You have been forced to nuke a country.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
The Vatican. Oh I went there...

No, just joking. There's this country which is just an island that's like... 500m-1km long. I think only one guy lives there. Better to kill him than hundreds of thousands of people.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
I live in Iran, so I came into this thread expecting to see many people choosing this country as their target. Surprisingly, there weren't that many!
(for the record I'm not Iranian, my parents are. I grew up in Italy and we moved here when I was a teenager.)
staika said:
I'm sorry middle east countries your on my targeting list because its too much work taking care of you and I'd rather just blow you guys up. If I could only pick one it'd be Iran those guys are looking at us the funniest.
At the risk of drawing flak from everyone and their mothers, who asked anyone to "take care" of these countries? Truth is, they're rich in oil and have high strategic value, so that's why USA is here. Saddam and Bin Laden were puppets anyway.

But I do agree that Iran is looking funny at the west. Hell I live here I'd know. The level of paranoia is high, they think the west has it in for them. The sanctions are heavy too to be honest. But if you think Iran would do any kind of military action that is not self-defence... you're wrong.
Doomsday11 said:
Iran there basically evil and I would be saving the world a whole load of hassle for when they next decide to have a go at either Israeli or the west in general.
Okay, you're stupid. Moving on.
DazBurger said:
China, Iran or USA...

You wouldn't even need to force me!
Interesting lineup of countries.
DrMegaNutz said:
Iraq because I'm deployed here right now and this place is the biggest waste of earth I've ever thought imaginable. Seriously, when we (U.S. forces) leave, this country will get overrun by Iran anyway.
Why would Iran overrun Iraq? As if there would be anything of value left in there after the US leaves it lol. If you seriously think a country like Iran would "overrun" anywhere you have no understanding of how things work. Which is understandable, considering you were deployed to Iraq and all..
DragonLord Seth said:
By "Nuke", you mean "toss every atomic weapon in America's arsenal" at them?
Hm... the Brits are getting too smug... but most of my favorite YouTubers are British...
FUCK YOU IRAN! And every country AROUND Iran. Terrorist problem solved!
Let's see. You'd nuke Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan because you hate Iran. What a champ. Though the "every country around Iran" mentality is something The US has been doing for a while, only instead of nuking they've been invading/planting military troops in them one by one slowly.

As for myself. Difficult choice. The first reaction would be Iran because I am stuck here and I hate the fact that I'm stuck here and it's driving me insane. And I hate the people and wouldn't mind seeing them go. But then when I'd realize I would not be able to kill that many innocent people because of my petty grudge so I'd do a thorough research in order to find out the location that would result in minimal casualties/damage.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
im not sure i like most country Russia, Britin, China, and others...EXPECT ONE!!!! Japan. now dont get me wrong i like their culture, their history (the good history), and their people, BUT I HATE THEIR MEDIA. and when a country has entertainment that is sooo bad it makes me wanna turn it into a crater, u can see how much i hate it.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
Sean Hollyman said:
CrashBang said:
Technically it's not a country but it sure as well thinks of itself as one so Wales. I went to uni there and loved it but apart from that small seaside town, Wales is a dank, dirty shithole. Every inch of it. I've got a lot of friends there so I'll get them all to safety in England or the sea first and then happily nuke Wales.
Oh thanks I'm Welsh.

And we are a country.
No you're not, you're a principality.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Greenland. Pretty sure no one lives there.

If that doesn't count, Australia. The Land of Nightmares will be no more.


Dad, I'm in space.
Mar 10, 2010
CrashBang said:
FamoFunk said:
CrashBang said:
Technically it's not a country but it sure as well thinks of itself as one so Wales. I went to uni there and loved it but apart from that small seaside town, Wales is a dank, dirty shithole. Every inch of it. I've got a lot of friends there so I'll get them all to safety in England or the sea first and then happily nuke Wales.
Fucking lol. Where did you go, Aberystwyth?
I did indeed and I'm going back in a few days. Let's hope my nukes don't start flying any time soon.
Yah man, I don't, uh, wanna die ;_;


New member
Dec 7, 2010
I've changed my mind: Israel. Then we could see if it really starts the Armageddon, and people might be able to say that I was partially responsible for starting the Final Days.

If not, then it would at least eliminate a huge source of conflict in the Middle East, and other countries might be forced to focus on their own internal problems instead of blaming Israel, (though they would probably go back to blaming each other).


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2008
The Last Gaijin said:
fraszoid said:
Vatican City, its a country and I'm pretty sure Italy has no nuclear retaliatory capability.
I'd go with this one, least number of people living there. Sorry Catholics!
This is true if only sovereign states qualify, but otherwise the Pitcarn Islands [], with a population of fifty [], would be chosen based on this criterion.

Seriously, however, the proper answer is to refuse, even if it leads to the destruction of the world, as nothing can justify murder (not even the silly circumstances of a thought experiment such as this). The whole scenario reminds me of Ursula Le Guin's story The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas [], in which the Utopia experienced by all citizens comes at the price of the misery of one child. I don't think that's justifiable either. (Of course, I am not a utilitarian.)

EDIT: Actually, I might not be using my brain properly here. The conditions of the thought experiment do not prohibit the evacuation of the country. Accordingly, while nuking a very small (but temporarily uninhabited) country would still be undesirable, it wouldn't be so wrong that one would be obliged to refuse if the physical fate of the planet was at stake.


New member
Jul 25, 2010
non compliance sounds best
its more like a bullet to the brain of the world than a slow drawn out torture slow end

but if i was dragged to a secret evil villians hide out and forced to choose:

i would just draw a circle round the man asking the question and say that the nation of kissmyass and boarder patrol says you may not leave the country asshole


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
Doclector said:
A country that is incredibly well prepared for the possibility of nuclear attack. Fallout shelters, food reserves, evac plans, that sort of thing.

Problem is the only country I can think of with that level of preparedness is north Korea. They'd almost certainly retaliate. Surely there must be another country who have prepared for nukes? Right?
Yes, [a href=""]Switzerland[/a]