I'm just going to toss an idea out there, a far-fetched one and I say that as a disclaimer, but what if the reports on 360 bricking are inflated by false reporting? In this case we are looking at a GI survey, how do they know for a fact the subject actually owns any of the consoles they report on and what is their chosen sample group?
What I am asking is, what about the possibility that the failure rate is being blown out of proportion by false reports and intentionally so? I have seven friends and myself who all own 360s and out of that group in five years only one has bricked. If the 54.2% rate was accurate then one would expect at least 2-3 would have bricked. Of course, my sample size is inherently small and prone to inaccuracy itself.
But there are a few things that stick out here. 54.2% is simply an unbelievable failure rate number, no product failing at that rate should be surviving in any economy, so I don't buy that. Is it possible? Certainly, but incredibly unlikely. The 360 game selection is not so much better than other systems as to warrant that much loyalty in the face of failure, though maybe the price difference is a bigger incentive to take the risk over the PS3 (assuming you don't want Wii style motion control and family oriented gaming).
So what if this is a horribly inaccurate report by some poorly conceived survey where opponents of the 360 are delivering false failure numbers? We know fanboys of all types out there, the RRoD is the primary knock on the 360, how difficult would it have been to falsify a bricking on a 360 you supposedly owned? We don't have any information on the parameters or verification process of the survey.
Now, do I think PS3 owners or Wii fans are actively skewing the numbers to mess with Microsoft? No, it seems too conspiracy-like to actually believe. But people do hate Microsoft and the fanboyism around this console generation has been particularly rabid, so I just figured I would toss out the concept and see what people thought.
EDIT - Once again, this is a theory I don't believe, but the more I thought about it the more interesting I thought it would be if it was true. After all, the way politics get manipulated these days, especially in the US with the health care misinformation being spread all over from all sides whose to say it wouldn't leak into our own personal mentality?