Strazdas said:
nah, iceland it is. they may not close the boarders but infection spread is so slow only 10 yokels will be infected by the time its killed the rest of the world.
Someone never read world war Z, this ends up being the worlds most terrible idea because half a billion people all decide "ICELAND
No one thought of iceland right?" and the whole country sinks under the weight of millions of refugees who dont really understand how small the population centres of iceland are
Cuba, now THATS where you wanna be.
I've been putting some study into Ebola, to be frank it just isnt a thread to modern western countries. Dont get me wrong people who get it would likely have a relatively high mortality rate but remember when smallpox made a comeback after a lab accident? It got 2 people before quarantine hit like a gorram hurricane of hazmats and air tight walls. I mean you had THE cliche movie "pandemic" startup, scientist accidentally releases sample into the air vents of lab, infects a couple of people. And yet we shut that down before it picked up even in the slightest. No massive outbreak. And thats an AIR transmitted disease!
Since Ebola spreads by fluid transmission aid workers are the biggest vector and even then identification is very easy, as is quarantine. Ebola just couldnt pick up speed in a western country with the transmission rate so poor.
HOWEVER. We have to deal with (somewhat ironically) the same issue the people in that little mobile app game do. Which is the more hosts a virus has; the greater the chance of a mutation in one of those strains. If the virus becomes more infectious from a number of avenues then the risk multiplies. More hosts gives rise to more potential mutations. Ebola may become literally stronger the more hosts it takes. As it is now, little threat. Here in the western world we have LARGE safe blood supplies, massive stocks of IV fluid and generally very well equipped hospitals all with high security isolation units to treat patients like this. All the things the third world lacks.
I wouldnt worry about Ebola, hell the chances of a mutation that bring its lethality up or make it spread faster are fairly low but since it IS a very very dangerous jumping point for further mutation its probably safer to put it down as soon as possible.
Also speaking purely outside the realm of science, as a humanitarian i fully believe it SHOULD be put down since, unlike HIV, it has no really nasty mechanism to avoid vaccination or a potential cure.