Dr. Fauci “not convinced” coronavirus developed naturally


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
I don't give a toss about that, though. You also said you had proof. So did the other thread.

That's all I've been saying since the start. I don't understand why you're endlessly disputing it, and then never actually addressing the proof claim at all-- whenever pressed, you just start talking about suspicions or lack of evidence or shadiness or other unrelated stuff.
No I said there's evidence she's not being honest


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
You do not appear to understand. Conflicts of interest are defined in formal guidelines, publicly available and understandable; correspondents are subject to scrutiny by the journals they contribute to. Even the very fact that The Lancet has not apparently demanded a correction or even retraction tells you that it does not consider it a conflict of interest.

Nicholas Wade surely understands this, and yet he's effectively lied to you anyway. I wonder what that means about his reliability and trustworthiness?

"Heavy pressure"? What "pressure" do random scientists like Daszak have, with their letters to academic journals? You know, in the context of people like US President Donald Trump existing and having an opinion? Please let's stop and think about just how incredibly stupid this concept is.
Funny how Fauci's emails line up with Wade's story now...

Why would Facebook ban stories that involved the possibility of the lab leak?

This is conspiracy theory thinking. Try to do better for fuck's sake. Give me something real to respond to.
Why would Facebook ban stories that involved the possibility of the lab leak? There's pressure from someone to do that unless you think Facebook just randomly picks things to censor based on throwing darts at a board.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Why would Facebook ban stories that involved the possibility of the lab leak? There's pressure from someone to do that unless you think Facebook just randomly picks things to censor based on throwing darts at a board.
Facebook has been cracking down on conspiracies (kinda) and this is one of them. You don't need a conspiracy to explain this.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Italics, underlining, bolding, and font size change are mine.
Yes there is proof.
The proof is the numbers are the same on all places reporting them even her own created dashboard.
The same numbers were being put out by everyone so unless central government was editing the results before passing them on to the state there's evidence right there the numbers weren't tampered with or deleted.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Yes there is proof.
The proof is the numbers are the same on all places reporting them even her own created dashboard.
The same numbers were being put out by everyone so unless central government was editing the results before passing them on to the state there's evidence right there the numbers weren't tampered with or deleted.
...I don't think you know how this local data reporting works.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Funny how Fauci's emails line up with Wade's story now...
This would be the Fauci who's an ignorant fraud when he says something you disagree with, and suddenly turns into the highest authority when he says something you do.

Why would Facebook ban stories that involved the possibility of the lab leak?
Ask Facebook.

Why would Facebook ban stories that involved the possibility of the lab leak? There's pressure from someone to do that unless you think Facebook just randomly picks things to censor based on throwing darts at a board.
Oh, there's going to be a motivation, sure.

What I question is the implication that some academic scientists conspired to control Facebook's censorship policy. Or that there was some co-ordinated action by academic scientists and the liberal left woke brigades and Democratic politicians and whatever other fucking bullshit to control what we think, which is the same old godawful conspiracy theory crap the right wing harps on about constantly to pretend they're victims of the liberal elite - even when the right literally runs the goddamn country.

In all likelihood, Facebook restricted the lab leak theory because it had been aggressively politicised by the Great Orange Fool as an explicit attack on China to distract from his own inadequacies, and gleefully propagated by his cult along with the other sorts of mass bullshit they buy into (see for instance 2020 election fraud), plus probably lashings of casual racism, and there was considerable concern that it was inciting numbskulls to go round punching anyone who looked a bit eastern Asian.

On the other hand, there is a plus here, which is that bringing up Facebook creates some unity, because everyone agrees that they hate Facebook.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Facebook has been cracking down on conspiracies (kinda) and this is one of them. You don't need a conspiracy to explain this.
The lab leak is not a conspiracy story.

This would be the Fauci who's an ignorant fraud when he says something you disagree with, and suddenly turns into the highest authority when he says something you do.

Oh, there's going to be a motivation, sure.

What I question is the implication that some academic scientists conspired to control Facebook's censorship policy. Or that there was some co-ordinated action by academic scientists and the liberal left woke brigades and Democratic politicians and whatever other fucking bullshit to control what we think, which is the same old godawful conspiracy theory crap the right wing harps on about constantly to pretend they're victims of the liberal elite - even when the right literally runs the goddamn country.

In all likelihood, Facebook restricted the lab leak theory because it had been aggressively politicised by the Great Orange Fool as an explicit attack on China to distract from his own inadequacies, and gleefully propagated by his cult along with the other sorts of mass bullshit they buy into (see for instance 2020 election fraud), plus probably lashings of casual racism, and there was considerable concern that it was inciting numbskulls to go round punching anyone who looked a bit eastern Asian.

On the other hand, there is a plus here, which is that bringing up Facebook creates some unity, because everyone agrees that they hate Facebook.
It was an email from Daszak to Fauci thus Fauci didn't have to say anything.

The fact that the lab leak discussion was nearly completely quelled doesn't take coordination somewhere? It's one thing to say it probably didn't happen vs saying it 100% didn't happen and then not running stories on a possible lab leak. Then, social media like Facebook bans discussion because it's been told it 100% didn't happen, which was never the truth.



Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
The lab leak is not a conspiracy story.
Per se, it is a plausible if low probability hypothesis.

But outside the actual science, it's about 50% political football and 50% conspiracy theory. You take a look at the sorts of things people are saying, latching onto, the people getting heavily involved, it has all the trappings if conspiracy theory.

It was an email from Daszak to Fauci thus Fauci didn't have to say anything.
So far, Fauci's email are all one big, steaming heap of nothingburger, hyped up by a) conspiracy theorists, b) Sinophones and c) Trumpistas (i.e. Republicans) out for revenge on Fauci and turn him into a scapegoat to cover their cult leader's incompetence.

The fact that the lab leak discussion was nearly completely quelled doesn't take coordination somewhere?

Firstly, because it never was quelled. Secondly, because wanting to believe there is co-ordination where there is really just randomness, coincidence and natural consequence is pretty much what conspiracy theory is.


Elite Member
May 19, 2020
Too bad, it's getting treated as such. And unless better evidence comes to light, it will remain a conspiracy theory.
Not at all. Plenty of scientists are now raising their voices about this being a possibility. There is really no conspiracy required to believe a lab "accident" may have occured. This can occur in any lab in the world. We still do not know where the virus originated from and China is still suspsiciously hiding data from the WHO. The first means the lab leak scenario is still a plausible option and the latter reinforces this plausibility. Why else would China hide Covid related data from the WHO? Why don't they want the WHO to be able to pinpoint Covid's origins? If it truly came from animals and China's data points towards that, than its release would silence the proponents of the lab leak scenario and be a good PR boost. It would actually be a double PR boost: they get to further provide evidence it's not from their lab and they get to say they are acting in good faith by fully cooperating with the WHO. There is litterally nothing to gain by hiding data... unless off course it would show it did actually come out of the lab.

We should not let Fascist China get away with this shit by blindly accepting the scenario they want us to. They caused the death of 3 million innocent people and can't even be arsed to share data that may help understand how this all started. Fuck them.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
We should not let Fascist China get away with this shit by blindly accepting the scenario they want us to. They caused the death of 3 million innocent people and can't even be arsed to share data that may help understand how this all started. Fuck them.
So guilty until proven guilty. Got it. Fuck off with that shit.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
So the only source of the data is the local government you're saying?
No, that's not what I'm saying. Though all data is obviously originally harvested locally. Federal agencies aren't monitoring people directly.

Let's have a look at the "central government's" data you're referring to.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Why else would China hide Covid related data from the WHO? Why don't they want the WHO to be able to pinpoint Covid's origins?
These are not intended to be comprehensive, and some overlap:

1) The Wuhan Institute of Virology is a major research centre. There may be stuff going on there China does not want anyone to know about, because it is commercially or - worse - national security sensitive. Bioweapon research is not impossible, or other things that might not look good, such as being unethical in other countries. Then there are new technologies, market products, etc. it wants to be ahead on and exploit. Thus there may be lots of reasons China does not want to give foreign investigators access to WIV that have nothing to do with covid-19.

2) China stands all sorts of risks of looking bad, even if covid-19 was not a lab leak. Investigators could well compile report that has the potential to make China or the CCP look deficient in some way - even at the bottom end: infection control, hygeine, healthcare, you name it.

3) China fundamentally, in every respect imaginable, rejects external scrutiny. China's conduct here is absolutely consistent with how it treats external scrutiny in any other respect- utter opposition. It rebukes countries for their way their free presses choose to report on China. It pretty bans people from entering just for talking to the Dalai Lama.

4) No country likes external scrutiny and avoids it wherever possible. It is arguably a form of loss of sovereignty, which countries guard jealously. The only reason there's a UN inspector been within hundreds of miles of any Iranian power plants is that a lot of powerful countries pressured it into a deal. The only countries that accept external scrutiny are ones pushed into it, or at so much risk of embarrassment if they don't that it's a lesser evil. China is too big to push, and has too little to gain given it's in the doghouse globally for letting covid-19 loose whether it was natural or not.

You just imagine a global pandemic that first arose in Tennessee. Do you think the USA would give the WHO free access, or do you think they'd tell the WHO to fuck right off, they've got their own internal investigation capabilities, thanks. My guess is the latter is more than a little plausible, especially depending on who's running the USA at the time. I can quite bet you, the entire right wing half of the USA would be frothing with fury at the sheer impudence of these grubby foreign interlopers from the WHO to even suggest that they should be allowed to judge the glorious US of A, that it was a plan to fit-up, embarrass and weaken the USA in front of the world.

5) The CCP fundamentally likes control. It wants to control what it's country does, what it's people think about the country, and what the rest of the world thinks about China. It mortally fears and resents criticism, especially internally from the Chinese themselves, and values stability. Remember that when covid-19 arose, it criminally charged its own citizens for talking about the new disease publicly. At the point it gives free rein to the WHO, it surrenders control. It is not what the CCP does.

* * *

So, to answer any question like "Why would China refuse a WHO investigation if it had nothing to hide", the answer is simply that China's longstanding record of attitude and actions strongly suggest it would refuse a unconstrained external investigation on basic principle, irrespective of what the findings would be.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No, that's not what I'm saying. Though all data is obviously originally harvested locally. Federal agencies aren't monitoring people directly.

Let's have a look at the "central government's" data you're referring to.
It was already being linked to in said thread by others, did you miss it?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
It was already being linked to in said thread by others, did you miss it?
I've just looked through the whole thread again, and couldn't find that.

The closest I got was this, which contains the following quote;

Jason Salemi said:
Florida does just not stand out to me as though we can’t trust the data or they’re much more inaccurate than any other state. I see no evidence in that. I have not found any reason to believe the [data] reporting in Florida is much worse than anyplace else.”


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
These are not intended to be comprehensive, and some overlap:

1) The Wuhan Institute of Virology is a major research centre. There may be stuff going on there China does not want anyone to know about, because it is commercially or - worse - national security sensitive. Bioweapon research is not impossible, or other things that might not look good, such as being unethical in other countries. Then there are new technologies, market products, etc. it wants to be ahead on and exploit. Thus there may be lots of reasons China does not want to give foreign investigators access to WIV that have nothing to do with covid-19.

2) China stands all sorts of risks of looking bad, even if covid-19 was not a lab leak. Investigators could well compile report that has the potential to make China or the CCP look deficient in some way - even at the bottom end: infection control, hygeine, healthcare, you name it.

3) China fundamentally, in every respect imaginable, rejects external scrutiny. China's conduct here is absolutely consistent with how it treats external scrutiny in any other respect- utter opposition. It rebukes countries for their way their free presses choose to report on China. It pretty bans people from entering just for talking to the Dalai Lama.

4) No country likes external scrutiny and avoids it wherever possible. It is arguably a form of loss of sovereignty, which countries guard jealously. The only reason there's a UN inspector been within hundreds of miles of any Iranian power plants is that a lot of powerful countries pressured it into a deal. The only countries that accept external scrutiny are ones pushed into it, or at so much risk of embarrassment if they don't that it's a lesser evil. China is too big to push, and has too little to gain given it's in the doghouse globally for letting covid-19 loose whether it was natural or not.

You just imagine a global pandemic that first arose in Tennessee. Do you think the USA would give the WHO free access, or do you think they'd tell the WHO to fuck right off, they've got their own internal investigation capabilities, thanks. My guess is the latter is more than a little plausible, especially depending on who's running the USA at the time. I can quite bet you, the entire right wing half of the USA would be frothing with fury at the sheer impudence of these grubby foreign interlopers from the WHO to even suggest that they should be allowed to judge the glorious US of A, that it was a plan to fit-up, embarrass and weaken the USA in front of the world.

5) The CCP fundamentally likes control. It wants to control what it's country does, what it's people think about the country, and what the rest of the world thinks about China. It mortally fears and resents criticism, especially internally from the Chinese themselves, and values stability. Remember that when covid-19 arose, it criminally charged its own citizens for talking about the new disease publicly. At the point it gives free rein to the WHO, it surrenders control. It is not what the CCP does.

* * *

So, to answer any question like "Why would China refuse a WHO investigation if it had nothing to hide", the answer is simply that China's longstanding record of attitude and actions strongly suggest it would refuse a unconstrained external investigation on basic principle, irrespective of what the findings would be.

1) There almost certainly is stuff going on they don't want others knowing about. It's China it could be the most benign thing ever they'd still want to hide it.

2) It looks bad now, the report would confirm it so they couldn't just call any-one saying so a racist to try and shut people up.