Who was the worst teacher you ever had?

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
My Year 3 teacher, so exasperated that that she could not control the class, held a boys head (one of my friends actually) down onto the table so that he got a nose bleed and was forced to go to the front office, then home. For 8/9 year olds, that was pretty scary.

In Year 7 I had an art teacher who I would swear was stoned off her face most of the time, and broke down crying more than once. I remember when we had to do some crappy project, I'd left it to the last minute and spent an entire weekend writing this massive thing, and when I got it back I was glad to see that I'd gotten 30/30, until I noticed that the kid with the really poor handwriting who'd written his 2 page assignment on the train trip there on the wrong artwork also got 30/30. Everyone got 100%, it was a fucking disgrace, who does that?

My Year 11 Maths teacher would make you come out to the front of the classroom and complete problems in front of the board, and you could not go back to your sheet until you finished. If you were there for too long, she would go over it like a personal tutor would, while 30 other people watch. Over time I came maths turned into something I enjoyed to something that I would dread. This teacher was well suited to teaching small groups of people harder stuff though, I've heard that she's very good at that, but at teaching a large class she failed.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
My 10th grade geometry teacher. He came in hung over on the days after a vacation, never slowed down to let us take notes or explain again, refused to open a window when it was hot in the room (which was in the hottest part of the school), assigned over a hundred problems nightly.

It didn't help that he spoke in a monotone when I had him for the first class of the day when my school started at 7:30 every morning, so combined with the heat and it was hard just to stay focused enough to not fall asleep, let alone take notes, do well on the quizzes and tests, and learn.

I barely passed with a D-, my lowest grade with everything else being As and Bs.

My college classes have been easier and the professor more understanding than that class and him.

Though he's in contention with my sixth grade math/english teacher. Teachers would teach two of the primary subjects (math, english, social studies/history and science) in two teacher groups and the other would teach the other two in my middle school. She taught us next to nothing. We watched The Princess Bride three times of the year, and she would frequently get off topic.

One instance that stands out in my friends and I's mind is that when were learning about angles, we when from angles to Amelia Earhart to forest fires to coffins to World War II to Hitler somehow in the span of a hour. My friends and I are still trying to figure out how that logic train derailed so badly. Learned nothing that year in her subjects and over the summer my parents hired a tutor so I would actually be prepared for the next year.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
I've had a few teachers I didn't like because they were boring, or strict, or just mean. But everyone does, so I don't really hate on them too much.

HOWEVER, the one teacher I hate so much as to call her a total ***** at every opportunity even 5 years after my senior year was my AP art teacher. Not only was she the most condescending person I've ever had the displeasure of speaking to (she talked to me like I was 5, and even had a stupid childish nickname for me), but she was one of the most artsy fartsy people ever. Any attempt to "color outside the lines" or otherwise express myself through art was immediately reigned in by her idiotic standards. She basically killed art for me (I haven't really made any attempt to make art since then), and needless to say I did awful on my AP art exam because at that point I was just completely demoralized. God, even typing about her fills me with BROOKLYN RAGE! And I'm from Texas!


New member
Dec 28, 2010
My year 7 tutor, we pissed him off so much that he snapped and punched a student...yeah i was in a bad tutor group i really didn't fit in with them lol.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Reading this made me realize how lucky I am that my worst teacher is simply one who was terrible at her job, rather than outright malicious. 9th grade English teacher, can't remember her name, didn't actually teach us anything besides some vocabulary and was quickly angered when anyone questioned her. The worst part wasn't even what she was teaching or how she was teaching it, it was just everything about her was condescending.

I've always been a lazy yet capable student, to the point that I've become infamous for my ability to get by just on good test scores. But when I didn't do one homework assignment she asked me why I couldn't do it in that tone of voice you would use to talk to a four-year old. She would also use that tone just about anytime she was talking to individuals rather than the entire class.

Judging by the reaction she got among my school's normally quite docile students, she was like this to just about everyone. It got so bad that we actually started a petition to get her fired, which was stopped because one student associated with it started threatening her and the school declared it dangerous to allow us to continue. She only taught that one year, though I'm not sure if she was fired or if she just left, either way I'm grateful that the lower grades didn't have to put up with her.


New member
May 21, 2009
I've had plenty of bad teachers that were just terrible at teaching the course work.

This past year I ended up retaking Algebra 2 because I literally had no idea what was going in in PreCalculus. It wasn't even that I had failed, I passed with a C ( I turned in the same homework assignment about 5 times in a row getting credit for multiple assignments)

I honestly didn't mind the teachers that sat back and did nothing, I never cared enough to learn.

The thing that would help kids out is a shorter day starting later. I'm to tired to concentrate in school without me going to bed at 7 o'clock, and quite frankly, I just didn't care enough to do so.

Edit: Oh yeah, I think this is worth mentioning too.

My previous Superintendent was arrested for crossing the border and trading iPods to little Mexican Boys for sex.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
I had an art teacher in highschool that was literally nuts. I'm pretty sure she was on drugs all the time, but apparently no-one cared because it was art. Aside from just being generally bizarre, she told people to leave the class to get things for her, and gave them detentions for being late when they came back. She also punished a kid for a day he wasn't actually in school, and he only found out when his form tutor asked him why he got the detention the next day.

Luckily none of this actually mattered, because she never actually turned up to the punishments she had given anyway.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I have a bunch of bad teachers.

My third grade one was horrible because she was just a bit of a unreasonable, strict teacher.

My 9th grade biology teacher had basically given up on the class since he was retiring at the end of the year.

My 10th grade Algebra II teacher had never taught the subject before so we got to "learn together" as she put it. Apparently, she didn't know any of it since she had been teaching geometry ever since graduating college.

My 10th "art" teacher just let all the kids walk all over her. She did nothing. Ever.

My last 3D teacher expected WAAAAAY too much from college kids (he was an adjunct teacher which means he worked in the real world and taught on the side. He didn't get to come back. It was his first, and last, year there).

My last Painting and Drawing with Composition Programs teacher was also an adjunct teacher who obviously dealt with graphic design more than anything else. He actually told us he wasn't there to teach us how to draw despite the name of the class.

The worst of all of these, in my opinion...would be the 3D teacher. He spent so much time trying to learn a program he didn't really know to teach us that we barely did anything in that class and he was so unreasonable that I actually took it to the Dean.


New member
May 21, 2009
My fifth grade home room teacher. He was just... such a *****. He was very quick to take away recesses, yell, smash his fist on the desk... he was just generally unpleasant. He had this lisp, too... actually, I think he was gay. There was this one time I was behind on an assignment because I'd lost the question sheet, so I went and asked him for another copy. He yelled at me that I was supposed to work on the new one now, some other stuff that was pretty belittling, and punctuated the whole thing with, "Now, get busy!" Get busy? Really?

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
2 french UNIVERSITY teachers I had this year. I nicknamed them "Herr Führer" and "She-Mussolini". They didn't know what they were talking about. They argued 90% of the time. They treated us like middle school kids. Racism included.

I'm pretty sure that they were hired because they read a lot...

The first one got fired and the other one is under close supervision now.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Daystar Clarion said:
From what I recall, I was average at maths until about year 6 in comprehensive school. During that year, the worst teacher I've ever had was my maths teacher and my grades in that subject started to drop. I never really caught up after that. I'm 23, and to this day, my mental arithmetic is just terrible.
My Dads a high school maths teacher and he's, by his own admission, fairly shit at mental arithmetic. Doesn't mean anything.

If you can't do it whilst writing it down then its a different story.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Freshmen year of high school I had the doucheiest(?) history teacher. He was in his 30s and acted as if he was still in high school. He would always insults students like he was their best friend. Nothing horrible, but the way he acted was just really unprofessional in my opinion.

Also I'm not one to piss and moan about religion but he always forced his Catholic beliefs on us and it was really annoying. He was also particularly rude to me and I called him out on it all the time.

Also I thought he was really creepy. He would stare at girls in my grade and says just the creepiest things to them. Whenever a girl mentioned something about trips or something like that he would say, "'Oh cool, I wish I was there.'"

But I never see him anymore so its all good.


Jan 5, 2010
Huh, other than P.E 'teachers'...

I had a physics teacher in high school who could NOT control a class to save his life. he was a small weak man who couldn't raise his voice or assert any sense of authority. The worse kids who didn't want to learn knew this. Pandemonium ensued every class and none of the students who wanted to learn could learn anything from him.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
8th grade Algebra teacher. Didn't feel like we were being taught anything and she was kind of a, for lack of a better word, *****.


New member
Jul 22, 2010
My fluid mechanics lecturer in uni, mainly because he didn't understand his own subject. Since he lacked any understanding whatsoever, we had to be able to prove or deduce certain formulae following the exact steps he had in his book. It didn't matter if you actually understood the material and proved it in a mathematically sound manner, you know, showing actual understanding of the subject. You got 0 points for that.

Of course, when he once, during a class session, started deducing a formula on the blackboard, he mistakenly forgot a constant and had switched a + with a -, but crammed them in at the end anyway...

He could do simple mathematics, so he avoided it as hell :"we've got three unknowns and three equations, this problem is solved", he never dared to solve one.

The worst of all was that he couldn't even convey the simple subject of Bernoulli' principle. We asked our professor of thermodynamics once during his class and he explained it to us in 5 minutes. After which there were 80 students going "aaaaahhh, that's easy".

Examns should be hard by their content, not by having nitwits for lecturers.

Underground Man

New member
Sep 20, 2010
I had a Spanish teacher in HS that just, lost control of the class completely. We were stuck out in the trailer part of the school and most of the students just didn't give a crap.

Finally he just gave up teaching us and it became a free period. Our final exam, no lie, was literally him handing us scantrons and saying, "okay, 1-10 is A. 11-20 is B" and so on.

Really sad, since I think he was new to teaching and got a bad impression. I tried to do my part to keep quiet in his class, but no one else was having any of that.