aagghh!! i must be the only person in the world who thinks this game is over-rated. one of the the keys here being the point which yahtzee mentions - realism. i'm playing a computer game so i want it to be fun. if i wanted to experience how difficult it is to drive a frikkin car at speed around populous streets then i'd do it in my own car in real life. also at what point did rockstar completely lose their imagination for mission design? - first mission: kill this bad guy coz he's bad, next mission kill this guy coz he's bad, repeat ad bloody nauseum. this probably happened about the same time they also forgot that as a company take2 is run by retards who love hemorrhaging money, insider trading and beating one out over how clever they are for inventing and in-game internet and tv stations. oh take2 you're so ingenious you truly have taken sandbox to the next level... ungh i've just cum.
overall this installment is a distant fourth behind gta3, vice city and san andreas - all of which were more fun to play, featured longer storylines, better graphics and incorporated a variety of mission types above and beyond car racing and killing people!!
please someone tell me they also are disappointed with having waited so long for this inferior addition so that i don't think i'm just getting bitter and twisted in my old age.