Whenever I hear of people's stories of having this happen, it gets heart beating, face a little red, and pretty much just pisses me off (Which is why I'd prefer you don't quote me with stories if you could. I HATE hearing stories bout this thing [If I come back to the thread, I'll be skipping past the stories so they don't kill my mood, unless I want to read :3])
I've never had personal experience with it, but it just seems like the biggest dick move possible. Someone I work with said she got all 4 tires slashed one night, and it STILL bothers me to this day. It's a total WTF thing, and you gotta pay to replace em too, which isn't fair =\
So Escapist, why do people feel it necessary to do this? Why do you resort to this for an act of revenge? Why do you go out at night to do this? Why do you slash your bosses tires just cause you decided not to quit, but get mad? And better yet, why are you so mad that you feel you need to cost people hundreds of dollars, pretty much make them late, and/or unable to get home when they want, and basically ruin their day/week/month, just cause you felt you had to do this? Couldn't you have been the bigger man/woman and walked away from the problem, or just left a note before you drove off?
Edit: This is also one of the many reasons I'm sketched out about driving. I doubt I could just simply afford to replace them, and if I didn't have a garage at say... an apartment, I highly doubt I'd be able to sleep easily at night, cause I'd be worried some asshole would just come by and slash them =\
I've never had personal experience with it, but it just seems like the biggest dick move possible. Someone I work with said she got all 4 tires slashed one night, and it STILL bothers me to this day. It's a total WTF thing, and you gotta pay to replace em too, which isn't fair =\
So Escapist, why do people feel it necessary to do this? Why do you resort to this for an act of revenge? Why do you go out at night to do this? Why do you slash your bosses tires just cause you decided not to quit, but get mad? And better yet, why are you so mad that you feel you need to cost people hundreds of dollars, pretty much make them late, and/or unable to get home when they want, and basically ruin their day/week/month, just cause you felt you had to do this? Couldn't you have been the bigger man/woman and walked away from the problem, or just left a note before you drove off?
Edit: This is also one of the many reasons I'm sketched out about driving. I doubt I could just simply afford to replace them, and if I didn't have a garage at say... an apartment, I highly doubt I'd be able to sleep easily at night, cause I'd be worried some asshole would just come by and slash them =\