For this type of trope, it's a combination of decoy protagonist for Adam, and then supporting protagonist for the sister. Neat.
Yeah, I mean I can kind of understand some level of annoyance. As it does brush up close to the "well, TECHNICALLY I never SAID it was about He-Man." from Kevin Smith. But, I don't think it was malicious, I just think he had a story he wanted to tell about...well basically The Death of Superman really, or at least that basic premise. And it needed to have He-Man not be in it for the start, to make the chaotic post-apocalypse setting going forward. Which is fine as a setting, one I personally really like. But, yeah the way they did it could be seen as someone of a rug-pull on the fan base. *shrugs* I'm fine with it, as I never really think any ensemble story should only be good if it has one person in it. If the rest are that badly written, that they can't have a good story without Priority A Guy, then, well you need to re-write it.
So just finished it, overall, it was pretty good. I think, given it's only 5 episodes, spent a LOT of time in transit, or just waiting around for something else to happen. I think more time could've been spent on exploring the characters, or their emotions about the situation, etc. But, eh, it was fine.
I had some genuine laughs at times, the cast all had moments to shine and be a badass to some degree or other. I liked how Teela's weapon is basically a swiss army knife of weapons, changing on the fly for whatever she needs it to be. Teela overall though, yeah she was a touch annoying. I won't say she was ALWAYS a problem, but whenever the topic of Adam/He-Man came up, she got really salty, really fast, and it did grate on the nerves a bit. I appreciate her having baggage to deal with, but, even after an episode ABOUT dealing with her baggage.....she hadn't dealt with any of it. Which, I mean if the resolution of the "Dealing with your shit" episode is "Shit is dealt with." that in her behavior later? But, eh, she was good for the most part.
I liked the rest of the cast, her friend, and engineer who....damn I honestly can't remember her name, Andra! That's her name. Yes, her. She was enjoyable. I thought she was a good counterpoint to Teela's salt.
My one big criticism, is how often they so blatantly used the Plotus Interruptus trope with Teela, but lots of things overall. It was just so blatantly "Nope! We're not telling you this thing right now! Look over here! Jangly keys! Jangly keys!"
7.5/10 - Had some issues, didn't make me choke up or get misty eyed very much for channeling my inner kids love of heroism. Mostly that happened in the opening episode a tad, but after that, it was just serviceable fare. I'll probably not load it back up for a re-watch, but I'll check out season 2 when it comes out.
Oh and
@SilentPony ,
they didn't kill him at the end again. They just seriously wounded him. He's clearly laying there, from a gut wound (hardly a fatal injury in storytelling, compared to being atomized in a magical nuke), breathing and stuff. He just had to be interrupted for the cliffhanger ending.