why do people get so hyped for dual weilding

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
Well one hand fires one pistol, two hands can fire two pistols...so why not? But since I'm sure you're talking about Modern Warfare 2, I don't care about it in that case, but there's no downside to it being included so why not?


Gone Gonzo ..... no ..... wait..
Jun 18, 2009
WhiteTiger225 said:
obex said:
two swords one legend, Iceingdeath and Twinkle you all know who im talking about

Tinkerbell? (honestly, who named his swords? XD)
Icingdeath was the name given to the dragon who had the sword before he took it. Twinkle.....something to do with elfs if i remember


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Magnikai said:
Spinwhiz said:
I think games should reduce the accuracy for dual wielding guns...if they want to make the game more real that is.

EDIT: Or you could dual wield shotguns like The Rock in The Rundown. Completely impossible. Your shoulders would just dislocate from the shock, probably break your wrist and elbow too.
This is true...but WHY would we want to make games more realistic? Reality sucks, I play games to get out of it, not for more
I have to agree with you there. :)

mad benji89

New member
May 4, 2009
the only time i use duel wielding is if i cant find any bigass rocket launcher's or some semi-automatic rifle with a good scope on. because if u cant have one powerfull weapon miles have two not so powerfull ones to make up for it

but duel wielding rocket launcher sign me up


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Kajin said:
rawlsku said:
And why practice an inferior combat style for mind-numbing amounts of time, when you could practice the same time with one sword, making you way more efficient.
Dual-wielding is dumb, and anyone thinking that it's viable should look at the facts and reconsider their opinion.
I'd do it because I'd want to. We all have our weapons of choice. The halberd is no less a respectable option then the naginata. I'm all about the efficiency but if I want to work three times as hard to achieve an identical result as you then by god I'm going to do it.

I'd also like to see these facts of yours that say dual-wielding is absolutely inconceivable no matter how hard or in what manner you try*. Like I said in my previous post, the outcome of the battle is not solely dependent on how skilled you are with your weapon.

*No, really, I'd like to see them. Could prove to be an interesting read. Link me!
Thats the problem, you wouldn't get the same results. You would be worse off then someone wielding a two handed weapon such as a waraxe, or a greatsword (Fuck claymores, they were anti-cavalry, not anti person as they were to unwieldly) Not to mention anyone with a shield would mow you over (Shields were just as much a defensive tool as they were an offensive tool)

And you want evidence? first research cases of dual wielding in reality. You will find very few resources as such a thing was only ever done in desperation (The only written record I could uncover in my research were said norsemen who became enraged during battle, problem is, since they were enraged while doing such, they killed their own men as much as they killed the enemy) now, search up dual wielding in reality, on google, or ask jeeves, etc. What do you get? A tonne of gaming sites. Why? Because historically, no army used dual wielding men. The whole ideal of dual wielding was romanticized by many cultures (especially asian cultures) as an artform, which inspired pictures of glorious men wielding such an artistic use of weapons in victory, what really shot off Dual wielding's popularity was good ol' cowboy films, and soon pretty much every form of cinema. what people don't realize though is the good ol' cowboys would dual wield pistols for only one real reason. That reason was to both supress the opposition, and to fire off 12 - 18 rounds at a group of colonial era muzzleloading military in the time one man could fire 1 shot. Nowadays with assault rifles that can fire as accurately as the best of hunting rifles and carry more rounds then two pistols, dual wielding has no purpose at all except for supressing fire, and only because with the less accuracy no one can actually tell where your bullets will go, but then again, you can do that with an assault rifle by putting it on full automatic instead of burst fire and get the same, if not better an effect.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
obex said:
WhiteTiger225 said:
obex said:
two swords one legend, Iceingdeath and Twinkle you all know who im talking about

Tinkerbell? (honestly, who named his swords? XD)
Icingdeath was the name given to the dragon who had the sword before he took it. Twinkle.....something to do with elfs if i remember
Damn panzy elves, breathing all the human mans air with their big ears and vegetation eating lips... Who needs em anyways?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
Because everyone's secret fantasy is to fire two guns whilst jumping through the air. Seriously video-games are just a way for people to safely do incredibly stupid but incredibly awesome looking things.

Dr. Wily III

New member
Jul 27, 2009
Because you need another Pistol to do awesome things like that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giPDBHEWUtc


This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
WhiteTiger225 said:
Why do I say a sword, or a large axe? Because any nitwit who takes a look at medieval history will see what weapons left survivors on the battlefield.The sword is the most versatile of weapons (Namingly the european longsword for most makes) and only a peasent who couldn't afford a real weapon would take a knife into battle. Why? Because the enemy is most likely going to rain arrows on you first off (Shield comes in handy then) run over you with heavy cavalry (ever tried to stop a chain skirted horse with a 10inch blade?) or send in their own peasents. The 3 ft blade (Long sword) was the best weapon you could have next to a spear (Theres a reason why spears and lances were used in armies even into WW1 compared to swords which were more a decoration of rank) as it allowed you to keep your opponent at range, was made so that every surface was a kill area, and allowed you to parry weapon swings with much ease. Try parrying ANY weapon with two long knives. If you read up on your medieval history, you will see that one of the biggest advantages one could have, was killing their opponent before their opponent could get in range to kill them. And I am sorry to say, anyone conscripted into an army with any amount of denari would quickly invest in a longer weapon they could actually defend themselves with. The Pitch fork with all honesty was far more useful then a knife, as it could actually range an opponent compared to the knife that made you pretty much have to fuck your opponent just to be lcose enough to use it. Stop watching anime, or looking at assassin's creed, or lord of the rings, etc for how real battles went.
YAY! An actual argument!

I wasn't referring to medeival warfare with any of my arguments. If I'm going to be going into pitched battle on the open fields for the love of god it's gonna be the biggest sword and shield I can wield effectively. Situations vary, however. The biggest advantage of the knife is that it was small enought to be hidden easily and could be pulled out at a moments notice. There are numerous situations where a knife would be far more effective than the sword, the most common of which would be narrow spaces or heavily forested terrain. All of a sudden that range the sword is giving you that you were so proud of on the field of battle is practically useless because you have no room to swing whatsoever. Since my weapons are smaller, I do have room to swing while you yourself can only attempt to stab. The playing field is just about even because I have the terrain working for me in my favor now. My speed and ability to attack unrestrained are now my strength while your strength and ability to otherwise reach me from a distance have now become your weakness. It's still a matter of who lands the first blow, a feat that is now severely hampered for you.

As I keep saying time and time again, there are other factors to be considered other than the weapon and your skill with it. Environment, manuevarability, tactics, these factors vary by scenario and so should your weapon of choice.

Take for example the roman legionaires. Their use of weaponry as the ultimate defense made them so formidable that no man in his right mind would go up against such a force. Lured into forested terrain, their coordination was heavily disrupted by the terrain and taking them out could quite conceivably be childs play. Documents from that time period have testified to that.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Because instead of shooting things once, you can shoot them twice. And it's badass. And it looks cool. But no, i suppose it isn't the most effective.

George Palmer

Halfro Representative
Feb 23, 2009
For me, in WoW, it means I can usually hit twice as fast. No typically not for as much damage, but more often. which is for me more entertaining and seems more exciting. Thats just me though lol


New member
Apr 3, 2009
I have to tell you guys that dual wielding was quite popular in european martial arts.

for instance the "main gauche" which is literally translated "left hand" as it was a parrying dagger that was held in the left hand while fencing.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
duel weilding kinda wastes time because both guns take up the same ammo.


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Dual Wielding is pure win. It's just that simple.

It doesn't have to be practical or even remotely plausible, IT IS WIN.