everyone survived in my playthroughs.

People died in your game because of the following reasons:

You sent Grunt back to escort. The guy has a lot of firepower, he's someone you want to have with you when shit hits the fan i.e. defend the spot while you take care of the human reaper. Send Tali back. (I sent Jack, but since she isn't loyal to you I wouldn't take that risk)

You sent Zaeed to lead the diversion squad. It should work out fine, but it didn't. I usually send Garrus, and he always survives so that should be fine.

Last, your squads survival rate during the human reaper fight depends on who you take with you or not. Powerhouses like Garrus and Grunt should be left behind to defend, and less combat oriented team members should come with you. Mordin was a good choice, but Garrus wasn't. I'd say take Kasumi instead.

That should do it I guess.
I took Thane and Legion to fight the giant baby, and everyone survived on my Insanity run through, but on the first playthrough Grunt and Tali died. Grunt upset me more...

Whaaaat? I don't like Tali okay, she gets on my nerves and I can't see why everyone seems to be attracted to her. Plus she doesn't like Legion. I like Legion, so she can go fuck herself.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Half the generic crew is dead but all the party npc's are alive. Oh well, less fetch quests for me in mass effect 3!

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I just lost Legion my first playthrough... Even the random crew people survived due to my "story mission? lol no, side quests first" playstyle.

I picked the wrong first fire team leader apparently, so my Tech guy gets killed somehow? I know Legion works for hacking the door, someone has to die for a wrong decision but fuck couldn't the actual wrong choice guy die instead? Legion was so cool!

Then I accidentally sold him to Cerberus in my second playthrough (RRAAAAAAAGGGGGGE!). Damn clicking Renegade options without reading them. Oh and Thane died in my second playthrough. My defense score probably wasn't high enough. Meh I can live with it, though not having Legion and Thane (and the generic crew members but who cares about them?) will annoy me in ME3

My Insanity run was perfect though. No deaths. So i'm gonna be pissed if when I get to my ME3 Insanity run with the same Shep, Legion surviving does fuck all storywise. Cuz I tried so hard to make him not die! I even had to talk him loyal again after that incident with Tali.

Oh yeah and if Tali were ever to die in ME3, it's "GG BRB GameFAQs tiemz" for me.

Might go and finish one of my other ME2 playthroughs just so I have another "no deaths" save.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
i specifically did not play jacks loyalty mission nor did i upgrade the Armour so that stupid ***** would die but other then that everyone lived.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Who died for you in mass effect 2?
I fulfilled every loyalty quest, upgraded 3/4 of N2, acquired some equipment and finished ME2 without anyone dying. Truth to be said i wouldn't mind losing some crew members like Kasumi, Jack or this good for nothing Krogan. :|


New member
Apr 1, 2009
More died on my first playthrough, but since I got some bonuses from who the fuck knows what (Please tell me where that 50000 on every resource comes from)... I mostly due full surviving playthroughs.

I mean, why NOT do loyalty missions? It gives me stuff, too.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Grunt, you died doing what you loved. Fight on Krogan brother.

Miranda, I'm sorry I couldn't make it up to you. You will be remembered.
ZehMadScientist said:
You sent Grunt back to escort. The guy has a lot of firepower, he's someone you want to have with you when shit hits the fan i.e. defend the spot while you take care of the human reaper.
I did that, but that killed him actually. And yes, he was loyal to me.


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Cowabungaa said:
ZehMadScientist said:
You sent Grunt back to escort. The guy has a lot of firepower, he's someone you want to have with you when shit hits the fan i.e. defend the spot while you take care of the human reaper.
I did that, but that killed him actually. And yes, he was loyal to me.
Hmmm, were the rest of the squad members loyal to you? Because if they were, I have no clue what might have gone wrong.