Why do you suppose Canada is never a civilation choice in the Civilation games?


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
You ever notice that Canada is never featured? It has to be the largest country never represented in the series.

Don't quote me because I don't care.
Oct 12, 2011
Sadly, the oversight is probably because it is a British Commonwealth nation, post colony. Forever doomed to live under its parent's shadow.

Or at least until the development team moves there, I suppose.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
No offence to Canadia and its citizens but its a relatively young country, and hasnt really ever been a big civilization that has dominated the world... perhaps it will be Canadia that leads us into future Utopia that will last for a thousand years.. but as it is Canada isnt a country on par with the likes of Rome or Greece or any of the other countries that dominated their time.

EDIT: although i remember in Civ 2 you could Name your own Civ and Leader.. Which i do think they should've retained for the later games in the series.
EDIT2: and apparantly you still can.. so yeah just rename yourself High King of Canada if thats what you want to do.


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
Frankly I don't think it should be, and I am Canadian.

But then it's also retarded that the U.S. is a choice as well. The normal game starts you in like 4000 BC. Most of the civilizations are just stupid to have in the game in my opinion.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
You know, I don't think it is even a city state in civ 5. Hell even Austrialia gets a city state and the Sydney Opera house is a world wonder. Canada is left out in the cold.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Regardless of how awesome Canada may or may not be, it hasn't made a big splash on a global scale in terms of taking over. Also, it's relatively young, and overshadowed by Britain as its parent nation. Doesn't matter how great it is up there, it just isn't known for the kind of things that make for a distinctive Civ entity.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
To the best of my knowledge, Canada has never declared war against another nation on its own and doesn't have as large a military reputation or history in comparison to the other nations, present or defunct, in the Civilization series. The same can be said of Australia and New Zealand.

Though if there was a Canada in the Civilization series, which leader or important historical figure would be the best representation of Canada?

Solid Reece

New member
Nov 19, 2010
I think because they want to make Canada part of the USA in the game. I hate it. I then play another Country and Destroy the USA for revenge. If in any new game they say Canada's land is the US's the country is my main target. I don't care If Russia's attacking me. My main force is Liberating Canada from the US!


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Look at the histories of the Egyptian, Roman, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, English, and Indian peoples and tell me with a straight face that they are even remotely on the same page as the Canadians. This isn't even me hating on Canada, it's fact. There are so many more nations and peoples who have had a greater impact on world history who aren't even included in Civilization games


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Ilikemilkshake said:
No offence to Canadia and its citizens but its a relatively young country, and hasnt really ever been a big civilization that has dominated the world... perhaps it will be Canadia that leads us into future Utopia that will last for a thousand years.. but as it is Canada isnt a country on par with the likes of Rome or Greece or any of the other countries that dominated their time.
Basically that. I'm a Canadian and I agree with you completely. Besides, what special unit would Canada even get? Canadian Storm Troopers? (Which was actually Canadian unit in ww1)


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
bdcjacko said:
You know, I don't think it is even a city state in civ 5. Hell even Austrialia gets a city state and the Sydney Opera house is a world wonder. Canada is left out in the cold.
What world wonder would we have? The CN Tower? Igloos? Country-specific unit; Mounty to replace those tier-1 2-move unit.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
The two semesters of World History at university some time ago would lead me to believe that Canada's main contribution to civilization is:
(a) hosting the Winter Olympics on a regular basis, and
(b) giving Native Americans and draft dodgers a place to run when the appropriate form of imperialists started cracking down.

As someone who works with Canadians on a regular basis I also know that for being one of the largest landmasses in the world, it's pretty empty once you get far enough north that your cell phone stops picking up Verizon towers.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Because, well, it's just Canada. Who cares? Look, I love Canada. I AM Canadian. But Canada is a young country that thus far has had relatively little impact on the world, it's not a civilization, it's just an awesome country.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
You had Canada as a civ in Civilization: Call to Power.

Trudeau sends out his warmechs for the win!
Jan 27, 2011
Eh, as a kid I was pissed off at that. Now, not so much.

Yeah, it would be cool to see Canada pop up in Civ games, but really? We're a really nice nation that doesn't really do much special, especially not in terms of military stuff. Yeah, we kicked ass at Vimy ridge, and in the war of 1812 we held off the much better armed and supplied US, but since then? We just mind our own business, do some peacekeeping with the UN, and TOTALLY are not harboring illuminati bases under the olympic stadium. *whistles innocently*

So no, I don't think we'd make a good main faction in Civ. But I really do wish we appeared in more games. At least Scott Pilgrim and Deus Ex 3 got us some screen time. :p

Atticus89 said:
Though if there was a Canada in the Civilization series, which leader or important historical figure would be the best representation of Canada?
John A Macdonald or Trudeau, probably.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
I don't know.

Then again, if the criteria were simply the size of a country, Australia should be it's own civilisation too. (Funnily enough I think it was in at least one expansion. I shudder in horror just remembering it though, because they had the inanity to make the leader John Howard. That's some kind of sick joke right?)

Anyway, yeah, sorry to say Canada just isn't very memorable as a civilisation. Seeing America represented in 4000BC is always a bit silly, but America dominates the modern world for some reason.

England was a major empire for over a century.

China is on it's way back to being a significant force, but also was the single most advanced civilisation on the planet for near to a millenia.

Egypt is now an insignificant country, but was historically very prominent.

Greek culture dominated much of the world, even as the Roman empire took over most of ancient Europe.

Spain essentially took over most of south America, and it's influence in that regard can still be felt, even if it has no empire to speak of today.

The Dutch held an immense amount of influence over trade in Europe, and owned indonesia and several other colonies (as well as New York formerly being New Amsterdam). For one of the tiniest countries in Europe it's influence is quite dramatic.

Germany tried to take over large parts of Europe. at least twice. Not to mention their history in Europe generally.

France, aside from having a long history also tried to take over.

Russia has a lot of history before that, but there is the whole USSR thing to think about too.

Japan is a small, frequently xenophobic country, historically, but they've had frequent conflicts with china, and again they've tried to take over Asia.

India may have been an English colony at some point, and to the modern world looks relatively primitive, but it's history further back is very impressive, and quite a few things have their origins in India.

The Aztec, Incan and Maian civilisations were also nothing to be sneezed at, even if they all seem to be gone now.

Compared to that, I can't really think of anything significant about Canada. That's not to say there's no reason to include it as a civilisation, but there are about 200 countries on the planet right now, many of which have as much claim to being included as Canada does.
- It does surprise me they didn't at least include it as a nation state in Civ 5 though.

(Though going through what I know about the civilisation games I'm struggling to find any viking inspired civs. You'd think that would be significant right?)

Still, at the end of the day it's just a game. The reasons the Devs chose whatever civilisations are in the game can be fairly arbitrary.


New member
Nov 15, 2011
Probably the same reason Australia isn't. Too young, not enough independent culture. You could sort of make the same argument against the US being a faction, and for the most part I'd agree with you, but the US has played such a big role in recent history (as in the 100 year preceding the game's release) that it gets a special mention. Besides, while Canada is the 2nd largest country, it's also one of the most sparsely populated meaning its native culture is of less importance. Ask people anywhere in the world what "Americans" are like and they have no trouble coming up with a steriotype. With Canada, or Belgium for instance, that's a little more difficult.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
I always come to these topics just to find that most people have worded my thoughts better than I could.

I'm in agreement though that while we Canadians' don't completely lack for interesting history, there really isn't a whole lot of it in comparison to places over in the East.
loudestmute said:
As someone who works with Canadians on a regular basis I also know that for being one of the largest landmasses in the world, it's pretty empty once you get far enough north that your cell phone stops picking up Verizon towers.
Everyone loves SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist).


New member
Jan 8, 2011
Atticus89 said:
To the best of my knowledge, Canada has never declared war against another nation on its own and doesn't have as large a military reputation or history in comparison to the other nations, present or defunct, in the Civilization series. The same can be said of Australia and New Zealand.
All of those nations are Commonwealth States, which means they are still tied to myriad treaties and obligations to their "mother country," the United Kingdom. Some old alliances are had to break.