Why no Third person game today ever come close to Max Payne 1 and Mafia 1?


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Isn't this the 3rd/4th thread you have made about how sucky modern shooters are compared to Max Payne?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Really? Well, I never really cared about Max Payne, so I guess he doesn't really matter much at all.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Horizon Zero Dawn is supposed to be one of the best games this generation. It has everything you want; badass manliness [small](in the guise of badass womenliness)[/small], old skool whatevery-doos, atmosphericory-doos and of course






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Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
CoCage said:
It's sad to say this, but I was one of those people that mainly played GTA type sandbox games back then. But even back in those days, I didn't care much for the sandbox genre, and care even less for it now for the same reasons you have. At least I got to play Hulk: Ultimate Destruction. So I take it I missed out on Mercenaries?
Yeah, Mercenaries was awesome. There's definitely a bit of looking through rose-tinted glasses going on though. I remember the stealth being pretty janky and the last mission was pretty crappy (I recall using a cheat code to be able to capture the last guy). However, the game was definitely different and unique, it was far from merely a GTA-clone. The map was created opposite of GTA where the missions were made standalone and then placed on a blank canvas to create the open world vs just creating a city and then creating the missions in hopes it would all work out.


New member
May 11, 2016
I don't agree with this at all, I think there's plenty of great third-person games that are better then Mafia and Max Payne(GTA V for one)


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Souplex said:
Well now that people have bumped this thread the damage is done.
I guess I'll post.
So... Is this satire? I generally can't tell.
TVGSWID is indeed satire. Weird, crazy satire.

Rabish Bini

New member
Jun 11, 2011
Metal Gear Solid 3 doesn't just come close, it surpasses both by far.

Since you didn't specify shooter, Dark Souls is superior also.

Also, Deadly Premonition.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
B-Cell said:
what those games in common are. amazing atmosphere, amazing storyline, excellent gameplay combine with a great gunplay and no wall cover nonsense. you have to crouch. even they ruined max payne 3 by putting stupid cover system.
Doesn't the Souls series count as third-person.

Sorry, I'm not the biggest shooter fan anymore but I recall Max Payne I being hella innovative but not having aged well and having a weird story that alternated between goofy, badly voiced gangsters and nightmarish drug trips. Also the clunkyness, that early 2000's clunk.

Mechanics-wise, was Mafia I that much better than GTA III? (which was clunktastic in it's own right)


New member
Nov 8, 2007
It's funny how you complain about games trying to look like movies then praise two of the most derivative titles I can think of. These were games made around the time where AAA producers would make levels resemble specific scenes from movies as closely as possible without suffering a law suit (Medal of Honor: Allied Assault takes the cake for this).

Also, there are games like them. Try Stranglehold: Max Payne's gimmick taken up to 11, built by the same people who Max Payne was paying homage to.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
...wasn't Quantum Break's gunplay ridiculously boring and clunky? I recall that being a common complaint for the actual game sections.

Also, Dead Space is a thing... no cover, lots of atmosphere, decent story... hell even the third one has great gameplay (story and atmosphere, not so much, but the guns are nice to shoot).

Loop Stricken said:
I tell thee what; you want a third person shooter, try Warframe [https://www.warframe.com/signup?referrerId=50eb16b51a4d80b677000000].
...guns? In Warframe? Fuck that noise, Sword Alone or bust!


maninahat said:
It's funny how you complain about games trying to look like movies then praise two of the most derivative titles I can think of. These were games made around the time where AAA producers would make levels resemble specific scenes from movies as closely as possible without suffering a law suit (Medal of Honor: Allied Assault takes the cake for this).

Also, there are games like them. Try Stranglehold: Max Payne's gimmick taken up to 11, built by the same people who Max Payne was paying homage to.
Yeah, I was just thinking... wasn't Max Payne designed to be very movie-like, given it's got the whole John-Wu slow motion dive thing? Might be wrong on that, but regardless the whole '90s shooter movie' feel the series has is why I liked it so much. Weird to see someone say it doesn't have a movie quality to it, honestly.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Unpopular opinion but I liked the Mafia III mechanics a lot. And think it was let down by story and a lack of COOP.

Sure it's a cover based combat but it works well for combat and stealth. There's an obvious difference between cover and concealment (one will protect the other will only hide you). Enemies shoot at the last place they saw you, not have a laser lock on you. You can suppress enemies with a volume of fire.

I enjoy pinning an enemy in cover with shots from my 9mm pistol as I advance to a better angle to line up a headshot. Also the shotguns are devastatingly effective in close quarters you can just walk down a corridor spraying anyone who pops out.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
B-Cell said:
I recently played vanquish on PC and it is same crap we have seen.
Seems you played Vanquish like a cover shooter, sitting behind a chest-high wall and taking potshots at enemies.
Guess what, you did it wrong. You could do it like that, but it's boring.

What you should've been doing is rocket-powersliding towards your enemies while pouring firepower into their faces, rocket-dropkick one of them in the face, somersault off said face and then slow-mo shotgun the faces of whatever is left standing. The only time you should ever be in cover are the few seconds you need to regain boost meter, and then it's back to getting right up in their faces to demolish those faces with style.

Vanquish looks like a cover shooter. It has the trappings of a cover shooter. But to get the most out of it, you have to play it as the opposite of a cover shooter. I don't think Vanquish is as good as some make it out to be, but I agree with them that it is a near antithesis of Western shooter design.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I am not going to extend a lot in an argument that is ripe to be closed, just lets say there are quite a few 3rd person shooters that are better than Max Payne 1 and Mafia 1. And I am not even talking about surpassing 15 years old technology or game design; there were better games that came out the year following those two...


New member
Feb 9, 2016
What's perhaps most entertainingly perplexing about this thread is how many people are still making a serious attempt at reasoning with B-Cell. It's like throwing darts at the sun thinking something, anything will make an impact, even in the non-existent chance it could be reached.


New member
Mar 4, 2015
If only firefall would have got more air under it wings.. It was just so much fun to play before it was launched and focus changed towards traditional mmorpgs :(