The End of an Era? Victoria Secret Angels fired.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Ever heard of the term 'hypocrisy'? Take any example of someone with a 'holier than thou' attitude like a politician, religious devotee, SJW or other public figure and be amazed when they actually turn out to be morally bankrupt. Wanting to appear virtuous and having a judgemental attitude while actually not being a good person is as old as mankind. It's even in the bible:

''Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.''
Matthew 7:5
So no, there are no studies, it's just another basic ***** take.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
As an example, I've been bugged by YouTube videos suggesting I need a good quality pubic hair trimmer. The idea of shaving my pubes has literally never occurred to me until this advert started telling me it was the thing to do. I happily say I remain completely unconvinced, and short of requiring some sort of groin operation I intend to keep cutting implements far from my genitals.
It's all fun and games, until your crotch forest gets so thick, that you are getting ball hairs tied around thigh hairs, and then you sit down and move your legs in a way that makes your hairs yank themselves out from both directions. Really hard to explain the high pitched yelp of pure pain at the office when that happens. Aside from the reason those commercials give you as to why you should do it (namely getting pussy), I have found, when I've done it, the following things happened:

1. That it's far more comfortable overall. I get less hot down there, which given I live in Alabama, where the average forecast is "Fucking sweaty hot as balls for the foreseeable future", to actually reduce the level of that "hot as balls" on your actual balls, is pretty nice.
2. The above mentioned "you don't get tangled crotch hairs that violently yoink out at inappropriate moments.
3. Less risk of dingleberries, assuming you are lumping all downstairs grooming into the equation.
4. Your junk looks bigger! This is really only important if you are in a situation where you have someone to show your junk to, but not having all that foilage down there, does make your dangly bits seem larger under observation.
5. More sensation and enjoyment down there, from people playing with your one eyed samurai!
6. Linked to 5, less complaints from lovers if they are giving you downstairs smooches, of getting hairs stuck in their teeth! I personally have never had this, as I'm not a fan of receiving oral, but I am a fan of giving it to my lady friends. And them being trimmed does make that past time far flossy. :LOL: So I assume it would be similar for them.

It can be a bit of a pain to maintain it, I never had equipment specifically designed for it, and just muddled through with what I had. But the results were quite positive.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I personally have never had this, as I'm not a fan of receiving oral, but I am a fan of giving it to my lady friends. And them being trimmed does make that past time far flossy. :LOL:
I'm down to eat snatch, but not if her crotch looks like a nest of spiders.

I 100% agree with your post. lol


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I'm down to eat snatch, but not if her crotch looks like a nest of spiders.

I 100% agree with your post. lol
I mean it's never been a deal breaker for me. I'll soldier on and take a few random hairs for the team, if it means my lady friend has a good time. But it is annoying to have to time out for a minute or two, and pick around in the teeth. She usually gets a bit awkward if I can't do it subtly, or get caught doing it.

Also, things just feel a lot more slippery and fun when both partners are shaved down there. More skin on skin sensation, makes for, at least from my experience, a more pleasurable time.
Spoiler for significantly detailed naughty talk.

Not so much like my pleasure is heightened, but it is nice, to feel the skin of my lover's sexy bits, directly against my own skin, down there. It feels more intimate when you can feel their lips and clit up against your pelvic bone. Plus oral and hand play is equally more slippery and fun when it's been de-forested first. :LOL:
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Meh. I’m waiting for the day people evolve beyond hormones towards androgyny and asexuality. It’ll eventually happen due to cultural trends and expanding populations. Look at Japan for starters.

*This post contains somewhere between 10-20% cynicism and sarcasm.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
I mean it's never been a deal breaker for me. I'll soldier on and take a few random hairs for the team, if it means my lady friend has a good time. But it is annoying to have to time out for a minute or two, and pick around in the teeth. She usually gets a bit awkward if I can't do it subtly, or get caught doing it.

Also, things just feel a lot more slippery and fun when both partners are shaved down there. More skin on skin sensation, makes for, at least from my experience, a more pleasurable time.
Spoiler for significantly detailed naughty talk.

Not so much like my pleasure is heightened, but it is nice, to feel the skin of my lover's sexy bits, directly against my own skin, down there. It feels more intimate when you can feel their lips and clit up against your pelvic bone. Plus oral and hand play is equally more slippery and fun when it's been de-forested first. :LOL:
Reminds me of that Dave Chappelle bit-



My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
It's all fun and games, until your crotch forest gets so thick, that you are getting ball hairs tied around thigh hairs, and then you sit down and move your legs in a way that makes your hairs yank themselves out from both directions. Really hard to explain the high pitched yelp of pure pain at the office when that happens. Aside from the reason those commercials give you as to why you should do it (namely getting pussy), I have found, when I've done it, the following things happened:

1. That it's far more comfortable overall. I get less hot down there, which given I live in Alabama, where the average forecast is "Fucking sweaty hot as balls for the foreseeable future", to actually reduce the level of that "hot as balls" on your actual balls, is pretty nice.
2. The above mentioned "you don't get tangled crotch hairs that violently yoink out at inappropriate moments.
3. Less risk of dingleberries, assuming you are lumping all downstairs grooming into the equation.
4. Your junk looks bigger! This is really only important if you are in a situation where you have someone to show your junk to, but not having all that foilage down there, does make your dangly bits seem larger under observation.
5. More sensation and enjoyment down there, from people playing with your one eyed samurai!
6. Linked to 5, less complaints from lovers if they are giving you downstairs smooches, of getting hairs stuck in their teeth! I personally have never had this, as I'm not a fan of receiving oral, but I am a fan of giving it to my lady friends. And them being trimmed does make that past time far flossy. So I assume it would be similar for them.

It can be a bit of a pain to maintain it, I never had equipment specifically designed for it, and just muddled through with what I had. But the results were quite positive.
So much Yes, and thank you for posting all that so I didn’t have to.

Also while I will give props to the Manscaping marketing strategy, they’ll need to do more convincing to get me to toss my $10 Shick Hydro.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
So much Yes, and thank you for posting all that so I didn’t have to.

Also while I will give props to the Manscaping marketing strategy, they’ll need to do more convincing to get me to toss my $10 Shick Hydro.
Personally, if they designed them to prevent knicks that would be great. The few times I've used a trimmer, I got scritches on my junk. Which really isn't as bad as people think it is. I usually just use a trimmer for the thick bits, then a hair removal cream for the short bits at that point. I find that pretty effective. Plus I don't have to try and juggle my balls (literally ) while trying to run a razor over the base of them. That's just an awkward position to be in while trying to use a bladed item on skin.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Personally, if they designed them to prevent knicks that would be great. The few times I've used a trimmer, I got scritches on my junk. Which really isn't as bad as people think it is. I usually just use a trimmer for the thick bits, then a hair removal cream for the short bits at that point. I find that pretty effective. Plus I don't have to try and juggle my balls (literally ) while trying to run a razor over the base of them. That's just an awkward position to be in while trying to use a bladed item on skin.
I do a maintenance pass about every other week with said Shick razor in the shower after shampooing my hair. The water in general seems to be enough to keep it gliding smoothly enough. Yeah it can get a bit contorted getting to all the nooks and crannies down there in the nether realm but well worth the nice smooth, hairless feeling for various reasons. Only expense is a pack of new blades maybe once or twice a year.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Apparently the closest hair removal you can get is quickly running a lighter over it. It'll make you stink, and you've burned your balls, but let he who is without sin smash your greenhouse.

(Don't do this. The lighter bit, I don't give a shit about your greenhouse.)

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Personally, if they designed them to prevent knicks that would be great. The few times I've used a trimmer, I got scritches on my junk. Which really isn't as bad as people think it is. I usually just use a trimmer for the thick bits, then a hair removal cream for the short bits at that point. I find that pretty effective. Plus I don't have to try and juggle my balls (literally ) while trying to run a razor over the base of them. That's just an awkward position to be in while trying to use a bladed item on skin.
My advice, unless you have a problem with being totally hairless do it with a hand razor.

I usually shave/epilate most of my body hair for dysphoria reasons, and I have to say I've never nicked myself shaving pubic hair with a hand razor despite being kind of terrible at shaving generally. The main issue you're going to encounter is that a lot of the skin down there is quite loose and folded, so you have to stretch it out with one hand and shave with the other, and yeah, use a lot of gel and try to keep it frequent. Shaving infrequently is a bit of a false economy in terms of time, and certainly in terms of comfort.

Also, I would recommend using a razor with fewer blades. A lot of men's razors in particular seem to have cheesegrater-like numbers of blades. For pubic hair, where you're shaving quite a small area, those blades actually become kind of awkward.

Also, things just feel a lot more slippery and fun when both partners are shaved down there. More skin on skin sensation, makes for, at least from my experience, a more pleasurable time.
This is very true and something people don't talk about enough.

That whole area down there is pretty erogenous, and shaving it just creates a much broader area of sensation.

Back when I was in a relationship I actually got into the habit of epilating most of that area to avoid stubble. It's a lot to go through if you're single though, and transitioning from shaving to epilating an area is pretty painful, so nowadays I just shave that bit.
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