Who is your favorite TF2 character and why?


New member
May 1, 2011
Azaez said:
The Pyro, he/she is a crazy person that sets everything on fire! Plus you cant understand a single thing the person says, and he/she has the best taunts. Also no one can figure out what his/her gender is...I thinks the Pyro is a girl.
Its been quoted that she is a girl from a fer interviews
Also, in game when it used to tell you try and beat X score/time playing as him it said her for pyro rather than him


New member
Jul 31, 2009
The Sniper

Because I'm really fucking good at it, and I don't play him like everyone else, camping at a distance, I run into the enemies base and slap their shit repeatedly.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
Because being everyone best friend is a lot of fun. Too bad most people don't know how to use them properly.
Also because German mad scientists are awesome.
I logged in the most hours as a scout through. the reasoning is that he is Hard to get achievements for combined with being pretty useful to turn the tide of battle at the last minute by taking out snipers.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
Azaez said:
The Pyro, he/she is a crazy person that sets everything on fire! Plus you cant understand a single thing the person says, and he/she has the best taunts. Also no one can figure out what his/her gender is...I thinks the Pyro is a girl.
Even better. Pyro is Scout's mom.
In "Meet the Spy" Spy calls Scout's mother "My Pretty Cauliflower" in french. look in Pyro's locker, You will see the Pyro suit and a purse with a picture of a Cauliflower on it.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Sniper... I'm not too fond of the actual sniper rifle but I love the Huntsman... I don't even know how many times I've taken the enemy flag by myself just because I can actually move and shoot with the Huntsman...<.<


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I like them all, but my three favorites are Engineer, Medic, and Spy. Engineer because of his plain bad-ass-ness. Plus he comes up with awesome nicknames like calling the Medic 'Saw-Bones'. The buildings and taunts are something else I enjoy, because dancing on top of your sentry as it tears apart the advancing payload is very satisfying.

The Medic is cool because he always acts positive, even when what he says is negative. The Meet the Medic video makes him seem exactly like he is: A non-licensed doctor who likes to do macabre things to enemies, heal his friends, and take pride in all of it. Plus, his bonesaw (Or one of the variants) can crit like hell, and I've more than once given a healthy Soldier head (A Solemn Vow to be exact).

Finally, I like the Spy because it's funny when you distract an Engineer from his sapped sentries and dispensers until they blow up, because it means that if you're good, he'll be an idiot and go for you instead of his stuff. He acts like a gentleman (Mentlegen?), and treats his teammates (And occasionally enemies) with respect.

Something I like to say in the voice of the Scout, though, is "If you were from, where I was from, then you'd be from, where I was from!" Which is confusing but makes sense.


New member
May 22, 2009
Cali0602 said:
Your teammates don't cry out "I need a heavy!" or "Soldier!" when they're in peril...they cry out for the MEDIC. The most underused and underappreciated support character in the game. A single, well placed medic can make even the weakest of players a force to be respected.

So go ahead and start your fires, Pyro...lay out a cluster of sticky bombs, Demoman...but you all be screaming the same thing when you're hurt..."Medic!"
Fuck yeah.

OT: I'm between Heavy and Medic,Heavy because he can kill a lot and now I have super healing chocolate,and the Medic because when used correctly,he's one of the most useful,yet underused characters in the game.


The Original RageQuit Rebel
Sep 10, 2009
The Sniper. Just remember, he's not a crazed gunman...he's an assassin. Because one's a job, and the other is mental sickness.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
i love them all, but my favorites are the engineer, soldier, sniper and spy.
engineer - cos i managed to be good at it, (83 kills in 1 life with all my stuff ontop of the 2Fort bridge)
soldier - his insanity is close to my own
sniper - like people above i rush in with the huntsman, where people where more afraid of me than the heavy.
and spy - I'm decent as the dead ringer, using the enforcer to pick em off from afar, and using dead ringer to escape rather than get behind the enemy, also is good to remove fire. a random guy even asked me to teach him how to spy :p


New member
Jun 6, 2011
Hmmm gameplay-wise definitely the medic. I'm far too Canadian to take the spotlight myself with some fancy pyro or demoman moves so I hang back and make sure their all physically and morally pumped up to go kick some ass :3

As for personality, I love the Sniper's work ethic, the Scout's attitude, and the Soldier's attempts at leadership qualities.

meepop said:
and I've more than once given a healthy Soldier head
Um I do hope you mean "given a healthy Soldier **his** head", unless of course you were playing the TF2 Mod: After Dark xD


New member
May 13, 2011
The Spy because it makes me think ingame and use strategy. Along with being full of James Bond references.

Not to mention his hats look really good, and I have a Strange Ambassador that I adore the crap out of.


For The Epic Tanith Wolf
Mar 26, 2009
Sniper all the way, there's nothing more gratifying then headshotting a heavy and watching his medic pal run away.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Kodachi said:
Hmmm gameplay-wise definitely the medic. I'm far too Canadian to take the spotlight myself with some fancy pyro or demoman moves so I hang back and make sure their all physically and morally pumped up to go kick some ass :3

As for personality, I love the Sniper's work ethic, the Scout's attitude, and the Soldier's attempts at leadership qualities.

meepop said:
and I've more than once given a healthy Soldier head
Um I do hope you mean "given a healthy Soldier **his** head", unless of course you were playing the TF2 Mod: After Dark xD
No. I said the Solemn Vow for a reason. It's a bust of the head of Hippocrates, thus allowing you when you kill someone to say (Proper grammar be damned) you gave someone head.