Doomsdaylee said:
I'm surprised anyone cares anymore, since they bastardized WoW so bad.
Fucking Activison, Spyro wasn't enough, you have to turn WoW into baby's first handholding adventure?
I could deal with removal of branching spec trees.
I could deal with the gutting of the hunter system, and GIVING Warlock's their pets.
I could deal with the quest helper.
I could deal with being able to hit lv 30 in under a week.
I could even deal with the fucking pandas.
But when they started giving Druids cat at lv 6, and Warlocks FUCKING METAMORPH at lv 10, not to mention COMPLETELY gutting the talent trees?
Fuck you, call me when you stop pandering (Pun unintended) to the lil bitches who can't do a damn thing without you doing all the work for them.
Fuck activision.
Nothing you mention their was fun or challenging, you seem to think that leveling was the be all and end all of WoW, WoW is based 100% around its end game, leveling is just story to build. I leveled up in classic on 5 chars, it was not hard, it was long, even on a class like balance (no Moonkin form for a while back then) was not a challenge to level with, it was just time consuming, the only difficulty lay in not over pulling and killing creeps one by one, Time is not difficult.
But if i must dissect your argument, Leveling up to level 20 as a druid with none of you main damage ability's was not a difficult or FUN (that odd word again) thing, it was a pointless time wall set their just to slow you down. Making you wait 80 levels for a cool down (the old Metamorth for 'Locks is in no way shape or form related to the new one, If you can wipe the tears of rage away from you face and look into it, its now a main mechanic of the spec and not just a damage cooldown), the "gutting" of hunters, as compared to the one button macro mashing of TBC, back then hunters were so hard i finished a BT, Hyjal and 3/6 Sunwell with only the use of my mouse with 3 extra buttons and still came out on top of DPS. Hunters have never been better to play. You can disable the quest helper. The branching trees was fun until EJ or AJ created a cookie cutter build, then "yay" get to spec the same as everyone else.
I have no idea what you mean by gave Warlocks their pets.
Outside of Raiding WoW, even back in classic WOW was never hard (ok I'll give you v1 TBC heroics but that was 100% a gear check and not at all skill based), it was grind, a faux difficulty used to trick people into thinking they were doing something hard, It was not hard to kill 50 merlocks without an overpull. Demon souls is not hard because it takes a while, Waiting for the Render bar is not the hard part of film making. Complaining about the difficulty of end game raids (Wrath had this issue with T7 and 9) or the laziness of design (Dragon Soul can burn in a pit) or even PVP balance is a Fair point, but you are just barking at the moon about 5% of the total time you'll spend playing the game, Sorry this game is not Everquest, other Everquest like games are available, I'd suggest EverQuest.
But still no, sorry you were mad at the people that made Call of Duty, Ill let you rant, I hate kill streak bonuses too.