Funny events in anti-woke world


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
So, quick story.

Someone decided to create a Fox News equivalent in the UK called "GB News". Actually, probably more a Newsmax or OAN than a Fox, clearly aiming at the demographic range from UKIP to BNP / England First. Although of course instead of just admitting it's ultra-right, it instead applies the usual euphemisms about resisting the elites and mainstream media [liberal left] agenda; being independent, honest, passionate, blah blah blah. And, interestingly, a desire to expose these elites' "growing promotion of cancel culture for the threat to free speech and democracy that it is”, as announced by its chairman and flagship journalist in an introduction to the channel. Hold that last bit in your mind.

So it seems one of their presenters decided to symbolically take the knee in sympathy with English footballers, to protest the racist abuse they were subjected to for Euro 2020. In response, their small force of determined, very right wing viewers started boycotting the channel at this disgusting display of wokedom, and three days later, the passionate and independently-minded channel fired the presenter for allegedly breaking its editorial code.

Uh-huh. Gotta love that opposition to cancel culture, eh.



~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
It tracks. It all tracks so uniformly, so... conservatively.

To add to this farce, here is a pastor who tried courting the qanon crowd, only to make the mistake of posting a photo of his daughter wearing red shoes...a sign in qanon circles that you are a member of the child trafficking blood drinking elite cabal;

And the new "Freedom phone" being sold for $500 for anyone who, umm...wants to avoid social media censorship or something? I don't fully understand the sales pitch, but we do know it's a truly dumb grift using a shit Chinese $100 Android phone with astoundingly bad security:

There's so much more too, its bloody endless. And don't forget the Americanisation of European politics is engineered by people like Bannon and co, it's no coincidence. It will get worse.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I saw this news on Twitter, and GB News' statement was complete logical whiplash.

"GB News stands four square against racism in all its forms. We do not have a company line on taking the knee. Some of our guests have been in favour, some against. All are anti-racist. We have editorial standards that all GB News journalists uphold. "

but also

"On Tuesday a contributing presenter took the knee live on air and this was an unacceptable breach of our standards."

Okay, so which is it? Either you don't have a policy on it, or it breaches your standards?

I just find the irony hilarious. This news channel advertises itself as promoting and protecting free speech at all costs, yet here it is firing a presenter, and here are its viewers are boycotting the show to the point where it literally had zero viewers at points, all because the news presenter shared his conflicting beliefs. The people who watch this show don't want an unbiased news show, they dont want freedom of speech - they want a right-wing echo chamber.

Its showing its true colours (if they weren't already obvious before...)
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
If you want anti-woke hilariocities, I'd suggest Ben Garrison, but that'd inundate the thread. However, how could I deprive you of this rare moment of unintentional introspection:

Also, just noticed this, but is he wearing a confederate uniform?
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It tracks. It all tracks so uniformly, so... conservatively.

To add to this farce, here is a pastor who tried courting the qanon crowd, only to make the mistake of posting a photo of his daughter wearing red shoes...a sign in qanon circles that you are a member of the child trafficking blood drinking elite cabal;

And the new "Freedom phone" being sold for $500 for anyone who, umm...wants to avoid social media censorship or something? I don't fully understand the sales pitch, but we do know it's a truly dumb grift using a shit Chinese $100 Android phone with astoundingly bad security:

There's so much more too, its bloody endless. And don't forget the Americanisation of European politics is engineered by people like Bannon and co, it's no coincidence. It will get worse.
Those Qanon and any sports fanatics, racist or otherwise, I would call pigs in human clothing, but that'll be an insult to actual pigs. Even pigs have way more class and those assholes. As far as that preacher man, just another biatch-in-a-boxstand trying to suck and please the genitials of their masters.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
It tracks. It all tracks so uniformly, so... conservatively.

To add to this farce, here is a pastor who tried courting the qanon crowd, only to make the mistake of posting a photo of his daughter wearing red shoes...a sign in qanon circles that you are a member of the child trafficking blood drinking elite cabal;
So...the pope has red shoes for some of his ceremonial things. Do they think the pope and the catholic church are part of the child trafficking blood drinking cabal?

I mean, could BELIEVE that, it's the fucking catholic church, they consider children as a commodity, not people. But, I mean he very clearly wears some red shoes. I remember seeing news clips about his shiny red shoes and everything.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
If you want anti-woke hilariocities, I'd suggest Ben Garrison, but that'd inundate the thread. However, how could I deprive you of this rare moment of unintentional introspection:

Also, just noticed this, but is he wearing a confederate uniform?
Ben Garrison is perhaps one of the greatest examples of why conservatives cannot do comedy. I mean, tilting at windmills is the only part of the novel that anybody knows, and he managed to get that wrong.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Ben Garrison is perhaps one of the greatest examples of why conservatives cannot do comedy. I mean, tilting at windmills is the only part of the novel that anybody knows, and he managed to get that wrong. ben garrison wasn't being sarcastic with that image? He is genuinely trying to portray trump as valiantly defending free speech? While citing don quixote? I thought this was like "How trump and his ilk sees him" kind of thing


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Who more or less abandoned the channel the moment it turned out his popularity with bots on Twitter doesn't translate to viewing figures.
Not just that apparently, but the set-up has been a shitshow on a technical level, too.

Graphics not working, lighting issues, etc.; apparently they had a whizzo idea to run loads of a computerised system rather than use the (expensive) staff-heavy system of more established channels, and it has lots of problems. Much of this because apparently the studio setup was supposed to take three months, and ended up being done in about three weeks.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Ben Garrison is perhaps one of the greatest examples of why conservatives cannot do comedy. I mean, tilting at windmills is the only part of the novel that anybody knows, and he managed to get that wrong. ben garrison wasn't being sarcastic with that image? He is genuinely trying to portray trump as valiantly defending free speech? While citing don quixote? I thought this was like "How trump and his ilk sees him" kind of thing
Nope, people pointed out to him that he apparently completely missed the point of Don Quixote, to which he replied, and I quote:
Yes, I realize that the Don Quixote character from Cervantes’ novel attacked imaginary enemies as represented by the windmill, but Donald Trump Quixote’s enemies are not imagined.

They are all too real and dangerous.

The Marxist mainstream media may condemn Trump’s lawsuit as desperation and folly, but it’s happening and a major lawsuit against the social media leviathans is long overdue.

He then made a follow-up cartoon.
A gross misnomer of course, since it implies people aren't still laughing at him.

I also love how he labels everything. Like, is that just to troll, or does he think everyone so stupid (or himself so smart) that he needs to spell everything out?
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Nope, people pointed out to him that he apparently completely missed the point of Don Quixote, to which he replied, and I quote:
What a tool.

"Yes, of course I totally realised my cartoon had an inappropriate metaphor. You were just supposed to realise that this common metaphor didn't mean what it is supposed to for this cartoon only."

I also love how he labels everything. Like, is that just to troll, or does he think everyone so stupid (or himself so smart) that he needs to spell everything out?
In the second, it would appear to me to potentially be a "joke" that if he does not label everything, someone will misrepresent it. That or a self-depreciating joke because maybe he was specifically criticised for labelling so much.

In terms of labelling the lance "lawsuit", this does strike me as lacking faith in the gumption of one's readers. It's also arguably superfluous, because even without knowing about the lawsuit specifically, the idea of going after big tech would be a clear enough takeway.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
If you want anti-woke hilariocities, I'd suggest Ben Garrison, but that'd inundate the thread. However, how could I deprive you of this rare moment of unintentional introspection:

Also, just noticed this, but is he wearing a confederate uniform?
So wait... this cartoon is supposed to be a favourable depiction of Trump? It's not right, or am I just going crazy?

Anyway, I've kinda lost the enthusiasm to laugh or even shake my head at these bizar, fucking creeps anymore.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
USA ben garrison wasn't being sarcastic with that image? He is genuinely trying to portray trump as valiantly defending free speech? While citing don quixote? I thought this was like "How trump and his ilk sees him" kind of thing
No, Ben Garrison is sadly quite serious. His political cartoons are all like that: trying to be funny while lionizing conservatives and painfully missing the mark. You should see his comics defending Roy Moore.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
The funniest thing is, that wasn't even the first windmill image of him, he just was that stupid.