Also IIRC Garus is a lot less eager to join you in ME3 because of the reaper invasion of the Turian homeworld itself. Not 100% on that though, but I think that's the case.Tbf Garrus didn't really have anything to do once you rescued him from the gangs on Omega. His whole squad was dead and if the gangs hadn't tracked him down he probably would have already fled omega before you got there. And IIRC Liara was trying to save her friend who helped recover Shepard's body from the shadow broker who was going to hand it over to the collectors.
Also can I point out that now that I've begun ME3, the plot of ME2 is fucking meaningless. The collectors ultimate plan wasn't to bring forth the reapers in anyway, at the end it is revealed that they were using the human bodies to make another reaper (somehow). So stopping them basically does absolutely nothing towards delaying the Reaper threat, nor does it actually do anything in regards to studying and preparing for when the Reapers do arrive.
I realized that once I began ME3 and Earth immediately comes under attack, that all of ME2 could have been skipped completely and nothing in ME3 would be different. Also if the Reapers are coming from the Terminius systems, why would they not attack the alien worlds first? They seem to make a B-line for Earth directly ignoring the races with better and bigger armada's that could pose a threat to them directly. Additionally going to the council they all basically say, "Sucks to be you dude." And still somehow downplay the Reapers as a Shepard problem. Which just doesn't make any sense.
Was Mass Effect always this badly written? I'm beginning to wonder why this series got so big.
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