Samtemdo8 said:
Everytime I see this man being interviewed by the press, he's always outside with the sound of Air Force One's Jet Engine Turbine in the background.
Has this man been seen in the Oval Office once?
This has been noted by many.
The current administration in the USA have basically axed conventional press briefings. Sarah Huckerbee Sanders barely had a job to do as White House Press Secretary before she resigned, sometimes going over a month without talking to the media. You could for forgiven for thinking she's not been replaced in that role - if she has, the newbie is all but invisible. Trump has instead decided to talk to the press himself, and he seems to like to do it when he's on his way somewhere - hence why it's usually coming on or off transport. After that, it's usually a few questions in mandatory press sessions when he's meeting with another head of state.
My suggestions for why he does this are: a) he's a narcissist, and likes the attention; b) he doesn't trust his staff; c) doing it in transit makes him look like some sort of man of action; d) and connected with (c) not giving the press established briefings is a petty way of impressing who's the boss.[footnote]Think of it as giving the impression "You guys don't deserve my time and dedicated meetings - I'm off doing something important and if you're lucky I'll share something with you en route"[/footnote]
So I've heard, we should really go and see some of these on video for ourselves, because the news media give relatively little idea just what they're like. The press have to distill some sense out of these briefings, so they pick up salient quotes and issues and dutifully report them as if Trump is answering stuff. However, to see one in its full glory reveals that what's actually going on is that they tend to be long, with much of the material useless as Trump is shockingly rambling and incoherent.