Wolfenstein - Youngbloods, more like Dumbloods.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Yet another terribly disappointing 2019 release. Wolfenstein the New Order was a great return for the franchise, great gunplay, great characters, all put together in a wonderfully crazy package. The second game started the downhill spiral. While the story was still good with wonderful voice acting and cutscenes, the gameplay itself became a bulletsponge gauntlet of grindy levels making getting through the game a slog.

Youngbloods unfortunately does not reverse the downward course and instead doubles the speed in which it tumbles down the hill. With Youngbloods, it seems like ID tried to push the game towards a more Boarderlands style game with spongy enemies, a level up system and loot. Except none of that is interesting. The game is just a grind, on top of the removal of the charmingly camp story that the previous two games had to make up for the gameplay (in the case of the second game).

So what you have is a grindy forced co-op shooter that isn't interesting or fun, without an enjoyable loot system, and terrible charactization.

Yet another 2019 release to add to the pile of totally lame 2019 games that should have been good.

It's a shame really, at the start of the year I figured we were in for a pretty sweet 2019. Kingdom Hearts 3, RE2make, Sekiro, Far Cry New dawn, Rage 2, Anthem, Division 2, DMC 5, Days Gone, Mortal Kombat 11, Crash Team Racing, Bloodstained, Marvel Ult Alliance 3. The list was looking stacked.

4/14 so far. Not looking great. Maybe the back half is hiding all the gold.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
New order suck
Oldblood suck
New colossus suck
and now youngblood too.

they proven time to time that machinegames are like worst AAA FPS developers currently. making terrible games since 2014. they are more movie cutscene driven games than old school FPS and youngblood now become some crappy RPG shooter with bulletsponges enemies.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Sounds like the new DOOM [https://amp.tweaktown.com/?url=https://www.tweaktown.com/news/66812/doom-eternal-long-grindy-replayable-fps/index.html] will be going that route too. Bethesda wants to give it the Fallout treatment with grinding for loot and upgrades. Guessing MTX?s will eventually e a part of that process too.


New member
May 7, 2016
hanselthecaretaker said:
Sounds like the new DOOM [https://amp.tweaktown.com/?url=https://www.tweaktown.com/news/66812/doom-eternal-long-grindy-replayable-fps/index.html] will be going that route too.
Doom...not you...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Smithnikov said:
hanselthecaretaker said:
Sounds like the new DOOM [https://amp.tweaktown.com/?url=https://www.tweaktown.com/news/66812/doom-eternal-long-grindy-replayable-fps/index.html] will be going that route too.
Doom...not you...
-Looks at website-

Y'know, this website must have been watching a different game than me because that is NOT what was going on. Yeah, it has an upgrade system, but more like the DMC "do awesome things to get points to upgrade" manner.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
hanselthecaretaker said:
Sounds like the new DOOM [https://amp.tweaktown.com/?url=https://www.tweaktown.com/news/66812/doom-eternal-long-grindy-replayable-fps/index.html] will be going that route too. Bethesda wants to give it the Fallout treatment with grinding for loot and upgrades. Guessing MTX?s will eventually e a part of that process too.
its id software and not going to happen. youngblood always looks terrible. beside Doom 2016 have upgrades.

what they are doing is removing arena lockdown and making levels big.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Eh, what's the fuss. Wolfentein TNO had good gameplay with a terrible story. Doom 2016 had average gameplay with a lacklustre story. They're practically made for each other.


New member
Feb 9, 2016
Hawki said:
Eh, what's the fuss. Wolfentein TNO had good gameplay with a terrible story. Doom 2016 had average gameplay with a lacklustre story. They're practically made for each other.
Doom 2016 have perfect gameplay with underrated cool story.
wolfenstein have trash gameplay with trash story that focus on cutscene.

big difference.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
B-Cell said:
Doom 2016 have perfect gameplay with underrated cool story.
Doom 2016's gameplay gets very old, very quickly. There's a sense of artificiality to it in that you're locked in one arena after another - see a hell pulsing thingy, and you know exactly what's going to happen.

And the story is bad. Like, really bad. Or, rather, there's some nice ideas in it, but it's told terribly.

wolfenstein have trash gameplay with trash story that focus on cutscene.
Trash story, yes. Trash gameplay, no. Gameplay's pretty solid.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
B-Cell said:
Doom 2016 have perfect gameplay with underrated cool story.
wolfenstein have trash gameplay with trash story that focus on cutscene.
In the real world, with real people, this is what we call an opinion. It's also a wrong opinion because:
1. There's no such thing as perfect gameplay;
2. There's hardly any story to speak of so it couldn't have been underrated. And it wasn't cool either. It was the definition of generic. And that's fine, because the story in DOOM is simply an excuse to shoot demons. It's all it has to be.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Aiddon said:
Y'know, this website must have been watching a different game than me because that is NOT what was going on. Yeah, it has an upgrade system, but more like the DMC "do awesome things to get points to upgrade" manner.
I mean, that was how 2016 worked. Sure I could see getting too much elaboration on those kind of sidetrackiing the core gameplay, but yeah, it was already there.

Youngblood, definitely a lot of swings and misses there.

Arkane's assistance (I would presume, cause I recognize the look of it) gave them some nice level design work, but they didn't really seem capable of capitalizing on that with the still overly minimilastic powers.

The levelling system by and of itself is not completely obnoxious, the Armour system they have on there (which is affected by the level scaling) flat out doesn't work with half or more of the weapons properly.

Story and character-wise, its pretty undercooked. Its also a half price budget spinoff title, so somewhat expected standards there.

The core gunplay has taken some weird backwards steps. Putting the RPG elements aside, dual wielding basically got gutted, despite being the 2010-series signature gimmick. After dual wielding showed in TNO, and got further emboldened in TNC where you could mix-mand-match, its suddenly down to machine pistols only. A bunch of the more interesting upgrades/mods for weapons seem to have gotten axed out to (the flak cannon shotgun for instance). And some of the upgrades flat out don't work (particularly glaring are the ones that allegedly penetrate through obstacles and definitely do not do so on 99% of obstacles)

And the whole unnecessary daily/weekly challenge stuff is just uninspired. Yeah, go jump in water, challenge completed. Right.
Jan 19, 2016
Given how hard Bethesda are going on the mtx, I can't help wondering if they are hurting for money, or they're just trying to make as much as they can before the regulatory hammer comes down on microtransactions.

It's a damned shame. As someone who has played Wolfenstein games since 1981's Castle Wolfenstein, I thought The New Order was fantastic, New Colossus was kinda disappointing, and it seems the wheels are now falling off this series too. RIP. If the current series falls over, I'm sure Wolfenstein will get rebooted again in the future; it seems to be the franchise that won't stay dead.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Sounds like they turned Youngblood into a generic Ubisoft sandbox game with tedious grinding and leveling up. The stealth mechanics are even worse apparently. I hate to say this, but I am glad I did not put money on this.

As for Doom 4 (2016): great gameplay, simple story. That is all it needs. For Doom is eternal.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
CoCage said:
Sounds like they turned Youngblood into a generic Ubisoft sandbox game with tedious grinding and leveling up. The stealth mechanics are even worse apparently. I hate to say this, but I am glad I did not put money on this.
From the Yahtzee review, yes, that's exactly what it sounds like. The most promising and unexpectedly innovative reboot of this generation has been steered in the most generic, cookie-cutter direction it possibly could have, short of adding loot boxes and giving B J Blazkowicz a teal fade dye, fleeky eyebrows and a Brazilian butt lift. With luck it'll eventually come to GamePass, but I won't be rushing to throw money at this one - and if I never get to play it I don't think I'll mourn the lost opportunity.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
CoCage said:
Sounds like they turned Youngblood into a generic Ubisoft sandbox game with tedious grinding and leveling up. The stealth mechanics are even worse apparently. I hate to say this, but I am glad I did not put money on this.

As for Doom 4 (2016): great gameplay, simple story. That is all it needs. For Doom is eternal.
Its most evidently trying to mimic Deus Ex... except MachineGames despite adding super-tech into things and actual powersuits is bizarrely unwilling to branch out from regular FPS fare with minimal gadgetry/powers whatever. And yeah, while Arkane has some visibile influence on the levels, the stealth is really questionable, and enemy placement doesn't really support (and psychic enemies that have a hive mind once ones alerted is still a thing carrying over from TNC (I think it wasn't in TNO, or at least not as bad)

As FPS goes, they also don't seem to be able to purvey much challenge other then bolting on ludicrous armour to enemies, which has been the case with all MachineGames entries. Just this one instead of having you shoot specific spots to dislodge armour went straight up for a damage type to reduce armour points system that is literally broken and non-functional in most cases.