Why do you suppose Canada is never a civilation choice in the Civilation games?


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
First, what's a civilation?
Second, Canada is way too far up the United States' ass to even be considered.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Arontala said:
The fact that Canada isn't featured is not stupid. You know what is, though? The fact that the United States of America is.
Well, we're the dominant world power, and it can be argued (even if I'm not going to do it here) that we pretty much created the modern world. Culturally we've probably done more to sucessfully conquer the world with "The Big Mac" and "Melrose Place" than others have done with military force.

Canada in comparison has done very little globally, it's never been a world power, never mind a dominant world power. Even if the US was to fall tomorrow it would be in these games because it's mark on history is unmistakable.

Of course I admit having the US kicking around at 4000 BC is a big silly, but the same could be said of a lot of the civilizations when you get down to it.

To my way of thinking I think adding in some of the Native American, Polynesian, etc... civilizations was pushing it, but then again they were intended for very specific thematic game types where they worked better rather than the general global conquest/domination mode where they can also be used.

Honestly though, instead of more civilizations or a "Civ 6" I want to see Sid Meir make a second Alpha Centauri game.

I'll also say one other thing, I've sat here trying to think of how one would define Canada for this game, if one was to do it just for the sake of doing it, and really I can't think of much in the way of either wonders, or special units or anything that would paticularly define Canada. Oh sure I mean I could see jokes like creating lumberjacks with forest clearing bonuses, or maybe something like mounties that acted as calvary and spies together (since from some things I've read the mounties used to also act as Canada's intelligence and counter-intelligence force as well), but nothing that paticularly stands out. Not to mention the question of what Canada's special abillities would be. Timber harvesting? A tendency to be overlooked by other nations bigger than they are (which could form a diplomatic advantage, and a form of protection when Canada isn't in the lead).... I'd lean towards cybernetic moose units for the near-future stage, but again that wouldn't be serious. :)

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
this might be my own ignorance, but.

what has Canada done? o.0?
i mean, i never hear about them doing anything >.>, like ever. they just seem to be kinda there. which isn't bad, not hearing anything thing about them means don't hear about them starting shit with other country's or other country's starting shit with them


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Really, the United States is the ONLY young nation to be represented, and that's only because it was, for a time, the sole world power of the atomic age. Even after the USSR rebuilt and gained the a-bomb, the USA was ranked #1 in economy, military might, standard of living, and so on and so on, for the latter half of the 20th century.

All the other Civs in the series go at least as far back as the Dark Ages. The ONLY reason that United States is represented is because it was SUCH a force to be reckoned with post-WWII. And I use the past tense "was" because the U.S. has declined in some areas during the rise of globalization. The U.S. is still a force to be reckoned with, just not as much as it used to be right after WWII.

Dimitriov said:
Frankly I don't think it should be, and I am Canadian.

But then it's also retarded that the U.S. is a choice as well. The normal game starts you in like 4000 BC. Most of the civilizations are just stupid to have in the game in my opinion.
If they really wanted to be true to the time line premise, only the civilizations that existed in ancient times would be playable: Greek, Zulu, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Aztec, etc.

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
bdcjacko said:
You ever notice that Canada is never featured? It has to be the largest country never represented in the series.
well if it did, shouldn't it be the Native Canadians? Not some European-Canadians. Just saying...


The end is nigh.
May 24, 2010
remnant_phoenix said:
Really, the United States is the ONLY young nation to be represented, and that's only because it was, for a time, the sole world power of the atomic age. Even after the USSR rebuilt and gained the a-bomb, the USA was ranked #1 in economy, military might, standard of living, and so on and so on, for the latter half of the 20th century.

All the other Civs in the series go at least as far back as the Dark Ages. The ONLY reason that United States is represented is because it was SUCH a force to be reckoned with post-WWII. And I use the past tense "was" because the U.S. has declined in some areas during the rise of globalization. The U.S. is still a force to be reckoned with, just not as much as it used to be right after WWII.

Dimitriov said:
Frankly I don't think it should be, and I am Canadian.

But then it's also retarded that the U.S. is a choice as well. The normal game starts you in like 4000 BC. Most of the civilizations are just stupid to have in the game in my opinion.
If they really wanted to be true to the time line premise, only the civilizations that existed in ancient times would be playable: Greek, Zulu, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Aztec, etc.
A) I personally think that would be a good thing.
B) Of the civilizations you named only Egypt and China are particularly ancient. Others would be Sumeria, Babylon, India etc.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Yeah, I dunno. It would be cool, but we don't have any influence anywhere besides Canada. Nobody cares about us. We could disapear and no one would notice.

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Sorry to say, but Canada hasn't really made a huge impact on the world stage. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's a great place to live, similar to how most of the Scandanvian nations are considered the places in the world to live, but you don't see any Swedish or Finnish Civs in any of the games (yes I know there was a Viking Civ in Civ IV, but that's like saying the Italians are represented by the Romans). The more recent civilizations that are usually in like Germany or the US really made an impact on the world. Sadly Canada has not. Hence they don't get a Civ.

Guardian of Nekops

New member
May 25, 2011
bdcjacko said:
You ever notice that Canada is never featured? It has to be the largest country never represented in the series.
Large in what way? I mean, the land mass that is Canada is certainly very large, but from what I hear the population gets really sparse in the northern regions... there comes a point where that land doesn't really count if it's barely inhabitable. According to Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population ) Canada sits around 35th in terms of total population... hardly representative of the amount of space that it controls. Hell, Japan has almost four times as many people, all balanced on the head of a pin. :p

On a similar note, Alaska is by FAR America's largest state in terms of land mass. It makes up about a fifth of the land that America owns, if I recall correctly. It is also FAR from the most powerful. Politicians don't go visit it just because it's BIG... people actually have to live there before it matters.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Because Civilization games fail?

Since I know I'll get flamed for that I'll say something more worthwhile: Probably because it has never been a hugely prevalent country on a global scale. Sure, it's growing in more modern times and it's big in terms of size, but it's a fairly new country and hasn't made much impact globally.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
Dimitriov said:
remnant_phoenix said:
Really, the United States is the ONLY young nation to be represented, and that's only because it was, for a time, the sole world power of the atomic age. Even after the USSR rebuilt and gained the a-bomb, the USA was ranked #1 in economy, military might, standard of living, and so on and so on, for the latter half of the 20th century.

All the other Civs in the series go at least as far back as the Dark Ages. The ONLY reason that United States is represented is because it was SUCH a force to be reckoned with post-WWII. And I use the past tense "was" because the U.S. has declined in some areas during the rise of globalization. The U.S. is still a force to be reckoned with, just not as much as it used to be right after WWII.

Dimitriov said:
Frankly I don't think it should be, and I am Canadian.

But then it's also retarded that the U.S. is a choice as well. The normal game starts you in like 4000 BC. Most of the civilizations are just stupid to have in the game in my opinion.
If they really wanted to be true to the time line premise, only the civilizations that existed in ancient times would be playable: Greek, Zulu, Egyptian, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Aztec, etc.
A) I personally think that would be a good thing.
B) Of the civilizations you named only Egypt and China are particularly ancient. Others would be Sumeria, Babylon, India etc.
Fair enough. I'm not intimately familiar with ancient history, especially ancient far east history (hence my misinformation about the Mongols and Japanese). I listed Greece because it's often considered a part of "Ancient" world, even if it doesn't go as far back as 4000 BC.

As for the Aztecs, well, I should've known better. I'm an American History teacher. We talked about the Aztecs in Chapter 1 and I just recalled how it took them a good while to go from hunter-gatherer to civilization.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Space Spoons said:
While it's possible to go the diplomatic, scientific and economic routes, waging war plays a huge part in the Civilization series. As unfair as it seems, Civilizations that don't boast a powerful military (or at least ones that were once known for military strength) really don't belong in the roster.

Germany has the Panzer. France has the Musketeer. The US has the Navy SEAL. Japan has the Samurai. Who could Canada possibly have?
The strongest Shock Troopers of the first World War? The fastest advancing army on D-Day? Half of the Devil's Brigade? The awesome team up of Canada and Australia at the Battle of Kapyong?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
loudestmute said:
The two semesters of World History at university some time ago would lead me to believe that Canada's main contribution to civilization is:
(a) hosting the Winter Olympics on a regular basis, and
(b) giving Native Americans and draft dodgers a place to run when the appropriate form of imperialists started cracking down.

As someone who works with Canadians on a regular basis I also know that for being one of the largest landmasses in the world, it's pretty empty once you get far enough north that your cell phone stops picking up Verizon towers.
B is your special power, whenever two Civs are at war and Canada isn't involved, your population grows at an increased rate.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Arontala said:
The fact that Canada isn't featured is not stupid. You know what is, though? The fact that the United States of America is.
Let's be honest, though. The US is on par with at least some of the other Civs featured. We have, at various times, dominated the world in terms of industry, resources and military capability. As it stands, we're still the most powerful country on the planet (and perhaps even more powerful than any of the other Civs were even at their zenith). Canada, on the other hand, simply isn't known for anything. Certainly they can brag about their prowess in specific areas, but they cannot really claim to be a "great civilization" like the British, Romans, Babylonians, Egyptians or even the United States.


Apr 28, 2008
Can you play as the Iroquois? Those were Canadians (and Americans!) back in the day.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
First of all, Canada is in there... in the same sense South America is.

Look up who the Iroquois are before you despite the fact that Canada is in fact in Civilizations (it was in the third game if memory serves me). Last I checked they were a CANADIAN tribe.

Elsewhere. Canada invented the smartphone (RIM's Canadian), early adopter of Universal Healthcare, had a strong peace-keeping force for the longest time, exported many talented musicians, songwriters, and actors... Canada's done shit that has effected the world (were just too shy to admit that).

The Magical Hobo

New member
Jun 10, 2009
As a Canadian I have to point out that we burned down the White House twice, and were the only country to achieve our D-Day objectives on time. That said as much I love my country, we don't sell games.