WoW to Get Faction Change Feature


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Credge said:
Nostalgia said:
No. Some people are truly indifferent because they aren't judgmental and bigoted.
No they're not. Those that pass off the indifferentism aren't because they themselves pass judgement on those that are judgmental and bigoted.

Which results in them being judgmental and bigoted.
On the subject at hand, when I say that people are indifferent about the subject, it's that they do not care which faction another person plays, which was the whole point Funk brought up that you responded to. Horde players, on average, and through experience, give off weird vibes and sense of disappointment when I tell them I play Alliance.
If that's not being judgmental, then I don't know. The disgusted looks and "ews" tell me so.

Not like I'm not guilty of anything. I usually follow up with a palm to my face.

Flying-Emu said:
You don't have to be good at WoW to win as a Paladin. At all.
Only because there are so many bad players to take advantage of.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
i played wow for three years. started off as the alliance because, hey, i was new, and if i'm going to be spending hours staring at this person, i at least want to make it someone i like to look at. Nelf Rogue, lots of fun, but we always lost at PvP...always. between that and the obscene amount of immature people, i decided to switch to Horde. maybe it was the battlegroups or something, because when i switched to Horde, i still got stomped in battlegrounds with my undead rogue. but my Arena score told me it wasn't me, so then i wondered if i had bad luck, but then i examined the horde community i was playing with and i was shocked. contrary to what people like to advertise on forums, the Horde does have little immature punks who like to be idiots and screw with people, and most of them don't say repeatedly how much the alliance suck and are little kids usually do and are themselves what they boast to hate. i remember when Blizzard released the ability to link skills in chat, that day, trade chat was filled with people advertising "Anal (insert skill name here)" and after long debilitations, i realized the truth.


End of story. on both sides, no matter what, there will be idiots who have no idea what they're doing and will be little pricks. there will always be people who you hate and blow because that's part of the MMO experience, and every side has it, no matter how much you want to deny. if you have someone who says one faction sucks for this particular reason, they're usually the people you want to avoid, because they're idiots. back in the day, people where defensive about their factions, but that was also before battle groups, when everyone you fought in PvP was on your server and you were almost sure to see again and get pissed at, could follow, or go gank to give him a proverbial middle finger. i don't even see any form of faction pride anymore because they never stress it. you rarely relate with the opposite faction on any given server anymore except for the occasional world PvP/gank or wintergrasp. And people will win and lose all the time at anything because it depends on the amount of people you get who suck, and that's it, and the only way to deal with those people is usually to make them do just that.


New member
Mar 25, 2008
needausername said:
Kinda glad, my time playing as an Night Elf Hunter has left me with one thought bore into my mind, Alliance sucks. Seriously Horde is just so much cooler, Alliance players in my experience are all small children wanting to play the hero. Horde characters on the other hand have realized this, and are using their characters to punch these small children in the face.
Incorrect. Every 5 year old plays blood elves now, so most children are on horde now. In my experience anyways.

And both sides are the Heros, neither is really supposed to embody "Good" or "Bad".


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Dele said:
Two rival factions? More like two peaceful communities farming instances peacefully while ocassionally making forced clashes for goods.



The factions are practically homogenious now, with paladins and shamans being on both, and the changes made to the cities since vanilla (Shatt, Dal) so that we hang out in the same city and don't hurt each other. :/

Hell, it might as well be the red team or blue team now.

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
I don't understand the logic behind the thought that "All children choose Alliance." If you give an angsty pre-teen a morally open RPG, what do you think they'll do to Old Granny? Save her from the fire, or pour gasoline on her cats and toss them in too? In almost every case I've seen or heard of, children act out their violent fantasies in video games. So it seems to me, that most children would be attracted to the Horde, while they are under the impression the the Horde is the "evil team."

Aside from that, frankly both sides are equally annoying. I've leveled characters on both sides to around 40, and I've experienced the same amount of douchelery from both factions. The one difference is that the Horde players are a tiny bit more prone to douchelerize at the Alliance players. I don't understand the hate, really. It's a game, racial pride has no place.

Hmmmmm. I think "douchelerize" is my new favorite made up word.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Nostalgia said:
Neth was very vague, but I really hope that I don't start seeing damn UD players on Alliance. HOPEFULLY, it'll just be a mere race change sort of service that will allow you to switch factions in the process. Community on WoW has been dead since TBC, so a change like this doesn't bother me as much.
Undead on Alliance, though? Dwarves on Horde? No, gtfo.

quiet_samurai said:
Why would you ever want to be on the alliance?
Because we rather not associate or hang around with people who have this attitude.

Tell an Alliance player you play Horde, it's like "Eh, ok, no big deal."

Tell a Horde player you play Alliance, it's like you just killed their dog.
I smell one of those oh so fun WoW flame wars of "Who is the bigger douche" comming down the pipes very soon.

Being a person who's got 80's on either side I feel I can safely say the attitude players have towards their opposing faction is the same on both sides, and varies from server to server; person to person. Not at all like you've described it CFF.

You have your die-hard loyalists that KoS any player of the opposing faction (or just fuck with their questing if you're on a PvE server) And then you have the players who indeed have that "Meh" attitude towards both sides.

Deny it all you want, but there are indeed WAY more children playing Alliance side; and they stick out like sore thumbs when they talk. You've got them horde side as well, but they are in the minority.

As for why someone would want to play Alliance side its a very simple answer. Personal preference is the generalization but when you get right down to it both sides make up 2 parts of the same story. Though I was rather unimpressed with doing identical quests once I hit outland on my Ally toon. Both sides don't paint pretty pictures of the other.

  • Playing Horde you get the feeling the allies are utter douche-bags who won't let bygones be bygones and keep raining on the Horde's parade. The trolls, tauren, and orcs are all portrayed in their very tribal natures, and are just acting in the way most tribal societies act. Expand and protect their lands. The Forsaken...I'm sorry they're just straight up evil; I've done their quest chains and I'm shocked they haven't gone for world domination yet. The player's assigned role Horde side is essentially a tribal warrior...unless you're undead then you're just one of the bigger evil fucks amongst other evil fucks.

    This brings us to the Alliance's side of the story, its your basic feudal fantasy society. If its not civilized then its evil. There's a definitive grudge the Alliance can't seem to get rid of from the Orc's initial invasion; despite the evidence coming to light long ago the orcs were manipulated and tricked. The picture painted for Alliance characters is that the horde sits across the sea plotting with its Forsaken allies on how to kill Superman...I mean conquer the world. Still dealing with rogue factions of orcs and trolls this indeed keeps the threat of another orc invasion alive and well for members of the Alliance. The player's assigned role Alliance side is revered defender of the realm, vanquisher of evil, etc etc...

Left out on purpose out of the above synopses is the included factor of Blood Elves and Dranei. They've been left out for the reason that the two races are still rather non-existent in the story arcs of classic WoW content, thus do not contribute a significant enough piece to the pictures painted as the player levels in original content.

With the inclusion of Blood Elves and Dranei in The Burning Crusade expansion the pictures do not change so much with the story arc of Outland. The Burning Crusade is definitely a very Horde heavy expansion in terms of story (at least in my own personal opinion). In it we see the revelation that some orcs were able to escape the demonic corruption, the discovery of Grom Hellscream's son, and the long awaited redemption of the Blood Elves at the Sunwell Plateau as the culmination of the expansions story arc.

My memory of the Alliance's story for The Burning Crusade is very dim considering I leveled through Outland almost a year ago on an Alliance character. If someone could fill in the cracks on that it would be great.

Here in the present as we deal with the current story arc for Wrath of the Lich King we see the Horde and Alliance coming from their united victory over Kil'Jaden at the Sunwell to deal with (to their knowledge anyway) the last greatest threat to Azeroth; Arthas. The two factions still keeping their distance from one another are still keeping their distance but realize they are working to achieve the same goals.

The three monkey wrenches in this system are Varimathras and King Varian of Stormwind, and Garrosh Hellscream.

  • Varian with his infinite anger and hatred towards the underground (might I add illegal if I read right) arenas that he somehow ties to Thrall. His anger though is not unfounded considering it was Garona the half Orc slew his father and made him both Orphan and King of Stormwind at the same time, so maybe he just needs a few anger management classes before he can sit down at the negotiation table with Thrall to plot Arthas' demise. To be honest I need to finish reading his comic book story arc before I can draw more definitive conclusions.

    Garrosh Hellscream is far to much like his father; hotheaded and brash in his zeal to prove himself as a leader to Thrall he has become more of a liability to the horde's efforts in Northrend than an asset. As far as I can see Saurfang and a beat down from Thrall are the only two things stopping Garrosh from tearing a new asshole in the Alliance war efforts in Northrend. Though for those of us who witnessed the Wrath pre-release events in Orgimmar Garrosh came dangerously close to defeating Thrall, and may well have done so if not for the sudden undead invasion.

    Varimathras the dreadlord that in Sylvanas' infinite wisdom swindled into being her second in command. Swindled is debatable since dreadlords are the master tacticians of the burning legion. He is the one that ignited the already brewing powder kegs that were Garrosh and Varian. Those of us Horde side saw how crushed Thrall was at the end of the wrath gate quest chain, how the tenious peace he and Jaina had struggled so hard to keep was all brought down so swiftly. Though his coup of the Undercity was quite possibly the most awesome thing to happen to WoW since flying mounts it is the beginning of the rising action in the Northrend story arc.

As we sit at the current juncture in 3.1 the horde and alliance are in all out war against each other, refusing to work together even to stop Yog-Saron despite the immanent threat he presents. The picture presented to both sides is now an even worse one than when we had in classic WoW. Both sides view each other as mortal enemies, not tenuous allies, and it yet again falls to 3rd party factions to get the two waring parties to put aside their differences long enough to deal with the real enemy. The ultimate conclusion to Wrath of the Lich that we can speculate at this point is Arthas' eventual downfall thanks to the combined efforts of the Horde and Alliance via mediation through the most likely candidate the Argent crusade.

My word I seem to have flown very far from the original topic. I apologize, as a lore junkie once I get started I can't seem to stop myself. At any rate I think I've given a semi-good synopsis of the story from both sides to the best of my knowledge. (leaving out, well, some rather large bits of back story that come from books and what-not) It's probably Horde biased in some way since I do primarily play and interact with the Horde's side of the story Arc, but I feel I've got a pretty good grasp on the bigger picture.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Ghostkai said:
This might actually bring me back to the game funny enough. But only on my paladin, I used to LOVE playing the CoT instances. Humans look fantastic in plate, blood elves do not :(

Christ, only 2 months of not playing, and Blizzard find a way to bring me back.... DAMN YOU!
5 months for me. Indeed, if this change goes live, my sleep will suffer again. :/


New member
Sep 2, 2008
I'm not going to play anymore, I promised myself. I'm playing on Scarshield Legion, one of the very dead realms in the 4 realm battlegroup ruin. We've been complaining for over two and a half years about this now, so Blizzard can basically suck a cocksicle. I'm not going to play again because there's no reason to do so. Pvp is impossible because of the freaking long waiting times (sometimes up to an hour) for bg's and pve is equally undoable because it's nigh impossible to get pug together.
They once more or less fixed the realms by 'accidentally' merging us with a german battlegroup, and for those few days, the server really flourished. However, then they decided to undo this change for some retarded reason.

Okay, apparently Ruin got semi-merged with a german battlegroup, but is also just got worse.


New member
Oct 6, 2008
What most people seem to be overlooking in this change is the target audience. While Blizz will take your money regardless of your reasons, this change was meant for players who have a high level character on one faction, but his guildies/friends/significant other plays on the other faction. As someone who has had to re-roll factions twice, this change is very welcome to me. Otherwise my level 80 mage with epic flyer, decent gear, and 3500 spare gold would remain useless to me because I have since made a new character to play with friends on the other faction.

In essence, quit your QQing and think about who this will help before you pretend who it will hurt.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Eric the Orange said:
Hating the other faction is only one step above racisim.
What?! No no you are completely wrong?
It's the basis for all PvP combat, city raids, and there's a huge amount of lore behind it!
If Alli/Horde didn't hate each other it would be one massive friendly PvE clusterfuck.

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
hannarr said:
Eric the Orange said:
Hating the other faction is only one step above racisim.
What?! No no you are completely wrong?
It's the basis for all PvP combat, city raids, and there's a huge amount of lore behind it!
If Alli/Horde didn't hate each other it would be one massive friendly PvE clusterfuck.
I was talking about people who in real life seriously hate people because they play the other side, not RP or jokingly.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Psychosocial said:
This IS Blizzard, after all, so it will probably cost about as much as buying the game, each time you do it.
Yaay Blizzrd!

Well, they are up for doing anything like this as long as they make $£? from it.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
This is genious, I got to admit it.

I can agree that it ruins the roleplay, but I find it hard to believe that it would ruin PvP.

WoW is, believe it or not, a social game. The more friends you play with the more fun it is. I for one would love to get to play with my old friends again.

I think they are going to have a hard time figuring out quests, achievements, reputation, mounts and faction-limited items though.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
KeyMaster45 said:
*snip huge chunk of rant*

My word I seem to have flown very far from the original topic. I apologize, as a lore junkie once I get started I can't seem to stop myself. At any rate I think I've given a semi-good synopsis of the story from both sides to the best of my knowledge. (leaving out, well, some rather large bits of back story that come from books and what-not) It's probably Horde biased in some way since I do primarily play and interact with the Horde's side of the story Arc, but I feel I've got a pretty good grasp on the bigger picture.
Thank you for that, it was a good read. :)