Zeno Clash XBLA Trailers Show Off the Weird

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Zeno Clash XBLA Trailers Show Off the Weird

Zeno Clash is an interesting indie title coming to Xbox Live Arcade next year. Two new trailers highlight the game's unique qualities.

Atlus has compiled two new trailers for Zeno Clash, already available on the PC through Steam but coming to XBLA in March 2010. The first is a general trailer showing off some combat and giving a small idea of the game's storyline. Playing as Ghat, the goal of Zeno Clash is to take down clan leader Father Mother for an unknown reason that Ghat is not keen to share.

As you can see, the game's characters, visuals, and voices are pretty weird. Zeno Clash is a first-person brawler, which may sound like it wouldn't work, but the game pulls it off very well. The storyline may not be the deepest, and the voice acting could be criticized, but every element of Zeno Clash makes you feel like you're in another, very strange world. For that reason it becomes compelling, and the unique first-person brawling elements keep it fun and different. It feels absolutely great to uppercut an enemy and send him to his doom.

The second trailer introduces the Corwid clan, a group of odd creatures that the player will encounter.

The version that will hit XBLA in March is called the Zeno Clash: Ultimate Edition and will include an online co-op mode for the game's challenge towers and other enhancements. It's absolutely worth being on any gamer's radar that likes unique experiences. If Zeno Clash seems more like something you'd play on the PC, it's $14.99 on Steam. I would expect it to also cost in the range of 1200 Microsoft Points on XBLA, but the official price has not yet been announced.



New member
Aug 28, 2009
Woo, Zeno Clash! Let me tell you, co-op is the best thing ever to happen to this game. I can't wait until they release the Ultimate Edition for PC. Although those are just the old trailers, you know. The Corwids trailer had some gameplay pasted to the end, but for the rest it's nothing new.

Wait, huh? You didn't think the storyline was deep? There's plenty of depth in the story, you just have to look really hard for it. They're not making it easy for you!


New member
Apr 15, 2009
grats to all xbox owners, zeno clash is an awesome experience, it does become quite hard towards the end, but like phyconauts its effin awesome despite the end.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
I grabbed this off Steam a few days ago for like $5, and it be... weird. It's fun, and it's a challenge, but holy eff it is weeeeird.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
I object to this being presented as some new, never before seen game. Otherwise, it's good that the lesser folk get their chances to experience this greatness.

Lenny Magic

Hypochondriacal Calligrapher
Jan 23, 2009
The first play through was ok. After that it got repetitive and very dull for me.

And the fact that
I worked out fairly quickly that Father-Mother was stealing children
made me kind of feel like the game was patronising me a little