Your Gaming Experiences Of the Decade

Sep 24, 2008
In around six weeks, this is all over. In the beginning of the decade, if you told me VR would be a thing, I'd laugh at you. And now there's a personal headset in my living room. This has been a time of wonder, and a time of great letdown. I feel like I can just say Bethesda here and my point would be made.

Whatever Superlative you want to speak about, share your experiences of this decade. Just a few examples, what is your game of the decade? The disappointment of the decade? The innovation of the decade? The defining moment of the decade? The trend of the decade that you wish would stay behind and not infect the coming decade? What has moved you this decade?

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
Hmm, a decade is a long time and a naff ability to retain positive memories makes it difficult to be certain of experiences. But will have a go.

Horizon Zero Dawn was an expertly crafted narrative for an open world robot dinosaur game. The drip feed of info relating to the current situation and how it evolved your understanding throughout the journey was a trip. I've great reservations about a sequel being unable to do anywhere near the same, sort of like how the reveals in the first matrix film couldn't really be matched in any of the sequels.

The main AAA industry is a maw of writhing lust reptilians, as the excessive hungers of the capitalist systems infest anything that happens to grow in popularity and the people in charge who were passionate about the product become replaced by lizards people who are passionate about making forever-increasing financial gains in their quarterlies instead.

Telltale Borderlands were funniest.

Supergiant games are consistent bestie.

Mass effect Andromeda, I could forgive the technical side, but not the dialogue written as if everyone is a bumbling teen only half-aware of their alleged in-game professions.

Actually, Bioware in general.

Half Life Lives!


But only for VR.

Codemasters might also slowly be falling to current industry trends, unfortunately.

Shenmue lives!


But I think it's shit now.

Post-launch microtransactions are all the rage.

Star Citizen is a thing!


Or is it?

I've yet to own a switch, so no opinions to add there...yet.

Ummmm...what else? Oh, streaming sucks!


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
The rise and fall of lootboxes is a pretty interesting tale that will be spun through this console generation and the next, as is the great lie of "live service" games.

I also think we can declare this generation the end of the console wars and when the guns fell silent. In a world where we have crossplay and Microsoft is sharing IP with Nintendo, the lines have become blurred. We even have Yakuza on Xbox now.

As we enter the next decade we should be ready for "cloud gaming", look to Stadia as the herald of prophecy and learn to fear it, not embrace it, for it is the death of ownership.

We have been shown that it is far too easy for the industry to normalise abhorrent practices - and get away with it.

Also this decade will truly be the time that Bethesda fell from grace and we saw through the emperor's new clothes - for the naked, lazy money-hungry company it is.

It's hard to look at positive experiences indeed, i suppose what i would take away is that once beloved franchises not only got sequels but got popularised, just look at Persona 5!

Also we have seen the integration of dedicated 4k within gaming pretty much as standard, something that no-one believed possible just a few short years ago. Even if it's just 1440p checkerboarding on console, it's still impressive nontheless.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015

Anyways, Dark souls was definitely a game changer for me.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
-Vanquish just squeezes in at 2010, I think I'll count Bayonetta too because it released in 2010 in the US.

-Dishonored series began and ended (I think) this decade and it's pretty damn great, Arkane is a top-tier dev.

-Horizon Zero Dawn is one of the few open world games done right, really well designed (and reserved in many areas) and didn't fall victim to kitchen-sink design like most of AAA.

-The Last Guardian actually came out and it was amazing.

-The comeback of mid-tier gaming is where most of the good video games are at now from the amazing Disco Elysium to the Divinity Original Sins.

-Metal Gear fans bringing back MGO2 (MGS4's online) on fan-run servers is pretty fucking awesome, what's the point in playing newer only worse shooters online when I can still play MGO2? Far superior gameplay and no microtransactions.

-And, board games are in a golden age akin to TV. Much like TV, board games used to suck outside of a few of them, now the best gaming talent is working in board games just like TV now has better talent than film. Video games like Slay the Spire are doing things board games have been doing all decade. So many great games from fun party type games like Secret Hitler, Captain Sonar, Codenames (Stuff like Cards Against Humanity and Munchkin are quite shit) to much deeper games like Terraforming Mars, Through the Ages, Dominant Species, Sentinels of the Multiverse. Lastly, the rise of legacy games like Gloomhaven and Pandemic Legacy.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
The 2010s were my teenage years, so I've played a lot of things that had a real impact on me. This isn't a ranked list and there are almost certainly some things missing, but it's just stuff I remember being important off the top of my head.

- I got an XBox 360, allowing me to play many, many hours of Halo multiplayer. The 360 was my primary gaming machine for a good while, but the most significant thing I played on it was the Mass Effect trilogy. It was my first exposure to that kind of RPG and for all it's faults I still love it.

- I got a 2DS and played Fire Emblem: Awakening and Bravely Default and Bravely Second, which had character writing I really fell in love with, and the latter in particular was mind expanding in terms of what RPG battle systems could offer.

- I started playing PC games, first on my potato laptop, and then a gaming PC I built myself in my first year of uni. A search pornography gone wrong landed me Katawa Shoujo, which opened me up to the possibilities afforded by visual novels and also a world of emotional hurt. I played a lot of Flash games. I enjoyed a whole world of indie games like Transistor, Undertale, Shovel Knight, Skullgirls, Hotline Miami, Fez, and Stardew Valley. I did naughty things with ROMs and emulators. I caught up on games I missed on the 360 like Dishonored, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Dark Souls, Saints Row 3, and the superlative Fallout: New Vegas. I sank countless hours into Elite: Dangerous and Civilisation V. Most importantly, I started playing Final Fantasy XIV, which I have now played for a total of 34 days, 6 hours, and 50 minutes and still have so much to do in. Now I'm playing Fate/Stay Night, a visual novel from over a decade ago that I can inexplicably only play thanks to the efforts of a community of people I'll never meet that put in the effort to crack the game, produce an English translation, and then make it available to everyone. For all the bile that exists on it, the internet is full of dedicated nerds who'll make sure that no software gets left behind, and I think that's marvellous and I can never go back to a home console.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Adam Jensen said:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Not just my gaming experience of the decade, but of my 30 years on this planet.
Agreed. I look back and there isn't a single game that stands out more in my mind than The Witcher 3. Some people have problems with it, but people have problems with every game ever made. But I found it utterly captivating and fantastic even through the amazing DLC packs as well.

A runner up will have to be Bloodborne though.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Episode 2 of the first Life is Strange. That still has had more of an emotional impact on me than any other game in memory. Granted my memory isn't great, but of the plethora of games I've played over the last 30+ years I've been gaming, the ones I remember, are the ones where it gave me a real emotional reaction. The end of that episode, with the events as they had built up, and what was on the line, and how genuinely worried I was if things went badly, yeah, that really hit me. I remember feeling the stress acid feeling in the pit of my stomach, like when I am in genuine tense situations. My skin got prickly as my hairs stood up on end, and my hands were shaking from the anxiety of it. I remembered enough to notice all this, as I was carefully making my choices based on what I knew, and when I got the result I was hoping for, I remember the feeling of genuine relief wash over me. The only other game I can remember doing that for me, was the first Homeworld game, for multiple reasons. But yeah, I remember sitting there in the resolution scene of the game, taking stock of the actual, physical response I had to it, and how much I enjoyed it. To be so invested in a story, that I actually gave a shit, and had a physical response to it, is one of the reasons why I have played video games my whole life.

The God of War reboot(ish). That game just made everything I enjoyed about the previous GoW games better, and dealt with the stuff that pissed me off in that franchise. I had a really hard time with GoW 3, as by that point, I wasn't playing a dark protagonist, I was playing basically Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith, once he got to the murdering a room full of children point in the story. You're basically the antagonist, and you are such an asshole about your rage boner to kill the gods even if it destroys the world, that I just didn't empathize with Kratos anymore. I wasn't having fun playing him anymore, because he was just a monster, a homicidal jackass, and I'm not the kind of person who enjoys playing badguys. I don't find it cathartic, I just find it unpleasant. So then the new GoW comes along, and actually addresses his past, and shows that he has realized "Wow, I was a fucking asshole, I should probably not be like that anymore." And then had to deal with his past, while raising his son. Was just fucking great. Plus, the level of epic battles were on par with the insane stuff that happened in the previous games. The literal EPIC things Kratos and Boy do, I was just giggling, especially when I was able to figure it out ahead of time. I remember one scene where I was like "Oh, yeah he's going to just go up there and shove that entire massive thing down. Why? Because Kratos." And sure enough, that was his undisclosed plan. And it was sufficiently epic in scale.

Lets see, what else. Uh, I guess probably Human Revolution, and Mankind Divided. I really enjoyed those games, even with their flaws. The tone and mood of them, the transhumanism and cyber-futurism just really ticks all of my boxes of deliciousness. Plus the fucking soundtrack to those games was mind blowing. I've since bought several of Michael McCann's albums just because I love his sound.

There's probably some others, but those are the ones that come to mind at this moment.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
I was pretty disconnected from gaming in the previous decade, so this decade I had lot of catch up to do (like Portal) and was generally a couple of years behind the trend (not a bad thing, because by then all patches were already released). My most relevant gaming experience this decade was Minecraft, because it was the game that first made me want to get closer to the gaming community in some way or another. This resulted in checking out games that otherwise I would had ignored (like Undertale, Dark Souls, Mass Effect, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Persona 4 and 5, Spec Ops: The Line, etc).


Master Lurker
Mar 24, 2010
All the Souls games as a whole.
Haven't played BB yet, but it would probably take first or second from what Ive seen from afar. The way they design their characters and world's are just brimming with personality. I've had more fun exploring their constrained worlds than the most expansive openworld game.

Fallout NV became my favorite rpg after I got used to it. It's full of meaningful content that let's you explore the setting in a way that you want. Your perspectives are radically different depending on who you align with making multiple play throughs fresh and new. Apparently the bad blood between Bethesda and Obsidian isn't real or not as bad as it's made out to be. I'd love to see an Obssidian Fallout game especially after the disappointments of 4 and 76.

UmvC3 was great for all the hype and good times I had with friends. It also gave away Marvels future plans. Almost every marvel character featured has had a movie or show at this point.

Journey was gorgeous and relaxing. It makes me wish AAA devs outside of Nintendo would cell shade more. Its a really great way to future proof yourself.

Hyper light Drifter was probably my top indie game of the decade lovely sound track and pixie art with a satisfying if janky combat system.

Doing this made me realize even though I play a lot of games not many of them haveb real staying power.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Mount and Blade Warband, from 2010, is my game of the decade. It's the only game from this decade that I found to be a true masterpiece, though Just Cause 3 was pretty good too.

I have a love-hate relationship with PUBG. No other multiplayer game comes close to topping it, which is a shame with how badly its devs roll out patches for it.

But overall, in this decade I found more and more I was looking back into the past to get my gameplay needs satisfied. With all the microtransaction riddled DLC incremental season pass garbage dropping all the time now, playing unplayed stuff from the 90s now feels like a breath of fresh air.

I do feel like this dark age of game design is nearly running its course though. All the scummy penny pinching practices publishes are peddling are now coming under direct government intervention, so with any luck they'll all get a swift whack on their ass and sort their shit out a bit, and go back to making games that are primarily games and not 'live services.'
Sep 24, 2008
Dansen said:
All the Souls games as a whole.
Haven't played BB yet, but it would probably take first or second from what Ive seen from afar. The way they design their characters and world's are just brimming with personality. I've had more fun exploring their constrained worlds than the most expansive openworld game.
I'm going to warn you. It took me a few months to get into Bloodborne. The thing I love about Soulsborne games is the flexibility of characters. This is so stripped down in that. There's one shield in the game. Hunter tools replace magic, but there's so few of them that you really can't rely on them to get you through many encounters.

Bloodborne is about playing the game the way they want you to play it. That took a lot of getting used to.

But Sekiro was high on your list, so that might not bug you as much as it bugged me.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So, assuming you mean games released between 2010 and 2019...


I'm going to give shoutouts to:

-StarCraft II
-Xenoblade Chronicles
-Diablo III
-Heroes of the Storm
-Halo: Reach

The first three ended up in my Top 25 list. I'm giving the fourth a shoutout because of the amount of time I've spent on it. Fifth didn't make it, because I only allow one game per franchise, but Reach was that damn good.


My son.

Nah, don't have a son. But I'll nominate the following:

-Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
-Halo 4
-Mass Effect: Andromeda (still playing granted)

I can nomiante various games that disappointed me, but I'm choosing these three because entries 1 and 3 basically killed their franchises, and entry 2 marked the beginning of a shift in the series that, even if I really liked Halo 5 aside, is still a shift that Halo has never really recovered from.


Probably the Switch.

Really, I'm serious. Even if I don't have it, it's a shift in that it's a console that, obstensibly, is as good on the go as it is at home. Other than that, maybe VR, but I have no interest in that technology.


I can't say, to be honest. I could say microtransactions or lootboxes, but as trendy as that is, I don't have a problem with these systems in of themselves. But if I broadened it, I'd like to see more of a return to expansion packs of something similar. Like, give me something meaty with singleplayer, multiplayer, throw in extra characters or whatnot, and I'd be happy to pay for that rather than smaller little things of up to $10. This doesn't really apply to F2P games, but paid games? Yeah.


My bowels.

Or, assuming that you're referring to games this decade that had great stories and/or generated a strong emotional reaction, I can nominate:

-Diablo III
-StarCraft II
-Halo: Reach
-Xenoblade Chronicles
-Gears 5


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Undertale: Holy fuck does that become an amazing game experience, although I didn't really start getting into it till about half way though.

Deltarune: That one starts out pretty amazing.

Shadowrun Dragonfall: I expected to enjoy this, I didn't think it would be one of the best rpg experiences I've had, to the point where I don't think cyberpunk will be able to compare since I think the whole time I'll be playing it, Ill be wishing it was set in the Shadowrun universe.

Shadowrun Hong Kong: Right up there with Dragonfall, but with a slightly worse story and not quite as good characters but better gameplay.

Hollowknight: Fuck this is a great metroidvania, more metroid then vania but its got an interesting world/story with fantastic graphics and great tight gameplay.

Golden Treasure: the great green: I wasn't expecting to love this game, but I tried the demo it grabbed me hard, paid full price and have 0 regrets, which is unusual for paying full price for something for me. But this is a game where I want to give the devs more money, its hard to describe, its kind of a visual novel but with more interaction and where your choices seem to matter then most. Not to mention its got a fun hunting mechanic/time management to become the best dragon you can be.

Iconoclasts: Another great metroidvania, again, more metroid then vania. Its got phenomenal pixel graphics with a deeper and darker story then I expected. It does have a couple slow areas but its one of those games I went though multiple times and enjoyed each time.

Freedom Planet: I never liked the 2d Sonic games. I've tried multiple times to get into them but I just never liked them. This is a game with the asthetics of a 2d Sonic but something about it just clicks really well for me and I totally got into it. The story is rather fanfic anime, but it has a certain charm... I guess. But, at least the characters are fun. The gameplay really carries this one for me though.

Nier Automota: Just holy fuck, this is one of those games, one that everyone needs to give a shot too, then get all the endings because damn... Its a rare game that makes you give up something to help someone else and this one did it really well. Not to mention a spectacular sound track.

Bayonetta 2: Easily the pinnacle of the spectacle fighters. With insanely smooth controls, great graphics, a really fun main character and fights that will just blow your mind with awesome, it can't not be on this list, even if you have to get a nintendo system to play it.

Doom 2016: Yeah, cant argue with it. This is how you bring an old series back into the limelight. Only the most delusional doom fans can turn their noses up at this one.

Hedon: A total conversion using a modified doom engine manages to really work. Its got some fantastic level design and an interesting story with gameplay that works really well. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this one as much as I have. Not to mention the creator even added a new difficulty that replaces all the previously ranged weapons with melee ones and it still works great.

Deeprock Galactic: Man, you never knew how much you wanted beard physics till this came out. Its a great 4 player coop experiance where you dig deep into a cave, finding minerals and resources while bugs harry you and your team the whole way. Not to mention they did a great job with character progression to give you a reason to mine over and over again.

Rabi-Ribi: I really didn't expect to get into a bullet hell side scroller but holy crap is this game good. The gameplay is top notch, the music is wonderful, it only stumbles with the graphics, which are... not bad, but just... not good either, but it does have cute anime girl portraits that are well drawn and a pretty deep interesting story, with bunnies.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Worgen said:
Doom 2016: Yeah, cant argue with it. This is how you bring an old series back into the limelight. Only the most delusional doom fans can turn their noses up at this one.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
This was the decade I came back to primarily pc gaming from a prior decade of being primarily a console player. Or rather in the 90's I was a pc player because my parents could afford a good pc, and in the 2000's I was far too poor on my own to have a decent computer. But as far as memorable moments in this gaming decade... maybe its just me getting cynical but none really compare to any I can remember the 80's 90's or 2000's. But it wasn't really a bad decade, just kind of devoid of the really BIG moments for me.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hawki said:
Worgen said:
Doom 2016: Yeah, cant argue with it. This is how you bring an old series back into the limelight. Only the most delusional doom fans can turn their noses up at this one.
What else is new?

This decade was the beginning of news and returns of the greats, with a few surprises I was not expecting to enjoy.

This decade belonged to Platinum games. They had a couple of hick ups (fucking Activsion), but they turned games of high caliber.

Bayonetta 1 & 2
Metal Gear Rising
Wonderful 101
Transformers Devastation
Astral Chain

Other games:

Devil May Cry 5
Doom 4
Wolfenstein: New Order & New Colossus
Evil Within 2
God of War 4
Code of Princess (3DS & Switch)
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
Rayman Legends
No More Heroes 2
Killer Is Dead
Onechanbara Z2: Chaos
Guardian Heroes (XBLA)
Child of Eden
Tetris Effect
Odin's Sphere (PS4)
Dragonball FighterZ
Guilty Gear Xrd
Hyrule Warriors
Fast RMX


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Worgen said:
Nier Automota: Just holy fuck, this is one of those games, one that everyone needs to give a shot too, then get all the endings because damn... Its a rare game that makes you give up something to help someone else and this one did it really well. Not to mention a spectacular sound track.
I loved Nier: A for its story, characters, and soundtrack, but found the gameplay underwhelming. I know after gettin all of the main endings, enough was done for me.

Worgen" post="9.1057560.24324027 said:
Bayonetta 2: Easily the pinnacle of the spectacle fighters.

And then DMC5 happened, and became the pinnacle of combat. Bayonetta 2 is still at the near top for me. Bayo2 also had better bonuses, more content, costumes, and better level designs. So the game wins in those departments. The only problem with Bayo2 was that the combat and weapons were simplified a little compared to the original. Honestly, the situation is not as bad as some people make it out to be.