Zero Punctuation: Tales of Monkey Island


New member
May 28, 2009
Great Video, I loved the Irish accent (i must remember to show my irish friend this!).

I also enjoyed how your shaking things up with your previous reviews of older games :).

Also i was wondering have you reviewed any games on handhelds, i wouldn't mind seeing afew of them.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
ohgodalex said:
Vanguard_Ex said:
Good review, but am I the only one who thinks that Irish accent was just terrible? xD
Seeing as Yahtzee himself admitted how terrible it was, it's safe to say that you aren't.

OT: This review convinced me to purchase Monkey Island sometime soon. Is this wrong?
I guess so. And no, I don't think so. I've been tempted to buy games after one of Yahtzee's reviews (or rather criticisms) before.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
So Yahtzee, you hold up SH2 as one of the pinnacles of Storytelling in games, what other games do you hold up as examples of the other pillars of gaming?

Also, this may be a rather long response for you to make, but you might enjoy making an Extra Punctuation out of it, so; What makes a game good? What would your perfect game be? Etc.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
I don't get it. He hates sequels, but Silent Hill 2 (a sequel) is practically his favorite game. Can anyone explain that?


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Usually even if he talks fast I can understand what he's saying by concentrating a bit, going back and re-listening to a part of the review that particularly sounded like he was gargling sawdust into the microphone but in this case I'd have to say that he talks even faster than he usually does and it made it even more incomprehensible than it usually is, especially when he does the fake Irish accent (If it's scottish, I don't care! He's wearing a leprechaun hat and that's Irish as far as I can remember). DUDE, SLOW DOWN JUST A LITTLE BIT!


All I really got from this is that you don't like a new version of Monkey Island. You love the old Monkey Island games, shame on the developers for trying to resurface a game that concluded with (what I suppose) is the death of Guybrush, the new game has elements that are unnecessary.

What the specifics were....I couldn't tell you.


New member
Jun 14, 2009
Sylocat said:
Am I the only one who couldn't understand a word of what he was saying in the accent? Someone post a transcript.
Nope I had a hard time understanding it as well, still a good review although I am looking forward to him reviewing batman arkham asylum perhaps this will be the first decent batman game.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
While I disagree with the Monkey Island review (you forgot that one of the original developers of the Monkey Island series is now working for Telltale), the Irish accent and the actual criticsm of the gameplay was spot-on. Telltale's games are formulaic, which isn't bad per se, but not very good either.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Mmm. Well, I was a little impressed he tried to do it sans bias- something I couldn't have done. Even so, I would like to reiterate what SilentScope said- most of the original MI team is now employed by TellTale, so it's not fanboys that made it.

It just seems that way.

Snark aside, I'm actually curious to see if he'll do Sam & Max for a comparison, or if he'll just move on.


A Miserable Pile of Honesty
Jul 17, 2009
frankenpimp said:
avelmen1889 said:
why does the first twelve comenters for zp get put on probation
I'm always afraid to be one of the first posters...
Here's a tip. Watch the review before posting, state the reasons why you like it or not, and you should be fine. The first twelve posters were either people who wrote "First!" or something to that effect, or they commented on the review before it was logically possible to do so (in other words, all 12 comments were placed before the five minutes it would take to actually watch the review). Anyway, I digress...

As for the actual review, it was enjoyable. The fake accent had its moments (i.e., "Shiver me Shamrocks, though that could have been shillelaghs), but at times I could not understand what was said in that voice. I honestly had no idea that there were that many Monkey Island games in the first place. Having said that, I would probably have to play the original games as well as these "shameful" sequels in order to see the true points in the review.

EDIT: Upon seeing your registration date, I apologize for that first paragraph.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I was hoping for Arkham Asylum to be reviewed. He should do that one like scarecrow, interviewing himself.


Senior Member
Aug 11, 2009
HAHA funny stuff, im Irish and i have to say it was an awful accent but great to listen to =D

What would really be offensive is if he did an Australian accent considering he lives there and would probably get fired from the magazine/website =P


Senior Member
Aug 11, 2009
chiefohara said:
I registered to write this.

I enjoy your stuff ZP, but the oirish wife beating protestant killing thing you came out with this week was dire, unoriginal and quite frankly offensive.

This sectarian steryotyped drivel you spewed today owed more to you stealing crap ideas from things like family guy and the shite 'leprechaun' movies than anything even approaching wit or orignal humour which you are supposed to be renowned for.

I could lecture you on this but i won't.

To be honest im just disapointed, your a funny, witty and original guy but this week for some reason you just decided to give yourself a brain fart and rely on the lowest common demoninator type of humour to piss away this weeks review.

Any genuine Irish people who has vindicated or made excuses for this particular review quite frankly deserves a bloody slap.

I'll be back next week to see your next review, and like 99% of the rest of your stuff im sure i'll enjoy it, but seriously... and i mean this criticism in the most constructive way possible, your good enough not to need to rely on cliche'd steryotyped shite to get the message across.

After looking at this review all i can honestly say is 'Your better than this'
If you cant laugh at yourself then you do not have the right to mock others in the future, im Irish and laughed all the way through im also a Wii player and laugh at all the jokes he makes on Wii Sports Resort or Mario Galaxy.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I mean..uh..
I was half-hoping he would review Arkham Asylum, like the naive prick I am. But the oIrish accent made the whole thing worth it.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
maximara said:
To be fair to the makers of "Tales of Monkey Island" it should be mentioned "Monkey Island II" was NOT the end. In fact it had two sequels: "The Curse of Monkey Island" (1997) and "Escape from Monkey Island" (2000). So they had written an out from the ending of "Monkey Island II" in "The Curse of Monkey Island".
I'm pretty sure that Yathzee doesn't consider anything after MI2 to be a "real" monkey island game. Kind of like how I don't consider "Escape" to be a real MI game(or maybe it's just a really shitty one), but felt Curse was pretty faithful(despite the craptacular last two levels). Even though I'd really love to have seen Ron Gilberts Monkey Island 3 and how he would resolve the ending to MI2(particularly if the game had been made a couple years after the first, so it still resembles the original art style), I've long since accepted that even though MI2 was one of the best adventure games EVER, there's probably never going to be another game like MI2 and I'm not going to hold every game up to that standard.

I wonder if Yathzee has played any of the other Telltale games. As a general trend, the first game is usually pretty good, the middle games tend to dip a little and the really good episodes aren't until the end, usally because it takes a little while for the writers to really get their bearing in the new series. That's one of the reasons I haven't really complained about the fact the Siege of Spinner Cay isn't quite as good as it could have been. Episode 3 will probably be somewhat lackluster as well, but episode 4(as per the trend) should be pretty good.

Besides, 7 days a skeptic was pretty crappy, but Tribly Notes and 6 days a Sacrifice were awesome.