Who was the worst teacher you ever had?


Dec 3, 2010
One was my computer teacher. She was probably over 60, but dressed like 20, had no knowledge about computers and lived by the "I'm right, you're wrong" motto.
Another was my Swedish teacher. For some reason she couldn't stand me. Sure, I wasn't the most obedient kid back then, but she blamed me for things I didn't do, never gave me higher grades than "passed" and forced me to change my handwriting for her sake.

My last math teacher failed me on everything I did. We never got any tests back, so I couldn't double check it(and I wish I demanded it now) - but since I knew math wasn't my best subject I took her word for it. By the end of the year I had failed every moment of math and had to re-do every test. She told me to get in touch with her so she could set something up. Enter the avoidance of a teacher!
First I mailed her, but got no reply. Every time she saw me in the corridors she immedietly turned and walked away quickly(I'm not kidding). One day she was walking down the stairs with me standing below. She was too close to be able to flee, so she brought forth a "damn"-look on her face and approached me saying that she had gotten my mail and wondered if I still wanted to do the tests. It was then over two weeks since I sent the email in the first place.
On the test day she placed me all alone in a class room and said she had to do something, and wanted me to leave the test in her locker. She then went away. Clearly giving me the option to cheat my way through this. Unfortunetly I didn't bring my math book, so I couldn't. "I'm sorry, but you failed."

Then we got one of my Spanish teachers. This one wasn't bad like the others. The problem with her was that she was a pushover and didn't project any authority like a teacher should. I didn't care about Spanish anymore since we lost our first teacher(we had three different ones over three years >.<). She was the only one that really taught us the language. Anyways; when the final days in school came she approached me and said I was gonna fail the class I got upset and punched the desk I was sitting at. The next day she approaches me again and stutters that she looked at my reports again and decided that I was good enough to pass the grade.
I totally wasn't. <.<

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about the school I went in for a half year before taking a sabbatical!
On our Swedish classes there we had two teachers who either talked to each other and took notes on the whiteboard or played/sang opera to us. That's all they did! One of them was a bit pedophilistic aswell. She rang a friend during the nights while drunk and wanted him to come over or something(it wasn't cool, she was at least 60 but looked like an 80 year old troll).
Our religion teacher there had a tendency to just walk out of the classrooms during presentations.
The drama teacher was a looney. He also raised my grades a few months after I had quit the school.

The only thing good about that school was the math teacher. For the first time ever I actually learned stuff in math - and thought it was fun. It totally went away when I begun in the new school.

Oh dear, this almost became an essay. Apologies, but my memories of bad teachers just keeps coming back to me.


New member
Dec 31, 2010
Hands down, a History II professor I had about a year ago.

He occasionally taught us some history, but most of the time he just used his position as professor to rant and rave at us about US politics. Even on the off-chance that he was on-topic for once, he'd only use it as a spring-board for him to dive head first into another rant of spewing angry tea-party rhetoric at us. He'd rather (fruitlessly) try and recruit us for his political cause, by yelling at us for an hour and a half, two days a week, for an entire semester, than do his job right.

The worst part? He didn't even test us on the (few) things we (actually) learned!
Learned extensively about the Nazis and Soviet Union? (He liked to compare them to Obama, so those were the few topics we actually learned much of anything in.) Well, too bad, because this test is on the history of the French monarchy, and they're extensive family tree!

He was unapologetic, unhelpful, uncaring, and unwavering in his beliefs (mostly that Obama is the antichrist, and how he's got a master-plan to destroy the US from the inside by ruining the economy).
He didn't take criticism or counter-arguments. Any opposing arguments/theories were all invalid in his eyes, and I'm pretty sure he had a shit-list for anyone who spoke up.
He wouldn't help anybody after class, in fact, he would just mock you and tell you to quit wasting his time.
He always cut classes short (rather than use the remaining time after his rants to actually teach) and he even canceled the last week of class because he wanted to start his vacation early.

I seriously wish he got fired (but I'll bet anything he's probably still there, ear-raping some poor souls with his propaganda).


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Without getting into any professors i've had, by the way many professors are not trained to
teach in the way that school teachers are they are just very knowledgeable in their field.

The choir teacher at my middle/high school was a horrid person. Did she teach well? I don't know she was so nasty I and many others didn't listen when she was teaching.
Which made her nastier...
you can see where this is going.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
I have two: Theres the one who flirted with me and asked me to stay behind pretty much everyday for no bloody reason, ***** was crazy. The second one was my year 9 RE teacher, she was heavily christian and I'm very agnostic, pretty much every class ended in a massive row between me and her. Eventually she was fired for hitting a student.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
I'm starting teacher training in a few months and I just keep thinking about what'll make me a good teacher, looking back on what my good teachers did right, both in terms of teaching and in just getting alone with the kids. The best teachers I had were ones who commanded respect simply by being down to earth and on the level, not patronising or frightening and the worst teachers were ones who lacked confidence or just didn't understand the attitudes of teenagers

Korak the Mad

New member
Nov 19, 2010
Last semester at college I had an english teacher, that would give me the lowest grades in the class. I don't know why he did that, but it pissed me off because when I was in high school which I just graduated from, I would always get A's and B's throughout the time I was there. What also pissed me off was that kids I went to school with who got low grades were doing better than I was. Whenever I handed in my essays I would get them returned without saying what I did wrong so I didn't know what to change.

Towards the end of the semester the teacher gave us a paper on how he graded papers and I looked at it and wasa immediately pissed, because every rule he gave was pretty much set up against me on how I wrote essays.

Even the english teacher I had the next semester said that this teacher was very strict and would be very hard on certain people, and would withdraw alot of kids from his class.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Fifth grade teacher, Mr. Rayse (pronouced rays, like sunrays).

Extreme right wing conservative republican who decided that if you werent white you were clearly stupid or something was wrong with you.

So yeah, he was racist, but he was subtly racist. If you looked, you saw any non white kid's GPA drop when they took his class, and scores were significantly lower. Plus he would always say things like you're going to be serving burgers to little ___________ (white kid in class name inserted here) while he's done being a CEO or president or something.


New member
May 28, 2011
my spanish teacher from a couple of years ago
not only did he barely speak english, but he never taught us anything he just gave us a list of words in spanish without the translation and told us to memorize them
for all i knew it could be saying "i'm a stupid american d*ck"
he also threw chalk at us, which isn't very nice


New member
Jul 17, 2010
mine was a science teacher who raped me int he closet. but then i wasnt fighting it cause she was hot. hmmm i have issues dont i >.>


New member
Dec 23, 2009
It always seems to be Math teachers that suck at their job, no wonder everyone thinks it's difficult.

I've survived through 2 crappy Maths teachers and 2 low-average Maths teachers. At first I thought I was just plain bad at Maths, but I have actually had a few really good teachers that managed to redeem everything I wasn't taught (but should have been) in the previous years.

Oh yeah and I had a French teacher that successfully taught me nothing for 2 years. For the exam at the end of the year we basically had to write a few paragraphs about ourselves in French (really low level course), so what he did was have us try and memorize the paragraph we'd need to write by writing it over and over for 2 years. I'm pretty sure we weren't taught any form of grammar or how the language is structured or anything.


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Probably the one that molested me. Worst part was that my parent's didn't believe me and said that I was lying. They still don't believe me, but now they just say I have false memories. Course, I was such a hell raiser in middle school (what with my autism and all) that I guess one could say that I deserved the molestation.


Castles & Chemo Founder
Oct 19, 2008
For a while, I had thought it was a Civil Law teacher I had in high school who, in the wake of 9/11, resorted to showing episodes of Law & Order and requesting a summary of the episode in question; not even the individual laws involved.

But this past year, I ended up having a teacher (ironically in my "Introduction to the Teaching Profession" class) who was so awful that it made me reconsider becoming a teacher myself. 80% of his class was anecdotal bullshit that I considered myself lucky if it was even tangentially related to the subject at hand. I learned more from the teachers I shadowed for the class than I did from him.

Mondai Randy

New member
May 15, 2010
my 11th grade English teacher was the worst. She kept using a 18th century dictionary , she would mispronounce words (I stupidly decided to correct her once , she sent me to the principal's office)

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Grade wise?
My former AS Maths teacher. U's everywhere... Including me.

Personally hated?
Year 8 Geography teacher. She just hated my guts for some reason, she took my MP3 player because my headphone was dangling out of my pocket. WHY WAS SHE LOOKING DOWN THAT AREA!

Just bad teaching?
My Year 10-11 Art teacher. Mind you I chose Art because Drama, Performing Arts & Hairdressing were the alternatives. 2 years of doing nothing. Perfect definition of doss. Oh he also instead of teaching, HE did it for us! I'll admit it's not something I'm personally complaining about, but he shouldn't have to be honest. He also kept calling by my older brother's name, as he had him when my brother was there.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
High School, not a teacher but an administrator. Every student back in my day hated her and she actually said to my face I would never get my diploma and that I was a waste of time.

It wasnt all bad though, many teachers didnt suck and were very unique. Two english teachers that were just hired when I was a freshman were dating, another was at least 60 and actively drank and actually taught us how to make a martini, another teacher was an avid WoW player and hooked us up with vanilla raid groups and actually raided through BC like madmen when it came out, the math teacher and history teachers had a blood feud with the secondary language teachers and the band/theater camp. The principle even broke a few bones falling from a ladder and came into work anyways, we learned sex ed basically in biology and chemistry.

There was really only one stick in the mud.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
I forget her name but she was my 7th grade math teacher who actually might have been a decent teacher if she spoke damned english.Seriously her english was about at the same level as a four year old.Oh and my 9th grade PE teacher who regulary chewed me out for walking instead of running which would't have been all that bad if he wasn't 300 pounds of flab and blubber.


New member
Apr 26, 2010
My 9th grade Geography/11th grade Law teacher(same person). She was a huge *****, that is all that needs saying.