This is probably due to overload of servers on launch day more than anything though.
WickedFire said:
More importantly, what internet speed are they assuming with this? Because a 15 to 20 minute download at my house when I was at university (30Mb/s), could take close to a day at home, where if the speed breaches 1mb/s its a huge surprise.
They are assuming the limits of thier servers due to massive demand on launch day. so theyp robably hope for slow speeds since there will be a million peopel downlaoding it at the same time.
SupahGamuh said:
Isn't the purpouse of a console to be "plug and play"?, I mean, I can understand that a console needs a patch after certain time (see PSP and PS3) and even those patches are included on the game itself, but blatantly requiring someone to be connected to the internet for a patch with a recently purchased console?.
You are the ones who asked for it, sort of. The day oen patch purpose is to turn off the 24 hour check and other always online features, so by demanding to have your console offline you created a day 1 donwload patch to make it so. ironic kinda.
Callate said:
Oh, good. Because having a few million people all hit a server for the same files at the same time has never gone wrong before.
GOod sir, you are heavily overestimating the amount of extremist fanatics Xbox still retains.
tippy2k2 said:
Now...when they say "Mandatory", how mandatory is mandatory?
As in, if I choose to stay offline with my system, will I have to download this patch in order for my system to do the most basic functions of playing video games? Could I pop in Dead Rising 3 and start playing it without this patch if I am never ever planning on going online with my hypothetical Xbox One?
madatory is mandatory. this patch is what allows your system to even work offline. we have been over this people....
Quantum Glass said:
Assuming the multi-billion dollar software company has good experience with computers, they should presumably be able to deal with this. If they didn't know about it in advance, then sure, there'd be problems, but Microsoft literally /chose/ the date of release. It's not going to catch them off guard.
Three words: Sim City Launch.
omega 616 said:
Funny how the news story above this is basically "gtao servers are being royally fucked". I bet this 15 to 20 minutes download time will be 24 hour download time.
You have to remember that there are far more people wanting to play GTA:O than to own Xbox One. If anything Microsoft is heavily overestimating their remaining userbase.
loa said:
So if you can't hook it up to the internet, you just bought an expensive paperweight?
yes, you did.
lacktheknack said:
Where did you get "non-functional"? It probably is a patch to incorporate some of the MANY 180s they pulled after finalization. Or just an optimization they did post-finalization. It's fully possible the console would function without internet.
They did mention that the removal of always online requirement will come in a form of day-1 patch.
Brian Tams said:
My Windows updates is constantly saying "Just a few moments" for about ten minutes, so...
heh, 10 minutes. i got a 100/100 line and sometimes it fails to conenct to microsoft servers at all.