Worst Racism You've Encountered


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Me and two friends were downtown after seeing a show and decided to stop off at a bar for a drink. A black guy and his "crew" pulled their guns on us and told us that crackers (he pronounced it 'crackas' because he was hip) got shot if they came in their bar.

Edit: Read this with a sarcastic inflection. It was a hole-in-the-wall type bar. We were hoping to be pleasantly surprised. We were not.

rancher of monsters

New member
Oct 31, 2010
Let's see, I had someone write ****** on my desk during Jr. High. I also had a white girl (possbily Italian, I can't remember) tell me that, "they wouldn't be called stereotypes if they weren't true". Considering some of the stereotypes about white and Italian people I think she should be happy that isn't true.

Oh, and as MovieBob noted, go on Xbox live and declare yourself to be anything other than a white male christian and/or atheist and see how well you're treated. Even the younger kids act like little Hitlers on Xbox live.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
When I lived in the deep Northeast of my City, all my jobs were way out of my community. The area was predominantly home to Middle Eastern and Indian families, and it was pretty common knowledge no business around there, whether franchise or family-owned, would hire you if you weren't.

I dared to try and at one locale, the lady supposedly in charge played at being ESL (English as a Second Language) and not understanding me...10 minutes later I pass the place again on the way home, she's out back smoking, speaking in english better than most people I know period, joking about the 'audacity of that white kid thinking he could work here'. I even overheard her follow up with claiming she'd hire a known killer or rapist over some 'white punk' (I was a pretty clean-cut guy).

Scout Tactical

New member
Jun 23, 2010
At my university, there are scholarship programs for people of every ethnicity except Caucasian and Asian. There are also student promotion organizations for every race except Caucasian (I saw at least five competing African American student groups, separate student groups for Indonesians, Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, generic Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, and more). These organizations lobby for benefits for their members. There is no organization to promote the welfare of white students, or people of European (or white American) descent.

Feels bad that racism is still so alive in America.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
WolfThomas said:
I grew up in rural Victoria and though my parents were educated proffessionals, I was still exposed to a large amount of the underlying racism and general discrimination that is endemic. The worst thing is people don't know they're being racist, they actually think it's a fact that Aboriginals are petrol sniffing thieves or that all Asians speak poor English and want to steal their jobs or rampant stereotyping of homosexuals. So often have I heard statements prefixed with "I'm not racist/homophobic, but..."
Well, of course, people are always going to assume/pretend their prejudices are actually undeniably fact, and won't be convinced otherwise.

Still Life said:
What makes me sad is that nobody seems to care. I'm Aboriginal myself and hearing some of the heart-rending stories from the NT and the sheer indifference/ignorance from the general Australian public astounds me.
It doesn't tend to get reported. Occasionally, the media will decide it's the right time to mention it, and there will be outrage...only it's the sort of outrage that people briefly have every so often in lieu of actually fucking doing anything.

On the other hand, the best way to provoke serious outrage at the situation is for the government to announce they are thinking about actually doing something that might possibly help, but that it'll involve dealing with the issues in a semi-realistic way, and won't be a quick fix. That'll piss the public off no end.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
I had to run to Wal-Mart at about 1 in the morning to get my niece some Children's Motrin when she was staying the night back around the election of 2008. I was in a McCain/Palin shirt because it was a larger shirt and was comfortable when I was going to bed. So anyway, I go to the pharmacy dept. and get the medicine and as I walk to the register a black couple buying candy right in front of the pharmacy dept. made a point to call me a "Mother fucking racist cracker".

I was already tired and got a bit pissed off so I asked them if it was because of the shirt and calmly told them that there were many reasons I was against Obama, none of which were the color of his skin. I then asked why they supported him and the only reason they could give me was because he was black. I chuckled a bit and before I went on to the register I made sure to tell them that the reason they were for Obama and against McCain made them racist. They didn't have anything to come back with after that.

Edit: I'm not questioning that there are worse stories of racism, but this is just the one thing that happened to me that I remember the most. It was like they didn't know that not liking someone because they are white is just as bad as not liking someone because they are black, asian, hispanic or any other race.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Most white people I know say things that are racist, even if it isn't said directly to people of different racial groups.

The horrible truth is that most people experience the world through what they see, not on an intellectual level; if people look different to you, it arouses curiosity at best, and hostility and vexation at worst. Unfortunately, racism is here to stay.


404Th Ravens. No.04
Nov 19, 2009
Indonesian riot of May '98.
Google it if interested. It's likely to be an ongoing issue as well.

rancher of monsters

New member
Oct 31, 2010
ninjastovall0 said:
Old people are adorable.
Honestly I think racism is trumped up nowadays by modern society, like you a white kid being shocked by the word ******.
Sure it is still present today but its hardly as bad as the past.
I dont even think we should acknowledge "race" as we are all people.

but as I am white who cares what I think.
First of all, I certainly do care what you think. That being said, I completely disagree with you. Actually, it's because I care what you think that I'm replying.

To me, anyone who can claim to not see color or say that we shouldn't acknowledge someone by their race is lying to themselves. The fact of the matter is that if you have to describe someone in a police report you're not going to list their personality. You'll say they were A feet high, with a B complexion, and C hair. If you deny someone their racial or cultural background then you are denying part of what makes them special. The goal, in my mind at least, is too realize your racial, religous, or cultural differences and move on from there. If I see an Asian, I can't assume they know Kung Fu or that they are a poor driver, I have to give them the chance to prove themself through our relationship. But to ignore the fact that they are Asian completely means I'm ignoring parts of them, and part of the filter through which the things that are said between us will pass.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
DeadlyYellow said:
At any rate, I'm from Indiana so witnessing racism isn't exactly new. Hell, I think I have a cousin in the Klan. Can't say for sure though, I'm not too familiar with the family tree on my maternal side.
Definitely, Indiana here as well. One my friends cousins is quite racist. I've learned a few names that I hadn't heard before from him; I rather not list them here.

My grandmother is from Germany, and wow, she is racist, stuck up, and just plain rude. I know not all Germans are like her, she's just running with a bad stereotype. She hasn't lived int Germany since she was a little girl, but she has vacationed there a few times. She is so out there, she thinks Germany is the most perfect place on earth. She makes stupid statements like "Germany has no poverty" (supposedly she says she has never seen a homeless person in Germany). She has this stupid mentality about farmers around here leaving livestock outside. She thinks that all livestock is kept indoors in Germany. Anytime I don't eat when other people eat, she says that I wouldn't make it in Germany because everybody eats at set times and if you don't eat you don't get to eat later.

She is just plain nuts. She didn't believe me that college professors don't have to have education degrees or much education instruction period. Even when I told her that one of my professors told me that over 75% of the professors at my university have no educational backgrounds, she didn't believe me.

But ya, she has been pretty racist, and as the cliche goes, she gets worse as she gets older.


New member
Sep 26, 2006
Mr Thin said:
OK, in all seriousness, I've never encountered any racism beyond the normal high school joking bullshit.

If you can even call that racism.
You can. The moment you cannot anymore is when this kinds of jokes stops being funny to anyone.

clipse15 said:
However the most racist thing i've probably experienced is when I held the door open for an elderly White gentleman with a walker, as he passed through the door he said "I don't need your help ******." Even though it was pretty obvious he needed tons of help.
You should have said: "Well, suit yourself." And let go of the door on the spot.

clipse15 said:
And then there is self-racism....yeah I'm going to stop while I'm ahead.
Sorry for the curiosity, but could you elaborate? If not, sorry for asking.

clipse15 said:
I'm not saying they were justified in saying it, but you have to get the context before you jump to shock and judgement.
I understand what you saying and have considered this myself a few times before. But in the end I came to the conclusio that shock and judgement are very sincere and heartfelt responses that should be even stronger after considering context.

Otherwise, this context will never die.

Of-the-Lion said:
Funny racism
No such thing.

stinkychops said:
Institutionalised racism is debatably fair
It's not fair even by definition, much less when debated about outside of KKK gatherings.

Necator15 said:
You know the hicks that we (Or at least I) try to pretend don't exist? You ever try to listen to them talk?

Dear god, I sat next to one in an English class sophomore year in high school. I heard every racist term I know (And several I didn't) said in the most derogatory manner possible. At first, I honestly thought he was joking.

The really worrying thing is that this guy is now in the military. Yes. He was given a gun.
You can't expect to run a obedient army without unintelligent people to be ordered around.

Necator15 said:
Seeing it from both sides racism is both stupid and in poor taste.
I'm honestly sorry that you had to learn this the hard way.

kortin said:
I never understood why, if a white guy makes a racist comment, he gets jumped, but if a black guy makes a racist comment, its all ok.
It's never ok, even when it comes from someone who suffered racism towards themselves in any level. In most of these cases, it's definitely out of deep frustration.

But, sadly in a way, still in a lot of places a white guy will get agreeing nods for making racist comments.

Icehearted said:
I was about to ask about your state too, in the very least to avoid such a hellhole. Icehearted, I know you spoke about the difficulty of landing a stable job to get the income to get the hell out of there, but still... don't give it up!

Slim-Shot said:
My Grandfather was old school air force. Whenever he would go for an afternoon nap, he would always say that he was off for a bit of "Maori PT".

Racism is kind of ingrained in NZ culture, but never in a really negative way. Everyone just seems to kind of laugh about it. Ike if you're late, the boss will ask if you're running on "Island time".

I think the only genuine racism in NZ (with the notable exception of the skinhead gangs around) actually come from the more militant Maori tribes.
Please understand I'm not indirectly accusing you nor your grandfather of being racist, but these little jokes and idioms perpetuating small seeds of stereotypes are a bit dangerous, because it create a notion that "some kinds" of racisms can be more innocuous than others.

And that's a harmful thought pattern, at the very least because it slow downs the process of eliminating racism as a sociological entity.

Just do some research into why there are some more militant Maori tribes. I'm sure you'll not find absolutely all rationales to be so compassionate, but it's important to consider the context, as another poster said before.

rancher of monsters said:
Let's see I had someone right ****** on my desk during Jr. High. I also had a white girl (possbily Italian, I can't remember) tell me that, "they wouldn't be called stereotypes if they weren't true". Considering some of the stereotypes about white and Italian people I think she should be happy that isn't true.
Gotta love people with no concept of what a dictionary is.

rancher of monsters said:
There is no organization to promote the welfare of white students, or people of European (or white American) descent.

Feels bad that racism is still so alive in America.
Yeah, I decided to quote the two last sentences because they illustrate a point.

rancher of monsters said:
There is no organization to promote the welfare of white students, or people of European (or white American) descent.

Feels bad that racism is still so alive in America.
I agree.

Hardcore_gamer said:
ninjastovall0 said:
I dont even think we should acknowledge "race" as we are all people.
Why? While fighting racism is good and all trying to pretend that races don't actually exist is just bullshit political correctness. Not to mention that it is completely counter productive, since the best way to make peoples differences stand out is to simply pretend that they don't exist forcing everyone to keep their hate/dislike a secret thus resulting in the illusion that everyone is happy when people are in fact not.
I don't know, a point in time where the skin color distinctions fail to be important to anyone outside of the bounds of actual visual perception sounds like a good day to me.

Though I agree that policital correctness is one of the worst plagues to come from the 90's, I did not interepreted Hardcore_gamer's comment like you did.

Anyway, what I do not agree with is the point about making people's differences stand out, because to kill racism is to make what defines us all as humans (our similarities) is what needs to come to the fore.

The differences should be about what makes us individuals.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
ShaggyEdiddy214 said:
My mom works with black racists.
She is freinds with a white dance instuctor who has to fuss sometimes like all teachers do but she loves her students.Despite this some BLACK teachers have the idea that she bullies the students because most of em are black.
Do ya think they get called out?
Hell to the no.
This is unfair shit.
Due to years of negro suffering the world has the idea blacks can't be racist because they wouldn't dare retalliate BUT THEY DO.
Whites are treated to be a master evil race because of the PAST.
Im black and I think Im annoyed by my one race.
Because its made up of ungrateful for what their ancestors did douches who supposedly can do no wrong and cannot be portrayed as slang speaking rappers even though from a close point of veiw THATS EXACTLY HOW THEY ACT.
The most ultimate racism is demonizing of whites and treating blacks as heroes when correct many are sophisticated young minds but that would only be 10% to 20% of them.
*sigh*I god that was alot of typing

Awesome... I've always thought exactly this, now I have someone else to quote and a black person nonetheless! Thanks for taking the words out of my mouth (with maybe some added ellipses and capital letters ;D)


New member
Nov 26, 2009
Well, i haven't really seen any real racism where i live (northern-eastern Europe).
That's because there aren't a lot of different people here. No-one really travels here and thinks "hmm, what a nice place, I think I'll stay!". So, yeah. But i truly hope the society i live in isn't racist.
Of course, there's always the Internet. Loads and loads of racism.

rancher of monsters

New member
Oct 31, 2010
Ericb said:
Mr Thin said:
OK, in all seriousness, I've never encountered any racism beyond the normal high school joking bullshit.

If you can even call that racism.
You can. The moment you cannot anymore is when this kinds of jokes stops being funny to anyone.

clipse15 said:
However the most racist thing i've probably experienced is when I held the door open for an elderly White gentleman with a walker, as he passed through the door he said "I don't need your help ******." Even though it was pretty obvious he needed tons of help.
You should have said: "Well, suit yourself." And let go of the door on the spot.

clipse15 said:
And then there is self-racism....yeah I'm going to stop while I'm ahead.
Sorry for the curiosity, but could you elaborate? If not, sorry for asking.

clipse15 said:
I'm not saying they were justified in saying it, but you have to get the context before you jump to shock and judgement.
I understand what you saying and have considered this myself a few times before. But in the end I came to the conclusio that shock and judgement are very sincere and heartfelt responses that should be even stronger after considering context.

Otherwise, this context will never die.

Of-the-Lion said:
Funny racism
No such thing.

stinkychops said:
Institutionalised racism is debatably fair
It's not fair even by definition, much less when debated about outside of KKK gatherings.

Necator15 said:
You know the hicks that we (Or at least I) try to pretend don't exist? You ever try to listen to them talk?

Dear god, I sat next to one in an English class sophomore year in high school. I heard every racist term I know (And several I didn't) said in the most derogatory manner possible. At first, I honestly thought he was joking.

The really worrying thing is that this guy is now in the military. Yes. He was given a gun.
You can't expect to run a obedient army without unintelligent people to be ordered around.

Necator15 said:
Seeing it from both sides racism is both stupid and in poor taste.
I'm honestly sorry that you had to learn this the hard way.

kortin said:
I never understood why, if a white guy makes a racist comment, he gets jumped, but if a black guy makes a racist comment, its all ok.
It's never ok, even when it comes from someone who suffered racism towards themselves in any level. In most of these cases, it's definitely out of deep frustration.

But, sadly in a way, still in a lot of places a white guy will get agreeing nods for making racist comments.

Icehearted said:
I was about to ask about your state too, in the very least to avoid such a hellhole. Icehearted, I know you spoke about the difficulty of landing a stable job to get the income to get the hell out of there, but still... don't give it up!

Slim-Shot said:
My Grandfather was old school air force. Whenever he would go for an afternoon nap, he would always say that he was off for a bit of "Maori PT".

Racism is kind of ingrained in NZ culture, but never in a really negative way. Everyone just seems to kind of laugh about it. Ike if you're late, the boss will ask if you're running on "Island time".

I think the only genuine racism in NZ (with the notable exception of the skinhead gangs around) actually come from the more militant Maori tribes.
Please understand I'm not indirectly accusing you nor your grandfather of being racist, but these little jokes and idioms perpetuating small seeds of stereotypes are a bit dangerous, because it create a notion that "some kinds" of racisms can be more innocuous than others.

And that's a harmful thought pattern, at the very least because it slow downs the process of eliminating racism as a sociological entity.

Just do some research into why there are some more militant Maori tribes. I'm sure you'll not find absolutely all rationales to be so compassionate, but it's important to consider the context, as another poster said before.

rancher of monsters said:
Let's see I had someone right ****** on my desk during Jr. High. I also had a white girl (possbily Italian, I can't remember) tell me that, "they wouldn't be called stereotypes if they weren't true". Considering some of the stereotypes about white and Italian people I think she should be happy that isn't true.
Gotta love people with no concept of what a dictionary is.

rancher of monsters said:
There is no organization to promote the welfare of white students, or people of European (or white American) descent.

Feels bad that racism is still so alive in America.
Yeah, I decided to quote the two last sentences because they illustrate a point.

rancher of monsters said:
There is no organization to promote the welfare of white students, or people of European (or white American) descent.

Feels bad that racism is still so alive in America.
I agree.

Hardcore_gamer said:
ninjastovall0 said:
I dont even think we should acknowledge "race" as we are all people.
Why? While fighting racism is good and all trying to pretend that races don't actually exist is just bullshit political correctness. Not to mention that it is completely counter productive, since the best way to make peoples differences stand out is to simply pretend that they don't exist forcing everyone to keep their hate/dislike a secret thus resulting in the illusion that everyone is happy when people are in fact not.
I don't know, a point in time where the skin color distinctions fail to be important to anyone outside of the bounds of actual visual perception sounds like a good day to me.

Though I agree that policital correctness is one of the worst plagues to come from the 90's, I did not interepreted Hardcore_gamer's comment like you did.

Anyway, what I do not agree with is the point about making people's differences stand out, because to kill racism is to make what defines us all as humans (our similarities) is what needs to come to the fore.

The differences should be about what makes us individuals.
Okay, I'm not sure why, but of the three quotes that bear my username, only the first belongs to me WTF.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
The worst racism I've personally experienced? I've been called the N-word by people who've only heard my voice - apparently my accent sounds "black". As a white guy, I've never faced prejudice other than the stereotype that all white people are racists.

One time someone told me, jokingly, that I "need to be more racist" after I gave them a detailed description of someone, and only mentioned their race as an afterthought.

Having been to rural Louisiana, I've seen some really horrifying racism. I've heard people hoping they find a black trespasser so they can shoot them, and I knew someone who died after refusing medical treatment from a black doctor. I've known black and hispanic people who sold their houses and moved north after the racism became unbearable in the Deep South.

Icehearted said:
How do I describe the last 20 years of my life? I can make a shortlist and you can be the judge of what was worse.

I've lost 5 jobs because of my black person status (they usually just n-word me.... a lot, and calling me buckwheat is also popular around here)
I was assaulted in high school (again, lots of n-words... bottles and rocks were thrown, and not shit was done about it by faculty member or local law enforcement)
I've been ejected from church... (not as much n-wording)
I've been ejected from places of business (very little n-wording, but my "kind" was not permitted)
I've been refused service at a restaurant (also a bar, but at least the owner was willing to call me n-words to my face, the restaurant manager was another of those "we don't serve your kind" people)
I won't even go into what my family life has been like, but let's just say one of my parents was not above making remarks about me either
I get harassed often when in public, which is why I'm a shut-in now, have been for most of these last two decades.
I've been n-worded by local police, so if something happens to me I don't exactly feel safe looking to them for help.
Little children have n-worded me.... that one stung a lot more than usual, though you never quite get used to it, even after all these years
I can disguise being half-black, and I generally do that as much as I can, but on occasion questions arise and I answer honestly, even knowing the consequences will usually be pretty goddamn negative. My favorite was a white girl I dated briefly that stated that the only kind of men she wanted to be with were whites only. I knew my future was not with her, but then this is not uncommon where I live, so I just sort of went with it for that final date (yes, it was the final date that she'd said that).
Friends have questioned whether or not I really consider myself a black person, treating it like an unfortunate condition. They aren't friends anymore, not all because of this, but it happens a lot here.
I was refuse employment because I revealed I was black to potential employers, who would upon finding out show me the door saying they were no longer interested in hiring, or "we just don't need your kind of trouble".
Friends have refused to be in public places with me because I am black, so I was sort of a secret for them.
Sadly, this kind of horror is completely believable. Can I ask what state you live in?


New member
Mar 26, 2010
Once I was in a bus to get home and at a station two muslim men got in. There were two guys on the opposite site of me and one of them said something like: "Oh, so they are now allowed to get on the bus as well" and the other one replied: "Yeah, it's ridiculous"
I just tought to myself, are we in the 70s with the apartheid? Their reaction really angered me but I didn't say anything.

The Apothecarry

New member
Mar 6, 2011
All the racism I experience is between my friends and I in private and in good fun, nothing personal.

But let me tell you about all the memes...


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Wuffykins said:
Personally, I've dealt with it quite a bit, as many a person has inappropriate, although inadvertant, comments which actual end up being against me.

What do I mean? Well, I'm your stereotypical Irishman: Pale skin, red hair, and a name that is practically the Irish version of 'John Smith'. What most people don't realize is that I'm also half-Mexican, in the vein that I am the first Canadian born (well, second after my brother really) person in my entire extended family, and not by distant relation.

So comments against Mexican immigrants, stereotyping jokes, or whatever bigoted remark I hear is always made classic by my bringing up of my heritage. The usual response? Oh, we didn't know...

Because not knowing makes it allll better, right?

True, that's not 'worst' in a sense, but it's one of those surprises that I get to pull on people who don't bother to think about what their saying.
Patrick O'Reily/O'Flannigan/Donnoley/O'Halleran/Lafferty?

OT: I get pissed off (this is the only thing they really do that actually makes me react with anything other than pride or laughter) when my basketball team say things like "That shot was so Black" or, "Not Negro enough". Especially so when they say things like "We want the racially different kid" when picking teams.

It just shits me, the same way it shit's me when my sister says things like "That's so Gay, I don't want to go there/do that".

I have a mate who had this conversation once.
"Eh, brah go a thmoke?"
"No. I am 15, I don't smoke."
"Eh, puck you Petah Pan!"

Yeah, Peter Pan.

I've seen racism else where but never against me.

The most shocking for me what a girl I knew said something like,
"I can't go there! The abo's live there! I'll be raped!"
She was deadly serious.