American Ultra.
Given how much I remembered I enjoyed Mr. Right, and how much my wife loved it too, we decided to watch Max Landis' other wacky action film American Ultra.
I dunno, I just really enjoy his sense of humor, and tone, and fun he has with these 2 films.
So, overall plot, if The Bourne Identity and Pineapple Express had a kid, that would be this film. Jessie Eisenburg plays a washed out stoner, just getting by in a hole in wall little town, in the middle of Nowheresburg, USA. He's got an equally stoned girlfriend in the form of Kristen Stewart, but *dramatic music* things are not as simple as they seem!
Due to a series of crazy circumstances, Howell (Jessie), learns that he is actually a secret CIA operative, part of a government project to build a sleeper agent. Things didn't go exactly as planned, and shit escalates from there. He's suddenly finding himself with a Certain Set of Skills, that he has no fucking clue how he got, a ton of angry people all trying to kill him, and happy to kill anyone else in their way, and a fuckton of questions.
And it's just great. The entire cast is great. The various supporting cast all have significant development, all actually contribute to the movement of the plot, and feel real, to varying degrees real.
I'm not going to go into too much detail, but, this is a really good film. In particular, I think Max does a fantastic job of balancing drugged out insanity, genuine action awesomeness, and a lot of heartfelt emotion and drama, in particular between Eisenburg and Stewart.
Seriously, Kristen Stewart gets a bad fucking wrap. If anyone wants to see Kristen acting, and acting WELL, with a character that has some depth and nuance to her, watch American Ultra. I personally think she's done several good films, especially when she was just starting out, but American Ultra just really makes me fall in love with her. She's allowed to be a real person, express her emotions like a real person, and it's fantastic. Her chemistry with Jessie is really great. They are equal parts funny as hell with their banter, and touching and loving. She conveys a ton of emotion in her voice in various scenes, where you can just feel her anguish about what's going on.
But yeah, really good film, underrated and underappreciated in my book. Check it out