Isn't "entertainment" subjective? Some people actually like teen highschool dramas, or those awful Saw and Hostile torture porn movies. I enjoyed Endgame and Infinity War, and know some people who didn't.
Saying movies are meant to entertain is as obvious as it is meaningless. Its like saying porn is meant to get you horny. Yes, but everyone has different taste. No one porn gets EVERYONE horny, and no one movie just entertains the world.
Yeah, saying 99% is a huge bit of hyperbole. It's assuming that everyone shares that article's taste on what is entertaining. I think one issue a lot of these "film is dead" like Martin Scorscese is they are 1) Way to egotistical, and far up their own ass to smell anything but their own farts, 2) Assuming every film is trying to be the next Citizen Kane. Which I personally find really funny, since I don't know a single person who has ever actually SEEN Citizen Kane, but everyone knows "oh yes, it's totally the greatest film of all time." Yeah, I question that. It's just cultural conditioning at this point.
As long as I'm enjoying what I'm seeing, I don't really care. Sure I have my own standards on what is good/bad, but if the film indicates it's tone up front, then I'm usually fine with it. Like Aquaman for example. It went for campy, silly, dudebro action, and had a firm conviction to not take itself seriously. This was made apparent right away, so I was ok with what came after. It was going for Flash Gordon, and I was down for that. And I don't know if I would call it a "good" film, as far as things like objective components of film structure and stuff. It has some great moments here and there, but it's not a classic film. I still enjoyed the hell out of it, and was openly laughing and grinning at multiple points. Plus, I really enjoyed the way they ended the conflict. It was not how you would typically see that kind of story resolve itself. So kudos on tossing a nice variant on the classic story.
But then other films, try and make a statement, but then fail to actually convey that statement, or end up contradicting it with what they have the characters do. And that's bad.
Someone can still ENJOY it though. And I'm loathe to call anything "garbage", as that's just some arrogant BS right there. I try and restrain my criticisms to either subjective points "I did/didn't like this because of X" or objective things like "The narrative was choppy because in Act 1 they say X, but in Act 2, they say Y, which is in direct contradiction"