Old games you remember playing, but can't remember the name of


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
This is a game from my teen years but I can't seem to recall what it was called.

It was some browser game where you play as one class of internet trolls like hacker, cam girl, all that and the goal of the game is to troll forums/chatrooms in a RPG style kind of game. You have skills that work like spells like spamming images for example. There is a storyline surprisingly enough but I remember that the last level was hacking into the White House and detonating a nuke, getting the player character into prison leading to an episodic adventure.

I know that seems very specific but its what I remember. I remember really liked the concept of a RPG based on the internet. I would like to revisit it but while I'm sure it can be found I doubt it would work because its a flash game from the 2000s so idk if its playable anymore.
I don't know about the game but Newgrounds has a flash wrapper you can download to load up old flash games. Plus, newgrounds probably has that old game still around somewhere since they were one of the go to sites back in the day.

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May 15, 2020
This was a CD game, played on the pc. I played this maybe around 2006-2008. The player had to find all the alphabets and numbers while riding in a bumper car.

There was a boy and girl and you could choose to play as either character. They also each rode in a different type of bumper car. I think the girl may have braids and the boy may have had short hair. I remember there being a third character who provided some kind of exposition. The game let you choose your gender and you had to choose either a 'numbers' or an 'alphabet' mode. I do not know if you could choose the map or not. Basically the game starts with some person telling you about the alphabets or numbers which are arranged in perfect order. Suddenly, i think the wind or something else blows them away and they get scattered across the map. The player is sitting in a bumper car, and has to drive across the map, finding each and every alphabet/number. You usually had to drive on the dirt/gravel road but you could go off road and drive on the huge hills that were basically everywhere on the map. If you drove up a hill with enough speed, you could go flying off which was the most fun part of the game for me. I think you could also go in water, but not sure. The maps you played on were probably a circular loop like a race track.

There were different maps i think. I remember bright skies on the maps with clouds and huge green hills everywhere. I think one map had snow on it. There was also some body of water i remember which you could drive past. You could also see a vast terrain outside the map with cities and maybe a rainbow but you could never get there no matter how hard you tried because of a wall or some tall barrier preventing you from doing so. Not sure about this one, but maybe the bumper car you rode in had a triangular bottom and maybe there was a day night cycle in the game.

There was a separate mini-game where you raced against other random characters in bumper cars. The race would start near a large stadium full of a cheering crowd. I think there was a countdown, after which the race started. I remember different biomes/areas on the track. When the race ends(i do not remember how it ends), the top 3 winners but put on a podium while in their bumper car.


May 19, 2020
Hi all,
I am looking for an old game that I use to play when I was little. I had it on a floppy disk on my first computer back in 1995 or some year before or after that, I can't remember precisely.
The game had one main character, I think was a miner or a fireman, he had a yellow helmet with a headlight and a kind of oxygen cylinder on his back.
In some levels, it had electric tube/cable, mine trolleys. I think there was a level with lava or a sort of foundry.
Please, if you know the game write me something, I am going crazy try to find it.


May 25, 2020
United States
Apache Attack Helicopter
One time i was playing a GameCube game that had a bunch of retro games inside of it.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
An old PS 2 ( I think) game, where you were the master of a dungeon/haunted house/evil lair. And you populated it with traps and monsters to fight off heroes who came to thwart you. The quirk of the game though, was you could insert other discs and it would use the data to generate various monsters. It was a first person game that I recall.
Are you absolutely certain you used other discs to summon monsters? Because other than that it sounds like Tecmo's Deception for PS1, in which you use enemy body parts to summon monsters, traps to defend your castle, all in first person. There were other games in the Deception series as well, but that's the only one I know that definitely had monster summoning in it.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Are you absolutely certain you used other discs to summon monsters? Because other than that it sounds like Tecmo's Deception for PS1, in which you use enemy body parts to summon monsters, traps to defend your castle, all in first person. There were other games in the Deception series as well, but that's the only one I know that definitely had monster summoning in it.
Yes that's it! I could've sworn it used discs to randomize monsters, but I guess I'm mixing that up with something else. Thanks!


Looking for the name of a game that matches the following details:

  • Was available as an in-browser game between 2001 and 2006.
  • Was not an MMO (I do not believe)
  • Had a riddle in it that went VERY similar to this:
    • I am the jewel that is the river Nile. With heat, I turn to glass. What am I?
      • The answer is, obvious to me by now, sand.
If ANYONE can help me with this you'd probably get something of minimal value from me out of it; I've been searching for this game for FIFTEEN. YEARS. And of course the urge to find it fades, but when it comes back, it comes back STRONG.



Jun 9, 2020
United States of America
Hello All,

My bother and I remember playing a PC game around the early 2000s where you were a space ship on this dark planet. The planet had this dark blueish hue and when you moved you would unlock more of the map. You started out as a single ship and you could scavenge for resources on the planet to build more ships and such. Of course there were enemies that you could fight and kill when exploring the planet. Does anyone have any idea what game this might have been? It would have been on a Windows 2000 or XP machine I believe.


Jun 9, 2020
United States of America
Hello All,

My bother and I remember playing a PC game around the early 2000s where you were a space ship on this dark planet. The planet had this dark blueish hue and when you moved you would unlock more of the map. You started out as a single ship and you could scavenge for resources on the planet to build more ships and such. Of course there were enemies that you could fight and kill when exploring the planet. Does anyone have any idea what game this might have been? It would have been on a Windows 2000 or XP machine I believe.
Some more information...

Platform(s): PC (Windows 2000 or XP)
Genre: Top down Fog of War (reveal the map as you explore)
Estimated year of release: Late 1990s? I played the game right around early 2000s.
Graphics/art style: 2D Dark planet with a blueish hue. I don't remember there being any giant mountains just small mounds that the ship can fly over.
Notable characters: N/A You control a small circular/oval space ship on a dark planet. There were enemies but I don't remember what they looked like.
Notable gameplay mechanics: You move around in a ship gathering resources to build technologies and more ships at your base. I believe you would shoot with your ship and find resources just on the surface. I didn't get much farther in the game.
Other details:

I believe the game was loaded from a disk.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Ok I've got one I've been trying to find for a while.

It was a game on steam

Similar to A Normal Lost phone or Replica

The idea is you've phone a phone on the ground and go through messages or other stuff.

The twist here is the phone was some-one connected to the supernatural world such as that of the Masqurade universe so it's all about Vampires and possibly werewolves too.


Jun 17, 2020
Hello! I hope somebody can help me remembering this game. It's an older PC game. There was a little fat man in a blue suit and he had a hat. I think we were picking fruit. it was a crystal maze style game. But in the game I'm talking about we could jump. Unfortunately I can remember this much. (Sorry for my English)


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Ok I've got one I've been trying to find for a while.

It was a game on steam

Similar to A Normal Lost phone or Replica

The idea is you've phone a phone on the ground and go through messages or other stuff.

The twist here is the phone was some-one connected to the supernatural world such as that of the Masqurade universe so it's all about Vampires and possibly werewolves too.
I didn't find it on Steam, but could that have been Sara is Missing?


Nov 29, 2015
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to remember an old (I think freeware) PC game I played in the 2000s (though the game might be older, not sure).

I remember it having a topdown 2D perspective and very simple graphics. Each level features you and a bunch of enemies on some kind of stage made up of grey tiles suspended over some kind of black space/void. If you take too long the floor tiles start falling away and the stage begins disintegrating.

In order to win each level you have to knock all the enemies off the stage by colliding with them and bumping them off. You also get knocked back when you bounce into them so they can also kill you by bumping you off the edge.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to remember an old (I think freeware) PC game I played in the 2000s (though the game might be older, not sure).

I remember it having a topdown 2D perspective and very simple graphics. Each level features you and a bunch of enemies on some kind of stage made up of grey tiles suspended over some kind of black space/void. If you take too long the floor tiles start falling away and the stage begins disintegrating.

In order to win each level you have to knock all the enemies off the stage by colliding with them and bumping them off. You also get knocked back when you bounce into them so they can also kill you by bumping you off the edge.
Is it Q-Bert or some remake thereof?