You can wipe one MOVIE of the face of the planet...


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Titanic, I want that time back James Cameron, I want it back now! If I can't get my time back then the remake of The Ladykillers. The Hudsucker Proxy wasn't a great success (I like it) and Intolerable Cruelty was just barely tolerable, but The Ladykillers is the one truly horrible film the Coens have made. It's bad enough they remade a film that doesn't need remaking but they cast Tom fucking Hanks in it. He ain't no Alec Guinness that is for sure.


New member
Mar 7, 2010
Off the top of my head, twilight
then the saw movies after saw 3 (first two were bareable but not great)
sex and the city 1 and 2
and a serbian film
that movie is ... well brutal

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008

I miss having a discussion on Watching the Detectives about how the Kitty Genovese murder and the Bernhard Goetz case completely rebooted the way America responds to crime from "Good Samaritan laws," the 911 call system, gun carrying laws, and media limitations in courtroom trials. I miss how we can chat for pages about the story's theme on cycles and circles going through time and coming full circle in a vicious cycle.

Now any day on any Watchmen board, someone comes in and shares their enlightening opinion with a new thread entitled DR. MANHATTAN IS AN EMO PUSSY! Then there are the individuals who criticize the ending because Rorschach died and Adrian lived, and which somehow spoiled the story. There also the characters with the bravery to write things such as "Alan Moore is a *****, Zack Snyder did insurmountable justice to the comic and nothing shall ever eclipse his effort. And he made it more interesting with beatiful action sequences to speed up the story that was too slow." And of course, the ones in denial who see the truth sheeple refuse to acknowledge, "That mainstream America couldn't handle a movie this smart, and by a director this visionary."

Today, I gag each time a bus passes me with an ad for Sucker Punch and I read "From Visionary Director Zack Snyder."

I don't doubt he has vision but what he sees, I don't don't find worth watching.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
Dragon Wars. Any movie that the creator claims "will take Hollywood by storm" or whatever and sucks THAT bad should not ever be allowed off of a sketch pad. Seriously, Skyline was better than this terrible movie.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
anything made by the asylum... seriously, go to your nearest dvd rental place and grab transmorphers... and attempt to enjoy it


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Not Twilight, because these wannabe haters had a chance when it was a novel but all of a sudden it becomes mainstream and it's sinspawn?

How about read a book once guys...

I'd have to say out of everything I have seen it would be the Harry Potter movies. Books are good but my god the movies want to make me /wrists... in particular number 6.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Wait, what was wrong with Indy 4?

It was no more implausible than the other films; alright, I'll give you that monkey scene because it was silly (nevermind believability), but if you have that much of a problem with the nuke-fridge, maybe you shouldn't be watching Indiana Jones to begin with.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li

It IS possible to make a good Street Fighter movie (SF2: The Animated Movie was GREAT!). But thanks to that travesty .. I doubt anyone would ever attempt one again.

Alien vs Predator Requiem also deserve's an honorable mention. The so called "brothers strouse" are HORRIBLE movie makers. They should quit.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
The "Movie" franchise as a whole.
Epic Movie, Disaster Movie, Meet the Spartan's, I wish they could all die.


New member
Aug 27, 2010
Justin Bieber's Never Say Never. the thought that anyone could make/enjoy a movie about that worthless little waste is appalling.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Alone in the Dark.
One of the worst movies you can see in your life.
Watching this feels like being stabbed to death.

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008
kman123 said:
Ninjat_126 said:
kman123 said:
Anything after Saw 1.

And...No Country For Old Men. I hate it. I absolutely hate it. It's boring, pretentious, and it shits over the near stellar careers of the Coen brothers.
It's averting the tendency of action movies to have explosions, soundtracks and love interests in bikinis. It's less visually appealing because of it, but it a bit more interesting and thought provoking. That said, it isn't perfect. If you want to reply, please give some more reasons you don't like it.

For me... One of those generic parody-porn films.
It was definitely more subdued than your typical action films, but I don't think they were aiming to create a film purely to avert from the cliches. I think the Coen brothers missed the mark with it. It definitely didn't fall under action film for me, more drama/thriller at most. The lack of sound proved to be a fatal flaw, barely any music was used, it's been done before, but I found it to be a flaw. Characters were unlikeable, but i think that was the point, there was no good guy in the film.

and the ending. MY GOD THE ENDING >.<
Well different strokes...

What you found to be fatal flaws, I saw as strengths and made it one of my favorite movies in the past few years. It's obviously fiction, but to me these touches made the experience feel real. When I go through every day life, I may have a song stuck in my head and there may be music playing, but there is no soundtrack to compliment the events. I would think if I got into a car wreck, suddenly hearing Ride of the Valkyries blasting would be more jarring and distracting than create a more harrowing experience. Having a lack of music, enhances my senses and makes it feel as if I'm actually witnessing something bad happen.

As for likable characters. I'm trained to see the good in people and work with flaws. I believe in that. But you should see the parents of some of my students. I have to work with them, because I care for their children. There are no good guys or bad guys in reality, only good and bad deeds.

In reality things never end. There are individuals who may die and events and actions that may stop. But in reality there are only pauses.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Woodsey said:
Wait, what was wrong with Indy 4?

It was no more implausible than the other films; alright, I'll give you that monkey scene because it was silly (nevermind believability), but if you have that much of a problem with the nuke-fridge, maybe you shouldn't be watching Indiana Jones to begin with.
Name me one nuked fridge equivalent from the Indy trilogy.

OT: I wouldn't want to erase any of the miriad of bad movies; There too much fun to hark on.