Scarlet Nexus Impressions - An Anime Game


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Scarlet Nexus is an anime game, which seems obvious if you just looked at the screenshots. But it literally is an Apparently they are making an actual anime based off this game's story, and the game plays out in episodes or "Phases" like much an anime would.

Yet it's more than that, from the first minutes of this game all the anime tropes hit you in the face to an almost eye-rolling degree. Kids have powers, they train those powers at an academy, they use these powers to defeat otherworldly enemies that occasionally invade the world (funnily enough called Others). It's a very typical action anime set up, which is unfortunately because I've never been a fan of these types of animes. The concept of a whole world of shit happening at once immediately is often annoying to me, as you get bombarded with different terms and nouns that try their best to get you into the lore but it's so much at once that i get taken out of it.

Scarlet Nexus was like that for me as well, and it didn't help that the combat of the game starts off very poorly. Never have I played an action game centered around fast paced combat that has such sluggish controls. Every hit you take knocks you down and it takes over 5 seconds for your character to get up, which was amazingly bad. Dodge doesn't cancel out of an attack so if you are mid-attack animation and you're about to get hit you are going to fall down and that 5 seconds is long enough to really ruin the pace of combat. The best strategy early is to just bait attacks, dodge, then counter attack, rinse repeat.

The big selling point to the combat is the mind powers that you and your party have. The main character (either boy or girl) both have the same power so it doesn't matter who you pick. Their power is to pick up shit around the level and bash the bad guys with it. Thus every level you can be assured is littered with crap, trash cans, cars, pipes, poles, just shit everywhere for you bash power with. Additionally once you get squad mates they all have their own powers that you can "borrow" to add to your own. For example borrowing the fire lady's power gives all your basic attacks added fire damage which some enemies will be weak to.

Once you get over the hurdle of the combat at the beginning, your character begins to level up and unlocking talents in a skill tree. These talents are things like Air Dodging, and perfect dodge counter attacks, or the biggest thing for me.....Pressing circle let's you dodge out of getting knocked down which removed that annoying 5 second get up animation. The more you unlock the better combat feels it's just a shame that doing so causes the first impressions of combat suck massive ass. Seriously I was really regretting this game pretty quickly.

Thankfully both the anime stuff and the combat improves pretty quickly. By my third hours, I was actually getting to enjoy the characters in my group, and the combat felt much much better. There are still problems in combat, as the lack of attack cancelling is a pain in the ass, but it's not as much of a big deal anymore.

The big selling point about the story in Scarlet Nexus is that both the characters have their own stories. So picking either the boy or the girl will actually change the story and to get the whole picture you have to play the game twice. These stories run parallel with each other so I believe that both characters will have the same major plot hooks, however each character will have a different collection of side characters, and different sub events. The saving grace is that when you beat the game, you can start the other character in NG+ which allows you to basically be overpowered and broken for the second playthrough to see that story.

There is a little Persona in the game too, you bond with your party by giving them gifts and hanging out between missions, and have bonding episodes which have little subplots to let you journey and get to know the characters better. It's not done nearly as well as Persona, but the characters get expanded enough that you might end up liking a character more than you think. It's alright.

There other thing I want to bring up is the level design. It's bad, and many missions take place in the same map, sometimes with a different skin, and sometimes exactly the same. Which is a bummer, it just makes running missions a bit too repetitive for my liking, and considering im just under 5 hours in, I shouldn't already be bored of the repeating levels. Maybe it changes up later, and I'm sure there will be at least SOME new locations, but if this is anything to judge so far it wont be very many.

Im torn on Scarlet Nexus to be honest. It's growing on me, but it still isn't super great and there are niggles that annoy me and bring me out of the experience. If you like this kind of anime, then you'll probably enjoy this game and be all on board despite the jank. But if you aren't much of an anime fan then this might be a harder sell for you and maybe wait for a sale or something.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Once you get over the hurdle of the combat at the beginning, your character begins to level up and unlocking talents in a skill tree. These talents are things like Air Dodging, and perfect dodge counter attacks, or the biggest thing for me.....Pressing circle let's you dodge out of getting knocked down which removed that annoying 5 second get up animation. The more you unlock the better combat feels it's just a shame that doing so causes the first impressions of combat suck massive ass. Seriously I was really regretting this game pretty quickly.
Stuff like that should be in your character kit from the start, and not an unlockable. What is this, 2005?

Other than that, I've heard nothing, but good things so far. I have no interests at the moment, but I already got Astral Chain, so I'll wait later. I know at beginning the game looked like a cross between God Eater and Code Vein, but thankfully has combat more in line with Bayonetta and Devil May Cry.

Besides, I'm still waiting on that sale for Oneechanbara Origins. I got Guilty Gear Strive too, so I am more than covered on things anime.



Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017

The game has no candle to the likes of Bayonetta or DMC. You attacks are limited and sluggish and the overall pace is incredibly slow compared to either of those masterpieces.

Code Vein is a fair comparison though this game is not attempting anything like a Souls game. It is not difficult really and the enemies do not have such a emphasis on animations.

But yeah you are safe to wait. Itll be on sale by the time you wanna get to it for sure.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The game has no candle to the likes of Bayonetta or DMC. You attacks are limited and sluggish and the overall pace is incredibly slow compared to either of those masterpieces.
Not surprising as I could tell from the gameplay in videos.

Code Vein is a fair comparison though this game is not attempting anything like a Souls game. It is not difficult really and the enemies do not have such a emphasis on animations.
When I mentioned Code Vein and God Eater, I meant more so in visual styles. Gameplay I already knew was not going to be Souls style. The gameplay is more of a sluggish mix of DMC and the God Eater games. And a little bit of The Force Unleashed with all of the psychic-force powers. The dungeons fits the God Eater style of play.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Not surprising as I could tell from the gameplay in videos.

When I mentioned Code Vein and God Eater, I meant more so in visual styles. Gameplay I already knew was not going to be Souls style. The gameplay is more of a sluggish mix of DMC and the God Eater games. And a little bit of The Force Unleashed with all of the psychic-force powers. The dungeons fits the God Eater style of play.
I've reached what feels like the back half of the game, combat feels as flushed out as it's going to ever get and it's not much better than the beginning to be honest. While some of the first problems faded away, they've given way to new problems that still don't leave a great feeling under my fingers. I don't like you get knocked over at the slightest sneeze in your direction. Enemies that catch you in a combo lock you into that combo. The dodge button feels so unresponsive that it's actively unfun to even bother with.

Harder fights boil down to waiting for an attack, dodging, then a couple of counters, rinse repeat. Doing this removes any possible challenge though because the enemies don't seem t have any tactics or more than two attacks.

The story has also devolved into convoluted anime nonsense. Like when an anime's later seasons just become bullshit, that's what the back half of this game feels like.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The story has also devolved into convoluted anime nonsense. Like when an anime's later seasons just become bullshit, that's what the back half of this game feels like.
Late 1990s season anime bullshit, 2000s season anime bullshit, or later 2010s season anime bullshit?

Regardless, I guess I won't get the game at all. Period. Not even for sale, if that's the case.
Last edited:


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Later 1990s season anime bullshit, 2000s bullshit, or later 2010s season anime bullshit?
I honestly don't know the difference.

I feel bad because some of the reviews you post about how RPG-like the game is flat out upsets me because the game is not an rpg imo. Sure there is a leveling system but all it does is give you points to spend in a skill tree. Your stats don't increase for leveling up outside of more health, and you aren't going to over level things. It's RPG-lite maybe. The Gear system is very lacking.

I mean honestly, I think the game is just lackluster in everyway, that is simply the easiest way to put it.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
The story has also devolved into convoluted anime nonsense. Like when an anime's later seasons just become bullshit, that's what the back half of this game feels like.
I was actually going to reply like 3 hours ago, asking about that. Whether or not it was the typical anime insanity of convoluted, layered BS, cobbled together from a buffet of mythologies and belief systems, and scifi/fantasy tropes for flavoring.

"The Scarlet Nexus is a negative void, from the nega-dimension, and it's sucking in all things from the Altreus Collective Realm! We have to coagulate the 13 Avatars of Hellion Ultra into the Umber Nexus Supreme! And plunge it into the heart of the void...even though we established it's a negative space that doesn't exist, so technically it shouldn't have a "heart/center" at all! Lets go awkwardly dressed, ambiguously aged youths! For the Collective We All Fight!"

Or something along those lines, I suspect.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I was actually going to reply like 3 hours ago, asking about that. Whether or not it was the typical anime insanity of convoluted, layered BS, cobbled together from a buffet of mythologies and belief systems, and scifi/fantasy tropes for flavoring.

"The Scarlet Nexus is a negative void, from the nega-dimension, and it's sucking in all things from the Altreus Collective Realm! We have to coagulate the 13 Avatars of Hellion Ultra into the Umber Nexus Supreme! And plunge it into the heart of the void...even though we established it's a negative space that doesn't exist, so technically it shouldn't have a "heart/center" at all! Lets go awkwardly dressed, ambiguously aged youths! For the Collective We All Fight!"

Or something along those lines, I suspect.
Yes basically. Except you're evil fighting school is not as cool as another evil fighting club, and they start taking over, but you fight evil the right way so now you also have to fight the "evil" school because they are fighting evil in an evil way. So it's up to your good group of evil fighters to stop the evil group of evil fighters so that you can fight evil the good way.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I was actually going to reply like 3 hours ago, asking about that. Whether or not it was the typical anime insanity of convoluted, layered BS, cobbled together from a buffet of mythologies and belief systems, and scifi/fantasy tropes for flavoring.

"The Scarlet Nexus is a negative void, from the nega-dimension, and it's sucking in all things from the Altreus Collective Realm! We have to coagulate the 13 Avatars of Hellion Ultra into the Umber Nexus Supreme! And plunge it into the heart of the void...even though we established it's a negative space that doesn't exist, so technically it shouldn't have a "heart/center" at all! Lets go awkwardly dressed, ambiguously aged youths! For the Collective We All Fight!"

Or something along those lines, I suspect.

Going by you, and @CriticalGaming's reactions, and your guess, I'm going with early 2000s later Anime season bullshit.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Yes basically. Except you're evil fighting school is not as cool as another evil fighting club, and they start taking over, but you fight evil the right way so now you also have to fight the "evil" school because they are fighting evil in an evil way. So it's up to your good group of evil fighters to stop the evil group of evil fighters so that you can fight evil the good way.
Okay, so they're self-righteous, pumpus wind bags. This sounds like the anime version of Twister. Not the hotspot, but that movie from the mid 1990s.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Yes basically. Except you're evil fighting school is not as cool as another evil fighting club, and they start taking over, but you fight evil the right way so now you also have to fight the "evil" school because they are fighting evil in an evil way. So it's up to your good group of evil fighters to stop the evil group of evil fighters so that you can fight evil the good way.
Does the Evil Evil Fighting School have a student council that is basically the Yakuza, and their president wields more power than the actual government?! PLEEEEEASE tell me it's got an Evil Fighting Student Council that is more powerful than the government!! That would just be the anime cherry on top of this shit icing cake!
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Does the Evil Evil Fighting School have a student council that is basically the Yakuza, and their president wields more power than the actual government?! PLEEEEEASE tell me it's got an Evil Fighting Student Council that is more powerful than the government!! That would just be the anime cherry on top of this shit icing cake!
Kinda. They wanna use the evil monsters to fight the evil monsters because resident eviling things has always been a good idea. And their leaders are evil dickheads that think they are so cool even after you beat them everytime they laugh at me.


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
Yes basically. Except you're evil fighting school is not as cool as another evil fighting club, and they start taking over, but you fight evil the right way so now you also have to fight the "evil" school because they are fighting evil in an evil way. So it's up to your good group of evil fighters to stop the evil group of evil fighters so that you can fight evil the good way.
This is a hilarious way of summing up just about every terrible anime aimed at 13 year olds.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
This is probably my most favorite game of the year so far. The characters and story are very enjoyable and have interesting layers to them that touches on quite a few relevant issues ranging from the surveillance state, uprooting of civil liberties, invasive technologies, social segregation, separatism, unethical experiments in name of national security to ultimately there being no good options just lesser evils when going against the man. It kinda reminded me of a Tales game which also tend to often have pretty good writing and deep thematic layering. The entire game actually reminded me most of Tales(a series I generally love) and not Code Vein(a game I really disliked). Other elements seem borrowed from games like Prototype(in the action department) and Persona(in the story department) combine the two and add a stellar narrative and you basically have the gist of Scarlet Nexus.

The animation is clean and crisp and of very high quality. It's like a combination of Tales and Persona with those same kind of muted colors that are really easy on the eyes. The music has some great tracks as well. I also love the combat but situations can get a little too frantic and there are a lot of different combinations that complement eachother perfectly but can be hard to distinguish in battle. You are often switching between simple attacks to build up your psychokinesis meter and then decide between immediate R2 or the stronger L2 environmental attack that leaves you vulnerable to attacks for longer while switching between situation specific skills of your team members and/or their special attack or activating 'brain field' as a sort of last ditch resort. It comes together amazingly well and actually looks like an anime action scene. I also really like the design of the Others. They could have taken some generic monster design but they actually look really unique.

The game wasn't even on my radar but I played the demo and immediately loved it. For some reason it makes me even more hype for Tales of Arise in a few months.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
This is probably my most favorite game of the year so far. The characters and story are very enjoyable and have interesting layers to them that touches on quite a few relevant issues ranging from the surveillance state, uprooting of civil liberties, invasive technologies, social segregation, separatism, unethical experiments in name of national security to ultimately there being no good options just lesser evils when going against the man. It kinda reminded me of a Tales game which also tend to often have pretty good writing and deep thematic layering. The entire game actually reminded me most of Tales(a series I generally love) and not Code Vein(a game I really disliked). Other elements seem borrowed from games like Prototype(in the action department) and Persona(in the story department) combine the two and add a stellar narrative and you basically have the gist of Scarlet Nexus.

The animation is clean and crisp and of very high quality. It's like a combination of Tales and Persona with those same kind of muted colors that are really easy on the eyes. The music has some great tracks as well. I also love the combat but situations can get a little too frantic and there are a lot of different combinations that complement eachother perfectly but can be hard to distinguish in battle. You are often switching between simple attacks to build up your psychokinesis meter and then decide between immediate R2 or the stronger L2 environmental attack that leaves you vulnerable to attacks for longer while switching between situation specific skills of your team members and/or their special attack or activating 'brain field' as a sort of last ditch resort. It comes together amazingly well and actually looks like an anime action scene. I also really like the design of the Others. They could have taken some generic monster design but they actually look really unique.

The game wasn't even on my radar but I played the demo and immediately loved it. For some reason it makes me even more hype for Tales of Arise in a few months.
Glad you are enjoying it. It's funny because there is a solid audience for "the anime game", things like this Code Vein and the Tales games. And despite trying them out all the time. (I tried Ys 9 and just was bored) I can never get into them. I think that part of the problem is that many of them tend to be long-winded and slow in the beginning, which if you aren't already on board for that type of thing I would imagine it chases out a lot of players. But if you have a mindset in which you understand that part and are okay with it, then mid-late game these titles probably become a lot of fun.

It's just a hump I've never been able to overcome.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
Glad you are enjoying it. It's funny because there is a solid audience for "the anime game", things like this Code Vein and the Tales games. And despite trying them out all the time. (I tried Ys 9 and just was bored) I can never get into them. I think that part of the problem is that many of them tend to be long-winded and slow in the beginning, which if you aren't already on board for that type of thing I would imagine it chases out a lot of players. But if you have a mindset in which you understand that part and are okay with it, then mid-late game these titles probably become a lot of fun.

It's just a hump I've never been able to overcome.
Yeah, I can understand that. I've been playing JRPGs since the early nineties and these games haven't really changed in how they deliver their story. I can also see how people find them tropey but ofcourse this is the genre that invented those tropes. But I love with JRPGs how the story is often more than meets the eye often subverting the very tropes itself. So much care is often put into each and every detail. It's really like they are layering a cake. The anime aesthetic has become more prevalent considering they ofcourse couldn't pull this off with pixels or low res polygons. But their essence hasn't really changed. They are most definitely slow burns that require a lot of patience. If the story or characters don't grab you then there is very little incentive to keep playing.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Yeah, I can understand that. I've been playing JRPGs since the early nineties and these games haven't really changed in how they deliver their story. I can also see how people find them tropey but ofcourse this is the genre that invented those tropes. But I love with JRPGs how the story is often more than meets the eye often subverting the very tropes itself. So much care is often put into each and every detail. It's really like they are layering a cake. The anime aesthetic has become more prevalent considering they ofcourse couldn't pull this off with pixels or low res polygons. But their essence hasn't really changed. They are most definitely slow burns that require a lot of patience. If the story or characters don't grab you then there is very little incentive to keep playing.
But that's the weird thing for me. i love JRPG's, Final Fantasy is one of my favorite series of all time. Xenogears, saga, Grandia, Legend of Dragoon. These games were killer, and I still like DRagonquest too. It isn't that they are JRPG's that turns me off of them. It's something else, and it is hard to put a finger on. Maybe it's the art style, the Bandai/Namco cell shaded anime games all have the same graphical feel to them and maybe that's what takes me out of it. The odd styling makes it hard to connect with the world maybe?

I had a similar problem with Astral Chain on the switch.

Xenoblade Chronicles was a game I wanted to like, but couldn't because I think the gameplay is stupid and terrible, but the story was awesome! I got so hyped when Rex bonded with Mythra for the first time, that shit was so fucking cool. But the combat SUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKED, and I'll never see the story.


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
But that's the weird thing for me. i love JRPG's, Final Fantasy is one of my favorite series of all time. Xenogears, saga, Grandia, Legend of Dragoon. These games were killer, and I still like DRagonquest too. It isn't that they are JRPG's that turns me off of them. It's something else, and it is hard to put a finger on. Maybe it's the art style, the Bandai/Namco cell shaded anime games all have the same graphical feel to them and maybe that's what takes me out of it. The odd styling makes it hard to connect with the world maybe?

I had a similar problem with Astral Chain on the switch.

Xenoblade Chronicles was a game I wanted to like, but couldn't because I think the gameplay is stupid and terrible, but the story was awesome! I got so hyped when Rex bonded with Mythra for the first time, that shit was so fucking cool. But the combat SUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKED, and I'll never see the story.
Yeah, the PS1 era was really the golden age for JRPGs. Squaresoft in particular was churning out one classic after another. I think it's a combination of games costing less to make so there was more creative freedom combined with the limitations of the hardware that required more from the players imagination to engage with the story and characters. Now they can pretty much make the game they want to make and don't have to limit themselves with the visuals and they have also become more conservative with the design process considering the niche audience. But if you look at the concept art for even the PS1 titles then the anime aesthetic have really always been there.

For Bamco anime games I actually only enjoy Tales and now this one. I personally really like their visuals. I didn't like Code Vein though. Not the story, character designs or gameplay. I looked up who worked on Scarlet Nexus and there is one person who also worked on Tales of the Abyss which is one of my favorite Tales games. So that probably explains why it reminded me of Tales so much.
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