Games for people with disabilities/illness


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
I'm looking for ideas. I have a close relative with a degenerative disease that affects mobility and cognitive function, but who would like to have something to do/be entertained by. In terms of mobility it needs to be something one-handed (so, a mouse) and that doesn't require quick responses, and the same for cognition really (so something turn-based, where there's no rush). The person isn't a gamer as such, but would have gamed around the time the first Monkey Island came out. I don't think long-term games like Divinity would work, nor ones with complex rule sets. I know the description suggests visual novels, but they're not really in the right ball park. So far I've come up with:

Card games (esp. Poker Night)
Geoguesser (the person has travelled)
Zafehouse (potentially, though I tried it last night and found the UI confusing)
Battle Chess (but maybe updated)
XCOM games

Would appreciate hearing any ideas.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
If they like RPG's I'd say any of the FinalFantasy X or earlier. There are a lot of other RPG's you could do as well like Pokemon.

Civilization is another good easy to use game with just a mouse, though if cognative function is an issue then that might ultimately be a little too complex. It is turn based though and can be taken as slow as needed.

maybe some of the old Tim Schafer remasters like Day of the Tenticle or Grim Fandango.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Civilization is another good easy to use game with just a mouse, though if cognative function is an issue then that might ultimately be a little too complex. It is turn based though and can be taken as slow as needed.
Civ is a good one actually. Cognitive function isn't bad, just information can take longer to process.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Some random games that I play that you can easily take your sweet time with.

Pretty much anything that is a Deck Builder tag. They can be super fun, usually have very simple rules that are easy to grasp, but the challenge is in how to build your deck to beat the challenges ahead of you. My personal massive time sink is Slay the Spire, but there are a bajillion Deckbuilder games, and they are all pretty much turn based in design. And they are just point and click on what card you want to activate where, so doesn't require 2 hands at all.

Specifically of the deckbuilder genre, ones that are pretty darn fun in my opinion.
Slay the Spire (as mentioned)
Fights in Tight Spaces (basically John Wick the video game, but with deckbuilding for what attacks you have)
Griftlands. Scifi themed, backwoods edge of the galaxy, "wretched hive of scum and villainy" kind of story. You play a person out for revenge, playing various factions to get you in front of the person who wronged you.

I'm actually at work so I'm drawing a blank on any other specific to deckbuilder, and I'm also drawing a blank on any other genres that I play that don't require 2 hands to play smoothly. I know I have some, as I've got like 300 games in my library, but I'll have to check it at home.

Basically my list is going to boil down to "Mostly likely turn based, and fun." as my criteria.

Are there any particular genres of entertainment they are fans of? Scifi nerd? Sports fan? Etc?
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
These are good ideas. Genre-wise, sci-fi and zombies are good. Big Aliens fan.
Noted. I'll browse and see what I can find in a few hours. Most of my games are turn based so I can probably find some others. What about games that are real time, but you can pause, and slow down the progression of events? Like city builders or similar games, where you queue up various tasks, and then watch in real time as they happen, and then do damage control. Would that be something in their wheelhouse based on their limitations? Or would there likely be a problem with responding quickly enough to pause when something invariably goes tits up?


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Would that be something in their wheelhouse based on their limitations? Or would there likely be a problem with responding quickly enough to pause when something invariably goes tits up?
I think 100% turn-based is probably best .


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
CHROMA SQUAD!! Super fun and funny game, channeling love for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It's the Galaxy Quest for MMPR. Fully aware of all the silly shit in the source material....loves the hell out of it anyway.

You get to build your colorful team of stunt actors turned main actors in their own spinoff show (choosing their names and callsign, action battle cries, the works), and then things take a surprising turn. I'm not a fan of MMPR, or power rangers in general, never was a watcher of it, but holy shit is this game super fun. Each "fight" is an episode of the show that you guys are putting on. The challenges are things to make the show super exciting, and thus drum up fans and hype. Highly recommend it.

If your relative is into sexy anime girls with jiggle physics, AND finds they like Slay the Spire, then NEOVERSE is a good choice. It's unabashedly sexy anime girls in tight clothes, beating shit up. But it's got the same basic setup as StS. I actually really like the fight mechanics, the paladin character especially can be really ridiculous. But, yeah it's some blatant fanservice as well.

Rebuild: Gangs of Deadsville series might be up his ally as well. It's a zombie survival city builder that is turn based. I haven't played much of them, but it might be his cup of tea. And they are usually pretty cheap on steam, all 3 games.

The Shadowrun series is super fun for anyone who is a fan of scifi/cyberpunk, with a touch of magic thrown in there. Lots of variety of character you can play, from magic user to cyberdecker.

Wargroove, which is a spiritual successor of Advance Wars (apparently a favorite from back in the day). It's super fun, somewhat lighthearted JRPG, where one of the champions is literally a armor...who is just such a majestic doggo, that he can inspire the humanoid troops around him, by the sheer power of his doggoness, to be better soldiers. There is a semi serious story as well know....doggo commander. It's super fun. Very rock/paper/scissors kind of setup for the units and how you can fight each other.

And then the XCOM games, which I enjoy, and found Chimera Squad, that sort of offshoot game they did, to be quite enjoyable.

But yeah, that's my list, discounting the ones I already mentioned. I would definitely recommend a look into the Deckbuilding, as there are a plethora of those games (single player ones, not competitive like Hearthstone), with some really fun systems and rules. Some are basically a D&D campaign, that you build a team, each with their own personal deck of abilities, and you level up, explore dungeons, the works. Gordian Quest is an example of this latter type.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Also just saw this game being demo'd by my favorite youtube gamer guy. Terra Nil. Super chill, no risk/fail state kind of game, where you go to a blasted out planet, and literally revitalize it with an eco-friendly system.



My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Hell it’s worth just checking out a turn based search on Steam and seeing what jumps out at them -

Results can be modified in the fields below a ways.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Play a city builder game that you can hit pause on.