Witcher 3 next gen update: replay tips, suggestions, Q&A thread


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
As the self-assigned resident Witcher 3 Ultimate Fanboy and Expert, I would like to share my tips and suggestions for anyone who will be replaying the game now that the next gen update is here.
The update is graphical stuff, a couple of QoL things, and a new little quest and gear.
I will not be replaying again for a while though- and that's just because I want to wait for a block of calendar time when I'm not traveling, busy with family stuff or whatever. Yes I already played this game 10x, I don't care, it's still the best. I have a PS5 which uniquely offers haptic feedback with the upgrade. PC has a bunch of extra graphical settings and of course lets you play with more mods (which I can also recommend).

This is for those who have already played the game and want to get remaining achievements, find some cool moments they may have missed, or have an easier time tacking the highest difficulty.

Cave of Dreams
My favorite missable quest is in Skellige. After you complete the first two main missions with the funeral, Crach an Crate tells you about the lighthouse contract, and that should be the first thing you do because if you complete it BEFORE either resolving the line of succession quest thread or coming back from finding Ciri, you get involved in a whole other subquest line that has you tripping out in a cave with ghost fish and whatnot and it's hella fun. As the new upgrade is primarily visual, you won't want to miss this especially if you got one of them fancy machines and/or screens.

Last Rites
My second favorite easily missed quest can/should be done only in the following conditions:
- Complete the side quest Defender of the Faith, where an old lady in Velen tasks you with fixing road-side statues
- Posess Keira's magic lamp
- At night
Go to the bridge north of Blackbough, another old lady will ask you for help. It's a very quick little thing but real neat.
There are tons of other missable side quests and interactions but these two are by far the most memorable to me and I don't want anyone to have multiple play-throughs and not experience these.
Side quest alternatives
Definitely try different outcomes to quests. My favorite side quest in the early game is the Fyke Isle stuff, and you have two ways to lift that curse. The "better" way has the single most striking visual in the whole game and you don't want to miss it. The other has its own cool visual references you can see if you pay attention to detail.
My favorite Skellige part on Undvyk offers multiple paths to find Hjalmar- definitely find his archer friend if you haven't.
Note that for Skellige's succession there are actually three possible outcomes, each of which are rewarding to see.
And when it comes to Triss/Yen "romance," if you haven't tried to two-time them yet, it's a laugh to do so.
Of course the main quest with Ciri has 3 outcomes and you should experience all three if you are doing a THIRD playthrough, yes even the "bad" one.

This is both the best and worst place part of replays. Worst because the main quest is just going around talking so you can just skip all the dialogue if you know it by heart like me. But it's such a dense area that you should really walk around on your own and listen carefully and explore.
If it's your 2nd play-through, pay close attention to the dialogue during Broken Flowers, as there are a large number of foreshadowing references to Dandelion's and Ciri's plots. So I stronly recommend on first playthrough just doing what you naturally do and enjoying the mystery; on 2nd play-through exhaust every dialogue to see how everything pieces together; then on repeated play-through just speed running those early Novigrad main quests.
There is the famous "fuck off" vampire quest if you're never done that. Then there is the drug dealer on the wharf area that is missable if you wait until after the main quest sections with Triss.
More interesting is how many references you can find to Carnal Sins, such as the pervert dwarf beling alive and random NPC's talking about bodies they find with missing hearts.

Death March
So if you want to survive the game's highest difficulty and are, like me, not the greatest at game combat, all you really gotta know is that the first few hours of the game is the hard part. The game's leveling system rewards story progress primarily not combat victories so mostly just focus on completing the Velen main quests before venturing off into exploration.
To survive early encounters, focus on not being surrounded. Dodging not rolling lets you conserve stamina and you can basically spam it. Start every match casting Quen and if you get hit, spam dodge around until stamina recovers and cast Quen again. Just use light attack when fighting crowds. When fighting humans, first take out archers, and save shield guys for last. Then you can use riposte/counter or Axii to take him out.
Once you get to level 12 or so and you're in Novigrad, you level up mostly through dialogue and the difficulty drops offs significantly- it's really no different than playing on one of the easier difficulties. So if you're looking to get platinum or that last achievement for Death March, it's not that hard, take it from a guy who plays every other game in easy mode. See next part for how to prep for Velen well.

Early game progress
Leveling is confusing for new players and those who come back after long absences, but just stick with the quests and don't think about it too much. The best way to start the game is:
White Orchard: do everything before leaving. There is no reason to come back to this area as it's a glorified tutorial. I would argue it's also just a lovely, fascinating experience on its own. Pay attention to the dialogue, in-game books and descriptions and you get a whole bunch of cool lore. There are three "event quests" (yellow ! on the map). I like clearing almost all of the ?'s before tackling major quests except for the two southern most ?'s, as those are near a main quest goal. You want to avoid triggering those early or you'll miss some XP and lore.
Clear the ?'s and !'s, the missing brother quest (an excellent first side quest as it has no recommended level requirement), do the witcher contract with the well. Make sure to find the diagrams for your first two witcher swords. You can craft the silver one- you can find one silver ingot near the contract well and dismantle your starting silver sword for another. You can also upgrade your starting chest armor. Also make sure to buy materials for and craft Cat potion from Temera (you can sell her honeycombs you burn and loot from trees). Very useful for Wandering in the Dark quest.

Skills, character build, equipment
There is no best build or best skills, and you can re-spec so I'm just gonna point out a couple things:
a- Yellow skills like Gourmet can't be upgraded or matched with mutagens for extra bonuses.
This is why I disagree that Gourmet is so great. There is plenty of food in the game, and skill slots are valuable. IMO the only worthwhile yellow skills are for specialized builds, and anyone doing those certainly doesn't need advice from me.
b- Careful with Alchemy
Some of the green skills effectively cancel each other out, so just read the descriptions carefully. In mid/late game, alchemy can be the most powerful and, IMO, fun. It just requires a tiny bit more thinking than combat and/or sign heavy builds.
c- Shiadhal Armor and Thyssen Armor
Level 22 and 30 chest armors you can find diagrams for and craft, respectively. The first makes you immune to fire, the second to poison. So much fun to throw the matching bomb into groups of enemies and god-mode your way to slaughter.
d- Recommended builds: Angry Drunk and Bombardier
If you're looking for a new fun wacky build for NG+ or late game, my favorite is to just maximize adrenaline (Bear stuff). Grow your beard out and drink all the beer you loot and murder everything in a drunken stupor. My second favorite is alchemy with emphasis on bombs. Combined with critical boosts (Cat stuff), it's very chaotic and wild.
For NG+ and DLC stuff, the runewright's upgrades are lame for the most part while the mutations on B&W vary wildly in effectiveness.

Sell weapons to blacksmiths, armor/clothes to armorers, extra alchemy items to herbalists. Unless they change something drastic with the new upgrade, this is how you make all the money you need for upgrades, crafting, repairs, clearance potions to respec, and even pay the runewright his extortionist fees if you so desire (though IMO, only his first upgrade is worth it).
Card Collecting
Gwent is its own whole... thing, so I just want to advise anyone interested in getting ALL the gwent cards for that last achievement. Go old school here and get a notebook and pen (or Notepad file or whatever) and keep track of everyone you play. Most people who try to do this and fail end up with like 1 or 2 missing cards and they don't know which of the ~150 gwent players to challenge. You get cards from beating a "random" player once and only once. Random players means innkeepers, blacksmiths, etc- unnamed NPCs. So as you go around playing the game and challenging everybody at gwent, keep a list of everyone you beat so you know you never have to play them again. If you lose, you can always come back.
There are missable gwent card and players and you can find guides for that, it's a whole thing.
I also want to highly recommend the mod Gwent Plus Plus for seasoned Gwent aficionados on PC.

Platinum trophy in one play-through
If you want to get all the trophies/achievements in your next playthrough:
- Follow the advice above for Death March and Card Collecting as these are the hardest parts
- Make sure you help all your allies, i.e., the Brothers in Arms quest lines. Keira's is the trickiest as you need to pick the correct dialogue options. Another tricky one is Roche and Vess because during their Eye For an Eye quest, you have to keep Vess alive, which is near impossible on Death March. The trick here is to just wait until you're over-leveled, then you can kill all the enemies in time. Skellige folks' quests and Zoltan are pretty straightforward.
- In the Heart of the Woods is a contract in Skellige where you have to decide whether or not to kill a leshen. There is a trophy awarded only for choosing to kill it, making it missable.
- There is a trophy for performing a counter, normal strike, sign, bomb in very quick succession. Do this to Vessemir in the tutorial because you're both immortal so you can just keep trying until you get it right. Do it in the order I list.
- There is a trophy for defeating two contract monsters with out any magic boosts. Save these for after the main quest so that you can lower the difficulty. Use the two high level main game contracts on the cave insect and griffin. Remember to unequip mutagens. Since both beasts use poison, you can use the Thyssen armor for immunity and since that is just armor, you can still earn the trophy.
- Save the grinding for after main game. Drop the difficulty to easiest and do the ones with the crossbow and all those B.S. ones. Devil's Pit was the place to grind before the new upgrade, not sure if that will change since that's also now where they're putting the new Netflix gear related quests.

Any questions about any of these I'd be happy to dig into more, like about Gwent or specific quests or gear. If someone is just doing a first-time play-through, forget all this and just play the game, you only get a first time once.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
will the ps5 automatically snag the update if i install the ps4 disc?
Sorry I dunno but I would assume so. I mean they advertise that the update is free for anyone that owns the game so if it doesn't do that, it would be a shame.

I won't be able to verify for you since my copy is digital, and I won't be playing it for a while


May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
will the ps5 automatically snag the update if i install the ps4 disc?
Here we go; (try not to read that as a Mario accent tho)

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PS5 free Next-gen update
The weird thing about this free next-gen update is that it doesn’t automatically become available the moment you pop in the PS4 version of the game on your PS5. When you hit the storefront, all that’s in front of you will be The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition, not the actual upgrade.

A bit frustrating as I had to go back and forth trying to figure out how to get the next-gen upgrade to start downloading. After trial and error, the upgrade is in the PlayStation Store’s ellipsis button, a button that’s found in almost all of the game’s store page.

Here’s how I got the PS5 upgrade to start downloading.

Step 1 - Boot the PS4 disc and install the base game
When you boot your PS4 copy of the game, you’ll see the option to copy the contents inside the disc. Press ‘COPY’ and just wait for it to install.

Once done, the latest patch of the PS4 version should appear in your download list. You can cancel that.

Step 2 - Enter the PlayStation Store through The Witcher 3 Complete Edition
Remember seeing the ellipsis button right beside the ‘COPY’ button in the PS5 dashboard? Press that then press ‘Select Version’. This will show you two choices — The PS4 The Witcher 3, or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition. Choose the Complete Edition and you’ll enter the store front of that version of the game.

From here, press the ellipsis button again (right beside ‘Wishlist’). You will then see ‘The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt’. Press that option as it brings you to the base game’s store page.

Step 3 - Claim the free next-gen PS5 upgrade
Once you enter the base game’s PlayStation store page, you’ll see the ‘Free’ button. Clicking that will allow you to claim the PS5 version of the game and go through the usual steps as if you’re buying a digital copy of a game as you’ll be charged for zero for claiming the free upgrade.

Once that’s done you’ll finally be given the option to download the PS5 version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Again, this guide is only for those who own a PS4 physical copy of the game, either a base copy or a Game of the Year copy.

Take note: Even though you have the PS5 version downloaded and installed, you’ll still need the PS4 disc copy inside your PS5 system to play this version of the game.

It’s weird that customers have to go through various menus to get the upgrade. Previous free next-gen upgrades were simply, but for some reason you’ll nee to go through a few hoops to get it going.

You can delete the base PS4 version of The Witcher 3 from here as the PS5 version doesn’t replace it. I can’t confirm if installing the base game from the PS4 disc is really necessary to claim the Next-gen update of The Witcher 3 but that’s what worked for us.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Good work u/XsjadoBlaydette

Annoying, but similar to how I remember adding Season Pass content to Assassins Creed games on PlayStation, so... at least it's consistetn?

(No I'm not defending stupid Sony PS b.s.)
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Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Is it just me or do CDPR’s games feel like they’ve basically been cursed on any non PC platform?
I don't know. I played The Witcher 3 a few months after launch on PS4 and don't remember having any serious problems with it. And I don't think Cyberpunk ran well on any platform.

It baffles me that they can take a game that worked perfectly fine and turn it back into a glitch filled mess.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Only a few hours in in starting area, ps5.
60fps is still a glorious miracle of clarity to my console peasant eyes, so I'm easily impressed on that alone.
I don't have a 4k monitor, so I'm just sticking to the performance mode because ray-tracing doesn't really make much difference to me to justify losing that wonderful 60fps.
Main glitch seems to be ground vegetation pop-in and shifting.
Everyone is pretty ugly.
Still has that weird invisible gale wind gusts moving the trees.
No idea on other problems as I haven't played it in over a year and never really got past the first major city, but it seems fine to me.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I don't know. I played The Witcher 3 a few months after launch on PS4 and don't remember having any serious problems with it. And I don't think Cyberpunk ran well on any platform.

It baffles me that they can take a game that worked perfectly fine and turn it back into a glitch filled mess.
Played about 6 months after release on PS4, tons of problem. Multiple quest were bugged and impossible to complete, multiple crash, opening the pause menu took multiple second everytime, a lot of problem with loading distance and so on.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Played about 6 months after release on PS4, tons of problem. Multiple quest were bugged and impossible to complete, multiple crash, opening the pause menu took multiple second everytime, a lot of problem with loading distance and so on.
Maybe I got lucky. I don't remember having any problems with it other than the odd glitch or bug.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
PC player here. Already posted this on the other thread, but posting here for the sake of the topic

On pc, Before you guys go update your games, I strongly advise against it. Because right now 90% of all mods are incompatible with the game. I tried several times on tweaking settings until finally giving up and deleting all mods, and pretty much launching the game in a clean state. Even then, the game is poorly optimized, with my beefy rig the game only reaches around 40-50 fps. And I have 3080 and i7-7800k. I'm pretty sure my specs are enough. And I'm not even using ray tracing. I tried to mess around with the graphics settings, and it's still giving me performance issues. It's like taking a beautiful wedding cake and dumping jelly beans all over it.

It's up to the mod creators to figure out how to make their mods compatible, which depending on their schedules can take anywhere from a few days to few weeks. CDPR also stated they are working on a patch for PC version to make the game more stable, which again we have no idea how long it'll take.

Otherwise, it's still the same amazing story, characters, and world-building. The open-world gameplay and combat are definitely still a hit-or-miss. Gwent is still fun
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May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Was not aware of this addition

Source: @xLetalis on Twitter.

Spare a thought for poor old Henry Cavill: once wearer of the gangly locks as Geralt of Rivia, once bearer of the bulgy bits as Superman, now no longer either. But on the bright side, his lovely dog's now in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, courtesy of its new-gen update.

Henry Cavill's dog, an American Akita named Kal, is a bit of a star in his own right, frequently snapped alongside the actor and apparently a bit of a fixture on-set of Cavill's projects. During filming of The Witcher, for instance, Kal was said to have been on location the "entire time".

And now Kal has been immortalised in digital form, appearing at the Devil's Pit for players that get the "good" ending in The Witcher 3's new quest In The Eternal Fire's Shadow, introduced as part of CD Projekt's long-in-the-works new-gen update.

CD Projetk's lead quest designer Philip Weber confirmed the Kal spotted by fans was indeed a reference to Cavill's dog on Twitter. "With the sad news about Henry Cavill's Superman role today," Weber wrote, "it's nice that we got a little opportunity to show our appreciation for the great passion and enthusiasm Henry showed for The Witcher".

Weber was, of course, referencing today's news that Cavill will no be playing Superman, despite having announced otherwise back in October. "I have just had a meeting with James Gunn and Peter Safran and it's sad news, everyone," Cavill wrote in a statement confirming the news. "I will, after all, not be returning as Superman. After being told by the studio to announce my return back in October, prior to their hire, this news isn't the easiest, but that's life. The changing of the guard is something that happens. I respect that."

Cavill's initial Superman announcement was followed by the news he'd be hanging up his shiny silver sword as Geralt of Rivia in Netflix's The Witcher series after the upcoming third season, with Liam Hemsworth taking over the role - leading many to assume one announcement was the result of the other. Perhaps the writers at Netflix can find it in their hearts to conjure a new character for Cavill following today's news, maybe long-lost sibling Gerald of the Riviera.

As for The Witcher 3's new-gen update - which features a host of graphical enhancements, quality of life features, and a smattering of new content - that's been having woes of its own on PC. After complaints around performance from players, CD Projekt acknowledged the issue, saying it was "actively investigating all of the reports and will be providing an update" soon.
Am disappointed most of the article is not even about the doggo. Would like to know more about the doggo plz!
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
They recently released a hot-fix (at least for pc versions, not sure about the consoles) that is supposed to stabilize the performance. For me the hot fix did sem to improve the overall performance, although not to the level I was expecting.

The mods have been a bit tricky; They either have been incorporated into the official update, updated by the creators, abandoned by the creators and in an "unsure" status, or are straight up incompatible. For me, about 25% of the mods are incompatible.

Honestly, most of the incompatible ones I can live without. The game is still fun to play with the ones I've got installed