If you're not yet sold on next-gen, what dream title would pull you in?
Mother 3 yet to be localized for PS5 We’re approaching the six-month mark of gaming’s ninth generation, and it’s been...

I few weeks ago I posted a thread about the state of "Next-Gen" after six months and a lot of you weren't sold on the new era for a number of reasons.
The obvious reason being that there isn't really next gen systems available for most of you and that's understandable. So let's take this remark off the table.
Outside of being able to just buy one, for those of you unimpressed with Next Gen games so far, what do games need to do to entice you to cross that line? Whether you need to be wowed more by the graphics, you need to be moved by the gameplay, or what do you want to see before you would start to get you eager to join the next gen?
For me, I was always going to jump early as I do it every generation and this generation was no exception. The title's I've played solely on PS5 have been more than satisfying for me for the most part, and I have even been happy with the performance boosts of PS4 titles played on the PS5 as added bonuses.