Why do people feel the need to slash tires?

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Whenever I hear of people's stories of having this happen, it gets heart beating, face a little red, and pretty much just pisses me off (Which is why I'd prefer you don't quote me with stories if you could. I HATE hearing stories bout this thing [If I come back to the thread, I'll be skipping past the stories so they don't kill my mood, unless I want to read :3])

I've never had personal experience with it, but it just seems like the biggest dick move possible. Someone I work with said she got all 4 tires slashed one night, and it STILL bothers me to this day. It's a total WTF thing, and you gotta pay to replace em too, which isn't fair =\

So Escapist, why do people feel it necessary to do this? Why do you resort to this for an act of revenge? Why do you go out at night to do this? Why do you slash your bosses tires just cause you decided not to quit, but get mad? And better yet, why are you so mad that you feel you need to cost people hundreds of dollars, pretty much make them late, and/or unable to get home when they want, and basically ruin their day/week/month, just cause you felt you had to do this? Couldn't you have been the bigger man/woman and walked away from the problem, or just left a note before you drove off?


Edit: This is also one of the many reasons I'm sketched out about driving. I doubt I could just simply afford to replace them, and if I didn't have a garage at say... an apartment, I highly doubt I'd be able to sleep easily at night, cause I'd be worried some asshole would just come by and slash them =\


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Slashing tires is an easy way to get revenge while leaving minimal evidence. I wouldn't consider it unless the person had kicked my dog, but my idea of vehicular revenge involves powdered aluminum, powdered rust, and something very, very hot.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
It's cowardice, pure and simple. It's just like when some coward takes a baseball bat to someone's mailbox at night(had it happen to me, it sucks}. The person doing it is as angry at the victim as they can be, but they don't have the nerve to face them or leave behind evidence. If it ever happens to you, you can take cold comfort in the persons fear of you, for without it, they'd confront you.
Alternately, if it's just someone randomly slashing tires, the offender is just a dick. Sometimes a punk is just a punk after all.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
I think it's because some people are cowards, and some are just inept at life. Those who are cowards do it out of anger towards the owner when they aren't feeling brave enough for a personal confrontation or for (heaven forbid!) resolving their differences.

Those who are inept at life do it because they are incapable of actually doing anything beneficial, and so they make their presence felt on the world in the only way they know how: by destroying things. If they had half a brain in their heads they'd realize that it's no accomplishment to destroy a thing; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. So easy in fact that the second law of thermodynamics basically says if you want to see a thing destroyed, add energy to it at random through whatever means you want, or just wait a while.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
*nod nod* Makes enough sense to me. It's just really retarded people would do it. If I ever get a car, I'm not keeping outside, no questions asked, ever. I don't trust people with things that cost a lot of money, and cars, cost a lot of money.
Oct 12, 2011
Aetheora said:
Whenever I hear of people's stories of having this happen, it gets heart beating, face a little red, and pretty much just pisses me off (Which is why I'd prefer you don't quote me with stories if you could. I HATE hearing stories bout this thing [If I come back to the thread, I'll be skipping past the stories so they don't kill my mood, unless I want to read :3])

I've never had personal experience with it, but it just seems like the biggest dick move possible. Someone I work with said she got all 4 tires slashed one night, and it STILL bothers me to this day. It's a total WTF thing, and you gotta pay to replace em too, which isn't fair =\

So Escapist, why do people feel it necessary to do this? Why do you resort to this for an act of revenge? Why do you go out at night to do this? Why do you slash your bosses tires just cause you decided not to quit, but get mad? And better yet, why are you so mad that you feel you need to cost people hundreds of dollars, pretty much make them late, and/or unable to get home when they want, and basically ruin their day/week/month, just cause you felt you had to do this? Couldn't you have been the bigger man/woman and walked away from the problem, or just left a note before you drove off?


Edit: This is also one of the many reasons I'm sketched out about driving. I doubt I could just simply afford to replace them, and if I didn't have a garage at say... an apartment, I highly doubt I'd be able to sleep easily at night, cause I'd be worried some asshole would just come by and slash them =\
It is an easy way to harshly and violently act out against someone with minimal chance of getting caught (and minimal damage to you if you do get caught).

It is childish, immature and destruction of someone's property is one of the most petty evils humans are capable of.

If it makes you feel any better, here is a completely off-topic feel-good story:
At work, someone has a family member working in another country. That family member told my co-worker, "Your daughter can come overseas and stay with us for spring-break! She can even bring a couple of friends with her if she wants!" Unfortunately, one of those friends could not afford the plane ticket (the only part of the trip each kid had to pay for), so she would not be able to go. Her family is not very financially secure and the money simply isn't there. My co-worker decided to do some fund-raising to help that young lady get the chance to travel abroad for at least once in her life, but was not able to raise enough money quickly enough to meet the purchase deadline for the tickets. Another co-worker sympathetically listened to the first co-worker's tale and even helped out a bit with the fund raising attempts. Just a few days before the deadline with nowhere near the amount of money raised that was needed, the second co-worker walked into the first co-workers office and simply plunked a check down on her desk for the difference. He hadn't been asked to donate. He hadn't asked for anything in return. He just wanted to make life easier for his co-worker and maybe help out a decent high-school kid he had never met.

For every dumb-ass tire-slashing twit in the world, there are always a few good people. The nice folks just never seem to show up in the news.