You wake up in an RPG


New member
Jan 24, 2010
do they have to be people from Books, Movies or games? because realistically, most of the choices are people who are way above my current level, so what the hell would i do if i got their and the situation was "last adventurer standing gets..."... then all they are going to do is beat me up where i stand.
If i took some of my friends, however, i trust them to decide to work together, level up with each other until its just us four, when we are all pretty powerful, and can have a match-off. that or i know if they went for me, i'd still win :p (remember, not everyones an adventurer in an RPG land, lots of NPC's, deers and other wildlife to level up on first)

and i don't know why you'd want to take a final fantasy character... they'd have to wait for "Ther turn", which could become a big disadvantage in a real-time rpg.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I would have to pick....

Adrian Shephard from HL:OF, need someone who can fire a gun

Nick from L4D2 for bartering with the local traders

And the Spy from tf2


New member
Apr 3, 2009
1) Gandalf- Tradionally, wizards are weak at meele combat- but Gandalf isn't as he's profficent with a sword- probably one of the best wizards in fiction.

2)Selene (From Underworld) A bit of a rogue character, which has its advantages- but she is also profficent with fire arms as well which is a bonus- a bigger bonus is that she's smokin' hot.

3)A Dragon- doesn't matter from where, so long as it's big enough to carry me and my party around places+ some luggage. Oh, and also breathes fire, that might help.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
1. The Overlord from Overlord
2. The Overlord from Overlord 2
3. Sauron from The Lord of the Rings [sub]In his armored form, not in his eye-on-top-of-a-tower form[/sub]

They each come with their own minions of course.
I myself bring along my robotic minions or if I can't, I'll build them there.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
1. Garrus Vakarian. He's a goddamn space cop, not to mention a certified bad ************ with a heart of gold.
2. Susan Sto Helit. She knows how to crack a metaphorical whip, and is the granddaughter of freakin' Death.
3. Stumpy, of Bob The Angry Flower fame. He's a sardonic voice of reason, an Order of Canada inductee, and I'm pretty sure he's got, like, laser guns or something.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
1. Goku (Dragonball Z) - he can kill anything, break anything and fly. Honestly I don't even need more but...
2. Sam Fischer (Splinter Cell) - if I ever need to steal, spy, infiltrate or anything undetected.
3. Rikku (Final Fantasy X) - I will be needing a companion. I guess she can carry Phoenix Downs.

"Goku, you go completely destroy everything. Sam, you sneak around and do whatever it is you do. Rikku, you're coming with me."


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Well it would be me and
-Chuck Norris
-Unecessary spot
- See above

We would roam Oblivion while I'm shouting classics such as: "I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you" and "You fight like a pregnant cow!" whenever we got in a fight.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
1. Morgan Freeman's character from Seven. When he tells me to put down the box, I will.
2. Coyote Starrk and Lilynette Gingerback from Bleach. They're technically the same being, so they'd probably be okay as one member. If not, I'm fine with those 3.
3 (if CS and LG count as 1). My friend's character from pretty much any game we play together. That way I'd be sure to have fun. Even though one or both of us would die a lot.


New member
May 25, 2009
1) L (Death Note) He's a genius and could strategies us out of pretty much any problem, also he's a skilled martial artist so in a pinch he could defend himself. And I'm pretty sure the worlds greatest detective could figure out a gun if it fell into his hands.

2) A Black Mage (FF comes to mind but I know there are more) Awesome magic power is always useful especially if we end up somewhere where the other people only have guns. Mages are pretty interchangeable so I would just pick the character with the nicest personality and go with them.

3) Sousuke Sagara (Full Metal Panic) Interesting choice but I pick him because he's a weapons specialist, a giant robot pilot and a trained solider. He's also got the necessary war experience that would be useful.

Many people will consider my choices odd, especially when there are infinitely stronger characters out there, like what everyone else is picking. I picked the above because I'd like to be able to get on with my mates. Many of the obvious choices will probably kill you for fun or have some kind of personality issue that makes them hard to work with. Neither L, my mage nor Sousuke would feel it necessary to stab me in my sleep (Unless I ate the last slice of cake.)

Ben Legend

New member
Apr 16, 2009
1. Dante(DMC 3)
2. Grunt (ME 2)
3. Wesker (RE 5)

...yeah i'm pretty much sorted. The RPG world will bow down before me.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
1) Frank West, the MacGuyver of murdering things.
2) Penelo (FF12:IZJS White Mage version), to keep our asses alive and condition free.
3) The Heavy, to be a big damage soaking thicky.

Frank and Heavy should explain themselves, took Penelo because I'm playing FF12:IZJS right now and not only my favorite character in the game but would make a better healer than Medic. (Raise and all :p)

Flying Dagger

New member
Apr 14, 2009
Iron man,
Natalie Portman.

Midas to turn loads of things to gold, to allow Iron Man to get enough money to make three iron man suits.

At which point the third person may as well be anyone. And natalie portman = hot.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
1. PRINCE RURIK OF ASCALON because he is an unstoppable cannonball of awesome.
2. Harrison Ford, in any of his roles.
3. My dog, because she is awesome and I will write her into a short story just so I can include her in this poll.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
1. Goku-I'd like to see any RPG enemy you can throw take a full power SS3 Kamehameha to the face
2. Aisha Clanclan-Gotta have some tail
3. Link-A sword that destroys evil and the BEST HAT EVER would be necessary to take down the enemies