Recent content by wings012

  1. wings012

    Warhammer 40K Lore Discussion

    I'm personally fine with this, but I think GW wouldn't dare stir the hornet's nest and the people wanting female SMs and whatever will definitely not shut up about it. I'm not against inclusivity and representation, but at the same time there's a time and place for it. Part of the fun of 40k...
  2. wings012

    Warhammer 40K Lore Discussion

    Were the Custodes intended to the be next step of humanity? I think maybe they set a standard to aspire to, but they themselves lacked a lot of things that the Emperor would've wanted. First of all they are still artificial transhumans incapable of sexual reproduction. If they could sexually...
  3. wings012

    Warhammer 40K Lore Discussion

    Everytime someone brings gender discussions into 40k transhumans, it tends to stir up a shitstorm. I do wonder if the Custodes thing is testing the waters for future female Space Marines. Personally, even extending to Space Marines - I don't see why not. Fundamentally the base human is more or...
  4. wings012

    Warhammer 40K Lore Discussion

    I kinda like that there is a noble faction out there, it provides contrast. Also the noble faction is absolutely tiny and inconsequential and has no hopes of challenging the real galactic main players! What better way to highlight just how grim the galaxy is? Though recent Tau lore has shifted...
  5. wings012

    Warhammer 40K Lore Discussion

    There's one really awful part in that act where it's a storybook event - but you get a gameover if you fail the last skill check. Worst shit ever. My Rogue Trader wasn't combat oriented so I thought I was in for a rough time, but I had my Argenta built for heavy weapons which is just about the...
  6. wings012

    They fired the Escapist's editor, and the video team, Yahtzee resigns

    Good time as ever to dig through their archives. I'm just browsing them and the memories are coming back. I enjoyed Uncivil War. There was also a short lived MtG column called Hexproof. I did watch They did open up the general for chatting, but they have muted it again. We'll see what comes...
  7. wings012

    They fired the Escapist's editor, and the video team, Yahtzee resigns

    Yahtzee was basically why the site even continued to exist back when the first exodus happened. I still remember the time when Jim Sterling, Movie Bob, Extra Credits among others. Then it was just Yahtzee. Anyway seems like they started a new venture called The Second Wind with its own discord...
  8. wings012

    Discuss and Rate the Last Thing You Watched (non-movies)

    So I just watched Gen V. I kinda found out about it recently and wasn't expecting too much from a The Boys spinoff, but I quite liked it. Some characters were kinda annoying but well, I think it comes with the territory when it's about college kids. Also surprised how it kinda ties into the main...
  9. wings012

    Great Games that you Hate.

    Doom Eternal. I was playing it because of gamepass, was mostly having fun but then I noticed I was doing a lot of stupid jump/climb puzzles..... and eventually decided I had enough of those. I get that some games wanna offer something different to break up the pace or whatever - but by god do I...
  10. wings012

    Games with great stories.

    As far as random JRPG stories go, I really liked Radiant Historia. I played the old DS game, but it got a 3Ds makeover.
  11. wings012

    What are you currently playing?

    Been playing Everspace 2. Noticed it was on Gamepass and thought - they this looks like a more fleshed out version of the Starfield spaceship parts! It is in some ways, but in other ways not really. It's kinda like spaceship combat Diablo. Though only in terms of the randomized loot. It's fun...
  12. wings012

    Starfield - No Man's Bethesda

    The only real reason I see you need to build Outposts.... is if you want to build outposts. Generally the amount of resources outposts can amass is beyond any practical in game use. There are some repeating quests you can find where you need to deliver thousands of certain elements, or establish...
  13. wings012

    Starfield - No Man's Bethesda

    Well I finally beat the game. I might have missed some random sidequests and whatnot, but I did all main faction questlines and finished the main story. I had fun but I kinda agree with what some people were saying - that this was the biggest mid thing that Bethesda has done. I played it on...
  14. wings012

    The Great Final Fantasy Retrospective - Let's Mosey

    It's been over a decade since I played FFX but I remember that you could get certain sphere items that allowed you to learn sphere skills regardless of your grid. But the condition was that another character had to learn it first. So I had these Black Magic Spheres which I used to teach Yuna...
  15. wings012

    Starfield - No Man's Bethesda

    Starfield has its issues but you're just doing the whole "I JUST WANT TO BE ANGRY" thing. Slinging powers alongside gunplay is hardly the newest concept. System Shock had Psi powers from way back then, which then developed into Plasmids and Vigors in Bioshock. Dishonored did magic shit...