You can ban any word in the English language... Which is it?


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I'd go with privilege. Finally internet warriors fighting for equality will actually have to construct logical arguments instead of just throwing that around.


New member
Aug 11, 2013
Has to be "God".
What, only the word, not the concept? Awwww, man...
Though it would still be pretty nice, seeing people trying to pronounce "Jahwe" in a court.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Only word I'd ban is "ban" and all of its synonyms.

Since we're discussing a big brother sort of restriction on language...

thought I'd subvert it...

and make it anti-big brother.

Or something like that.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I would first like to say that I don't condone the banning of any word, including derogatory words referring to my own heritage and things I like to do in my free time.

With that said, if I have to choose one off the top of my head, it would be "entitled". I would choose it because it encourages the "shut up and don't complain attitude", which I never support because I like to think that things can always be made better.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
What to choose... What to choose.... Yolo.... Swag.. Dawg... Brah.. Nigga.. Really. Just.. I can't chose. Any of that unintelligent crap that people spew constantly these days that makes you just want to hit walls.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
SilverLion said:
I'd ban the word "Iron". Not the actual metal, God no we need steel to survive. Its just that you always say "eye-un" and not "eye-run". If it's spelt iron, call it fucking I-ron! And we couldn't change the name to "Ion" because that already exists. Fuck you, atmoic physics, what word am I going to use now?!! 'Hardite', maybe?
Do you, by chance, live in Boston or something?

Because here in Vermont, I at least pronounce it "eye-urn".

Not G. Ivingname said:

Let mayhem begin. >:)
So, would that make "WTF" become "WF"?

I wonder how long I could get away with not using that word in my normal typing.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Nothing. As in, there is no word I would ban. There are some words that I hate because they are overused, definitely, but the more words that exist, the richer one's vocabulary may become. I love words.


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Faith. While my irreligiousness is part of the reason, I won't derail the thread with that. More broadly, the dictionary definition of the word is "belief that is not based on proof". Trust is a much better word. Trust is dependent on evidence, and unlike faith, is defined by its fragility. Faith is illogical, ban the word and hopefully get people's heads out of the sand.


New member
Jun 7, 2013
I'd ban love. I respect what it means but I just feel like it it the most misused and misunderstood word on Earth. Also, alternatives to this word (respect, compassion, trust, care) are much better than "love" itself.

The Ubermensch

New member
Mar 6, 2012
ABLb0y said:
As the title says, you can make it so that one word, any word, is banned... Or at least, make it so you never hear it. What would yours be?
Mine would either be ******, the N word (For obvious reasons) or twerking (Quite frankly, I'm getting tired of hearing Yahoo news writing an article whenever some female pop star does it.)
So c'mon, Escapists, tell me.
krazykidd said:
I'd choose something simple like , "it" , "or" "as" "you". Just to troll people with poor vocabulary .

Seriously though , someone more intelligent than I would probably say something along the lines of " we would just need to use the word from the original language [ insert banned word here] is derived from to get over the ban " , but i'm not that intelligent . So i'll say the "N word" because i find it incredibly offensive and i crige everytime i hear it in any kind of media for any reason.
If either of you are black:

Not saying that you yourselves do, but a large percentage of the african american population do use it. No one should use that word, but they do, and you can't really get angry at the generation of white kids that both aren't responsible for slavery and exposed to contemporary african american culture start saying Nigga without understanding your context, because the contemporary context is different now.

Now if you're white... Why does that offend you so much? Were you enslaved? Or is it a grim reminder of the colonial golden era?

Now, as for the word I would ban

I'd like to tell you a story; Chuck Palahniuk, Gen Urobuchi and Guy Ritchie walk into a bar, and all the sudden you really don't care about what people say; you care more about why they say it.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
TheDoctor455 said:
Only word I'd ban is "ban" and all of its synonyms.

Since we're discussing a big brother sort of restriction on language...

thought I'd subvert it...

and make it anti-big brother.

Or something like that.
Dammit. I was starting to think no one took the word I was going to ban.

Anyway, I agree. I would ban the word "ban". We shouldn't ban anything really. But we especially shouldn't ban language. If words make you feel uncomfortable: Good. They are making you confront something that you don't want to confront.

I'm sure we can find a better word to explain treatment of trolls on the forums, anyway.


New member
Feb 9, 2013

Fucking hate this word. So damn much. It's possibly the silliest, most juvenile sounding word that is in widespread usage among adults that I've heard. What's going to be said next, pee pee? Gah.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Not G. Ivingname said:

Let mayhem begin. >:)

OT: Dear "Literally", you've had a good run. I can't watch what they're doing to you. It has to end. I'm sorry.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
krazykidd said:
I'd choose something simple like , "it" , "or" "as" "you". Just to troll people with poor vocabulary .
You are genius, sir, and I tip my hat to you.

But since "swag" is pissing me off right now, so I'm going to be uncreative and go with that.