Wonder Woman and Jusitce League official movie trailer


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
These actually look halfway decent. I'm more optimistic about the Wonder Woman one than the Justice League, but at least they look like they are trying to have some fun with the characters.

I personally liked the Flash's response in the trailer. I love how he just interrupted Bruce in his "badass monologue" and was like "Yes! I'm in!" Bruce: "......"

Here Comes Tomorrow said:
I'm kind of annoyed they shoved a romance plot into Wonder Woman and focussed like 1/3 of the trailer on the dude also doing action things.

I'm generally not one for gender politics but it would be nice to see a movie about a woman superhero and a female friend. Also, romance plots in action movies are shitty and drag everything down.
Shoved in? It's pretty damn standard at this point to have a romance in a big budget movie. This is hardly unique to comic book movies.

Some people want action, some people want drama, some people want romance. You put in a little bit for everyone if you can and have it make sense.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
I should be happy that the Justice League is looking to be a bit more fun, but knowing the producers of these things, they probably misunderstood the reason for why audiences were complaining about po-faced gritty drama in the first place and somehow screw it up.

Though screw JL, I'm way more excited to see a Wonder Woman movie though. Is there a reason why they've set it in WWI and not WWII?


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
maninahat said:
Though screw JL, I'm way more excited to see a Wonder Woman movie though. Is there a reason why they've set it in WWI and not WWII?
If I were to guess, it's the play up the mystery angle, since there's still 'plenty' of WWII survivors running around, but only a handful of WWI survivors out and about.

Or maybe they just agree with the Battlefield guys that we need a change.

Or it could be that they need 100 years so that Wonder Woman can bang multiple generations of Trevor's without it getting weird and having a Father, Son, and Mistress three way situation.

Here Comes Tomorrow

New member
Jan 7, 2009
maninahat said:
I should be happy that the Justice League is looking to be a bit more fun, but knowing the producers of these things, they probably misunderstood the reason for why audiences were complaining about po-faced gritty drama in the first place and somehow screw it up.

Though screw JL, I'm way more excited to see a Wonder Woman movie though. Is there a reason why they've set it in WWI and not WWII?
Captain America owns WW2


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Looks like DC will beat Marvel to make the next female led super hero movie. Now the question is how good will it be? I mean there's not much of a history of these sorts of movies. I liked Tank Girl since the cast really helped, but still.

I'm kinda bummed, though. I thought there might have been some race going, or competition between Marvel, and DC for the next female led comic book hero movie, but I guess not.


Sep 9, 2010
Looks good. I'm cautiously optimistic.

My favorite this is that Aquaman appears to be basically an underwater hillbilly, and I love it.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Wonder Woman looks surprisingly good. Absolutely cheeseballs bonkers, but in a potentially fun way that I can get behind.

Justice League on the other hand.... eh.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Justice League: Ahhhahahahaahhahahaaaa. They are trying so hard with Aquaman. And it's so bad. Everything else looks very... grey. Like, literally every frame of the trailer is grey. Well, bluish grey. At least someone in charge seems to have been reminded that humour and levity exist.

Wonder Woman: Ummm... what the fuck? That looked good. What witchcraft is this? What strange world have I stumbled into? There was colour. The action looked really cool. The gender stuff was lighthearted and fun rather than ham-fisted. Somehow having Godot striding around WWI blocking mortar shells with a shield looks totally baller instead of ridiculous.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Samtemdo8 said:
MCerberus said:
Samtemdo8 said:
MCerberus said:
JL: Smells of Civil War, especially the Flash scene. Not a bad thing necessarily. Hopefully the next trailer will show us more of the voice the crew is going for. Still, there's room for this to be good, and not a single long-winded exposition of destiny. Still, they're focusing on an external threats leaves a lot of exploration space to work in compared to the MCU (where the villain is: oh god what did Tony do this time). Still worried that they'll fuck up the bad guys in here, because DC lives and dies on the antagonists (Snyderman Zod and BvS Lex were god. awful.)

WW: Love period pieces. I just wish they could step away from the DCCU color pallet though. Would really pop to have some bright primaries against the WW1 backdrop
Zod was the best character in the movie. Miles better than Luthor.
That's more sad than anything really
His acting certainly helped:

I think Michael Shannon's corpse gave the most nuanced performance in that movie.

Zhukov said:
Wonder Woman: Ummm... what the fuck? That looked good. What witchcraft is this? What strange world have I stumbled into? There was colour. The action looked really cool. The gender stuff was lighthearted and fun rather than ham-fisted. Somehow having Godot striding around WWI blocking mortar shells with a shield looks totally baller instead of ridiculous.
I know, I saw it and I too thought, what fucking sorcery is this? It looks amazing!

Here Comes Tomorrow

New member
Jan 7, 2009
Happyninja42 said:
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
I'm kind of annoyed they shoved a romance plot into Wonder Woman and focussed like 1/3 of the trailer on the dude also doing action things.

I'm generally not one for gender politics but it would be nice to see a movie about a woman superhero and a female friend. Also, romance plots in action movies are shitty and drag everything down.
Shoved in? It's pretty damn standard at this point to have a romance in a big budget movie. This is hardly unique to comic book movies.

Some people want action, some people want drama, some people want romance. You put in a little bit for everyone if you can and have it make sense.
Guardians Of The Galaxy managed without it. There was like one scene with Star Lord and Gamora but it's in his character to try and sex her up and he was shot down and no more was said of it.

Captain America: Winter Soldier didn't have one either and even managed to do a male/female partners without making them bone. Arguably, Civil War did it as well. Cap and the blonde had a few short scenes together then kissed at the end. No big romantic set pieces or anything.

And outside of Avengers (which also had no romance. Ultron did and everyone thought the Bruce/Natasha stiff was crap) they're the biggest selling cape movies released.

I'm just saying the bits with Wonder Woman look good. Everyone will say that the male side kick (both the character and romance) will drag the film down.

You know how Ghostbusters 2016 was so desperate to be all "LOOK AT GIRLS BEING COOL AREN'T WE AWESOME SCREW YOU SILLY BOYS WOMEN ARE JUST AS GOOD"? Wonder Woman could have been the role model film Ghostbusters is desperatly trying to be without being obvious.

Replace chisseled action man with a frontline nurse, throw them at WW1 and have german kicking adventures and friendship.


New member
May 19, 2013
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
I'm kind of annoyed they shoved a romance plot into Wonder Woman and focussed like 1/3 of the trailer on the dude also doing action things.

I'm generally not one for gender politics but it would be nice to see a movie about a woman superhero and a female friend. Also, romance plots in action movies are shitty and drag everything down.
Uhhhh No. Actually her and Steve Trevor have been love interests since forever. That is part of her comic back story. So they are not shoving anything into anything, its always been there. Steve is Wondy's Lois Lane to a certain extent. Though he has been often used as a male "damsel in distress". Unfortunately after Marston (Wondy's Creator) stopped writing her future writers just couldn't handle the role reversal. And some even gave Steve an inferiority complex and made him a bit of a dick to her at times.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Here Comes Tomorrow said:
Guardians Of The Galaxy managed without it. There was like one scene with Star Lord and Gamora but it's in his character to try and sex her up and he was shot down and no more was said of it.
Three times, actually. Once in the music scene, once when he saves her, once when she drapes her hand around his shoulder at the end.

Here Comes Tomorrow said:
You know how Ghostbusters 2016 was so desperate to be all "LOOK AT GIRLS BEING COOL AREN'T WE AWESOME SCREW YOU SILLY BOYS WOMEN ARE JUST AS GOOD"?
Um, what? Their gender is brought up twice in the movie, both of those times being Rowan being a petulant ass, because, surprise, that's his character. Arguably three times if you really squint at the means of how they take him out.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Slightly ambivalent about the JL trailer, but impressed by the Wonder Woman one. There is hope yet!


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Samtemdo8 said:
It's you and other people berating the tone of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Prequels in the first place that this tonal shift happened.
The thing is, I don't believe it's a tonal shift. A couple of jokes do not a tonal shift make. A tonal shift would be if they improved the color palette so the letters on Victor Stone's high school jacket weren't the brightest colors in the ************, or if there was a single shot of a room that looks bright enough to read in without getting a headache, or if the heroes seemed to be interested in fighting to save people because it's the right thing to do rather than because they're amoral savages who just need to be pointed at an enemy (ohai, Aquahulk) or selfish nerds who apparently consider do-gooding to be the price of not being lonely. The laughs are just frosting on a cake made by the same bakery that has twice tried to sell me cakes made of chives and shredded spinach on the grounds that they believe cakes should be unpleasant experiences. I don't trust them a bit.

Wonder Woman doesn't look bad, though. I'm curious.


New member
May 19, 2013
Zhukov said:
Wonder Woman: Ummm... what the fuck? That looked good. What witchcraft is this? What strange world have I stumbled into? There was colour. The action looked really cool. The gender stuff was lighthearted and fun rather than ham-fisted. Somehow having Godot striding around WWI blocking mortar shells with a shield looks totally baller instead of ridiculous.
The thing is if you get that impression that means that they are doing Wonder Woman right. She and Superman aren't like Batman. There has to be light and hope for them to work. For a very long time the prevailing wisdom has been that Wonder Woman would be too hard to translate into film. Even though there was no justification for it. Most of her best runs don't have hamfisted gender stuff. Comic book writers just...well sometimes the writing is shit. And a lot of writers shove in dumb shit into Wonder Woman books because they don't understand gender stuff. The worst that I've seen was Brian Azzarello's take on her backstory. His book was praised when it hit the big 52 but a lot of shit was super dreary for no reason. It is really mindboggling. The Amazons have their reasons for being an all female group(will of the gods) and for being isolated (protecting the world from Dooms Doorway). They were also long lived(once again will of the gods). Nope Azzarello had to make them rapists and murderers who borded any ship they could find just to seduce men. They would then kill the men after sleeping with them. Then if they became pregnant with a girl they kept the girl, the boys they sold off. Nothing like that had ever been written before. Now instead of Diana being brought to life by the gods she was the result of her mother and Zeus shacking up one time. It was just unnecessary, like the idea of an all female society offended him or something.


New member
Dec 11, 2012
Why are people so against the Flash wearing armour? He's super-fast. That's it. There's no reason for him to not wear armour, considering how his speed isn't an issue.

You know who doesn't need armour? Superman. Because he's fucking bulletproof. Flash isn't. Even if he 100% avoids getting hit, he'd want to wear something on his knuckles to protect his fingers from all those super-fast punches he lands. And what if he fights another speedster? Wouldn't it be handy to have some padding and a stab vest in case Professor Zoom attacks him with a knife?

mecegirl said:
Nope Azzarello had to make them rapists and murderers who borded any ship they could find just to seduce men. They would then kill the men after sleeping with them. Then if they became pregnant with a girl they kept the girl, the boys they sold off. Nothing like that had ever been written before. Now instead of Diana being brought to life by the gods she was the result of her mother and Zeus shacking up one time. It was just unnecessary, like the idea of an all female society offended him or something.
How else is an all-female society going to reproduce? It's that or cloning. (They might be long-lived, but considering that Amazons are warrior-women, they'd have casualties now and then.)

They probably don't need to kill the fathers and sell off the male children to Hephaestus afterwards, but this is a society that executes anyone who lands on their island in possession of a dong. And that has kept cultural attitudes of ancient Greece alive for two or three thousand years. Y'know...ancient Greece, with the Spartans hurling deformed children off of cliffs, and the chief god who frequently turns into animals in order to cheat on his wife.

You're also glossing over how Diana's immediate reaction to finding out that the Amazons sold their male children into slavery is to go and try and free all of them, because she finds the idea instinctively abhorrent.

Edit: Am I the only guy amazed by the colour contrast between Wonder Woman and the muddy craphole trenches of WWI? They really pulled that off. It should look dumb. It doesn't.